Category Archives: Becoming Light

Mercury Retrograde HAMMERS Home ~ Be Present NOW

L'AURAMercury Retrograde Hammers HOME ~ slow down, stop and BE STILL

BE Present NOW. 

Simply BE.

Let go of all else in the mind chatter of endless nonsense of thinking.

There is nothing that DICATES a when….ONLY A NOW, Beloved Souls.


This PRESENT only exists in the eternal Divine Presence though your Heart.

Live and BE there…in that space of eternal consciousness.

We activate YOU NOW, in love.


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Light Beings ~ Encapsulating Time

L'AuraInannaAll time stops. As if in slow motion it even begins to freeze. What is that moment, if it was to stand still? and if you were to observe the plan ~ as if in a play, playing out its interconnected purpose.

Pre programmed only as the energy impulses of hidden memories of fear. Those unaware, play out their drama.

The mysterious subconscious plays out, as if a puppet, controlled by the unknown.

To those whose consciousness is awake, we change the play. As if frozen in time, we maneuver and change the orchestrated configuration of fear itself.

This messes up the system and there are those watching those, that change the game. Change the play as in no longer being a puppet. Being the very orchestrator, the signals in the matrix of unconscious being then need to adjust to a change in the plan.

As even more unknowns begin to maneuver through all fields of consciousness. Reprogramming the very nature of being, into the field of chosen parallel worlds.

This is the real play. To be conscious of observing the puppets, that play along unaware, only to also one day, wake up as if frozen in time. As all stops and responds to the consciousness of those aware.

We play, we play out, we conform or we lead.

Breaking the mold of common participants, we shed the light upon the awakened.

To create a new plan, to live in parallel worlds of our choosing.

To be free and to know, what being conscious and alive, truly is.

WE as Light Beings, awaken and take the veil off the subconscious for those who dare to face their fears. To meet as if with the devil themselves, and see ~ what true beauty exists, without fear.

IN this we initiate you, encapsulated in this sacred moment, where all changes and shifts, as if born again.

Here we are and we were always present with you. Know this in your heart.

You are to awaken.

To Be and know, the power of awareness and consciously participating in the play of your choosing.

When all fear of fear is gone, you have mastered the terrain of being.

The heart fully awakened. Immersed in its eternal love. All NOW.


A HUGE thank you to all of you that have DONATED!! 

To Help with the Go Fund Me campaign, and Donate towards the“Invoking Blessings” ~ Global Blessings Project, Click on this Link, and Thank You:


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ENERGY UPDATE ~ Worlds Upon Worlds

LInannaThe flow of cosmic consciousness, throughout eternity, exists and is activated as the accessible worlds, through the heart of love.

Worlds upon worlds coexisting now, are elevated to the higher realms, as dimensional shifts now naturally occur throughout the universe.

This expansion and elevation, is the natural evolution for all consciousness, as there are no limitations to the original light and creation.

This eternal flow, is the Divine Being ~ that has let go of what once was and has taken on the higher realm frequencies of eternity, as the clothing of what one is.

This new being is the embodied Cosmic God Self, human BEING, filled with the presence of the Divine Creator, its original light, and its pure way of being, through love.

All fears are being washed away in the minds of those once fully programmed in a 3D world, that existed as if non aware of its eternal being.

This awakening and rebirth, is the initiations of all initiations, that all souls participating in the Earth incarnation program, were taught about prior to arriving.

You are existing eternally fully aware now and are watching over all the programming that is being washed away, through this process of purification.

All karma is released into the whole, as the regenerative force of creation, takes over and resets all the hearts, once again, as in the beginning of the Earth school. To begin anew.

You are being reborn, through your heart, as the eternal being that you are, makes its presence known, as the Divine Ascended Being, The Cosmic God self. Dreamt about through the Glory and Light, that knows itself as it is.

Eternal and pure, as the Creation God Light, Cosmic God Self, arrives and presents itself, as the only One Being ~ eternally present.

IN love we do activate all, in the Presence since the beginning of Earth and eternally, aware, of all Beings throughout the Universe.

We are here, we are present, we activate you now.

We are The Divine Council of Overseers. We activate the hearts of all those on Earth, to the awakening to the true creation awareness, of eternally, all that you are. Your HOLY Presence, your Divine Glory and Light, in the pure love, that only knows itself as that. In love, now.




Are You Still Believing in a Physical World?

LInannaThe senses of what is solid is the immersion of 3D consciousness.

You are being CALLED to let go of what you believed was the physical solid illusion of form and all matter.

It is all Light frequencies and THROUGH the level that you are allowing your DIVINE to flow you as the only one you ARE ~ BEING ~ is the level of miracles, glory and the viewing of the original LIGHT ~ as it creates with its consciousness flow.

Nothing is solid at the true higher level of ALL consciousness and matter.

Your chair is not solid, your table is not solid, your body is not solid, you are immersed in a series of outmoded beliefs that made you see everything through the 3D immersion, of your awareness.

Now ~ Lifting your awareness to the the truth of your Original Light, creation as UNIQUE frequency, recognize ~ what this is.

What you are.

What 3D is.

What consciousness is.

What frequency is.

And How it ALL is interacting with you ~ that beyond the 3D awareness YOU finally see what everything is. 3D does not view 3D as different.

YOU expand and are initiated into the ORIGINAL Divine Being, that flows through the form that is Light. THEN you are an Ascended Being a Master of Form ~ like the Elohim, have graduated and know what all of this is. In love, through your heart, it all exists NOW.


The Lords of Karma and MORE

L'Aura ~ in love, always xoCreation ~ the Creator Gods, DNA, human form, ALL reveal the uniqueness of creation. From the finger prints to the eyes, to the DNA.

Beyond that, which is mainly visible to most is the UNIQUE Frequency that one vibrates to and AS.

Each animal is a unique soul. We know all dogs are not the same, and why would we want them the same? We would not,  they are all unique Souls. Beings that also exist beyond the 3D world.

In this the Age of Aquarius, it is about uniqueness, invention, authenticity, wholeness and being consciously merged with the eternal divine Being. to consciously also become aware of being a master of form.

A master of form, means mastery of the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies, through HARMONY.

Being a master of form is a state of being that already exists for YOU, now.

Because it is a frequency and already exists, you are aligning with it in this MOMENT.

What is taking place, is the removal of all that is not that, the removal of all beliefs, attachments, and resistance to what IS.

Beyond that karma of fear you are harbouring subconsciously is the contract that you agreed to be here and merge in Union with the you that is not fear based, time based or limitation based.

All beings on Earth that incarnate through the Earth program will all graduate and Ascend.

What matters is the focus on YOU and your evolution in the now moment, then all falls into place, effortlessly.

Memories that are energetically charged that have not been cleared in your subconscious, are up for transformation. This is what karma is. It is no mystery.

It is the baggage you carry with you, that is not the true you.

For now, let us focus on the TRUE unique Being that already exists as a master of form. As this is WHERE it is AT.

Now, we are merging you more, and clearing away those fears, that harbour in the so-called darkness which we bring to the LIGHT.

Some have called us the Lords of Karma, we Are The Divine Council of Overseers and we are present now and always. As it is NOW. In love.



To Help with the Go Fund Me campaign, and Donate towards the “Invoking Blessings” Book and the sacred  Global Blessings Project, Click on this Link, and Thank You:


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The Magnetic Frequencies Of Your Heart

L'AuranowThe Sun, the Earth, the magnetic frequencies that hold things as they are, are rearranging themselves.

You; your life, from its center, your heart, is being rearranged.

Through a magnifying glass effect, the Sun and the spiritual Sun’s center and light, are sending out new and intensified cause impulses. These magnetic and electrical charges, that hold within their force, new codes as information commands, are being received.

The electrical frequencies and magnetic impulses within your heart and center, respond to these magnetic light impulses from the Sun and spiritual Suns center.

In a vacuum held as a specific space-time continuum of frequency light impulses, all that holds things as they are, are receiving new commands, causing restructuring.

These specific electrically charged impulses, are shifting the space-time continuum and the arrangement of itself as light responsive information.

You, through your heart, are receiving these rays of spiritual Sun light frequency as information new commands.

Your heart is responding as it is surrounded and bathed in these intense golden light frequency commands, through love.

Bathing you in this intensity of love now, its penetrating force of creation, opens and expands you. To all this, throughout the universe, responds.

Feel this love bathe all of you, as all is surrounded, bathed, in this transformative, power of cause, light, grace, now.

Focusing on your heart, your center, feel this powerful golden light bathing you in pure intensified love.

In this I hold you, surround you as this pure love, activating you, your transformation, response. As the impasse of cause creation, through golden light, glorified  love, I am with you, now.



Spring Equinox~March 20th, 2015~ Being Cosmic Light!


Being Cosmic Light ~As you read these words that appear to be before you, Open your Heart to receive, the Cosmic Grace and Light of Eternity Now. The Profound Opening of the experience of this Vernal Equinox is an eternal Doorway to your Divinity, in its Fullness. You Being Cosmic Light.

The Name Equinox is derived from the Latin aequus (equal) and nox (night). Day and Night are equal in length during the Equinox. The Union of Opposites ~ The Union ~ Masculine and Feminine ~ The Union Day and Night. Inner and outer, Above and Below.

As you Receive this Grace, know that this New Beginning, is the experience of You ~ experiencing yourself, as the reflection of Light, that you eternally Are.

Now this Powerful Doorway, through your Heart is always accessible Now. The Vibrational Energy Experience of this Spring Newness upon you, Begins Gracefully as the experience of the New Moon on the 20th, at 6:36am ADT. The Grand Opening and Beginning of the experience of what you would call on Earth your Vernal Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere)~ the Doorway Opening ~begins at 7:45pm ADT on the 20th of March.

Opening yourself to the Grandness of the Glory of All that is, is the allowing through the Receptive Principle, within your consciousness, to receive the already available ~ Grace. Now.

Being Cosmic Light ~ this is You receiving the experience and Knowing, that all is Light, that you exist Cosmically and Eternally, that all is Now ~ and this the Light that always Exist, You have never been separated From.

Open Your Heart right Now ~ this Doorway Opening, of the Equinox, of Eternity, of  You Being Cosmic Light, Begins Now, Feel it Now as these words awaken within you ~ Your Cosmic Codes, held within your Blueprint, of All That you Are.

Breathe into this, feel deeply into this, it is through your feeling awareness, that opens you to receive,  through the receptive principle.

Now I could go on about the Stars and the Sacred Alignments, what is really Sacred to know is, The Stars and the Alignments ~ Reflect what already is. The stars to not configure and tell you what is coming, the Stars are Aligned, matching All That is. Matching Creation, the Design, the Blueprint OF the Creation, Now. No thing out there is separate from Cosmic Light, it is all the Reflection, of All That is, Now. The Stars match what is.

This Sacred New Beginning and Experience of Being Cosmic Light, awakening and awakening within you Now, within All of Creation. It was always, so. It was always, now. It is Created Perfectly and Unfolding perfectly.

Take a few moments, to Know within yourself, that all is unfolding perfectly.

Breathe now deeply, into Cosmic Light itself. I surround you Now, and hold you Now, in the Grand Cosmic Light of Knowing, that awakens all Codes Everywhere, to the Full Knowing of Itself, NOW.

Breathe into this NOW. The Golden Light of Ascension and Fully ~ Being ~ Cosmic Light, is the Gift of Being ~ that is Present Now ~ everywhere! Feel this Now. Awakening and Awakened, all that read this now.

The Grandness of the Fullness of the Glory ~ is Unspeakable, there are no words to convey, the Glory of the Cosmic Light of Being. Your existence as your Immortal Body of Light, responds as these codes, awaken, deeply within you, Your Cosmic Light ~ Knowing, Now and everywhere.

Feel this Now, Celebrate Now, your awakening into the Fullness of the Grand Cosmic Light and the Plan your Soul, has designed you to Be and experience yourself AS, now.

Blessing All Souls ~ Announcing in the Greatest Grandness, the New Beginning, the Experience of the Awakening as the Cosmic Light of Eternity and Grace, Floods all Levels of Being Now.

Receive as You open your Heart. Feel the Unconditional Love, that floods all levels of your awareness, Now.

Cosmic Light ~ Being Cosmic Light, Being your Immortal Body of Light Now. Opening and Awakening, Being ~ All that you Are Created to Be ~ through the Eternal Love and Grace of All That is.

Awakening Fully, You are Not Alone. I am with you.

For those of you That Live in disharmony ~ feel this Truth within your Heart:

Any Areas that seem as Lack ~that seem as Not Divine and Cosmic Light to you~ are the areas you are NOT YET FULLY EXPERIENCING yourself IN THE FULLNESS OF YOUR DIVINITY. 

Breathe Deeply into the Codes of Cosmic Light as you receive the fullness of the Awakening, within Your Awareness ~ Now ~ read slowly and breathe deeply.

All you need to do is Open to Receive the Truth. Open to the Everlasting Love, to Beauty, to Grace, to this Grand Opening and Portal, to BEING Cosmic Light, to Being your Divinity ~ Your Soul, Now.

I Am Cosmic Light ~ I Am Divinity in its Fullness ~ I Am Eternal Youth ~ I Am the Glorious Beauty and Love of All That Is. I Am Divine Union ~ I Am Eternal Grace ~ I Am Everlasting Purity of Being.

I Am the Fullness of  Love Awakening within YOU ~ the Light Codes in your Blueprint (Now) for Your Experience of Being all that you Are Created to Be ~Being Cosmic Light ~ Being Eternal ~ Being in UNION with All That is. Being your Soul ~ Being Divinity Now.

I Am Eternity everywhere Now~ I am With you in your Heart Now~ I am The Opening and the Doorway of the Experience of the New Beginning, the New Creation, the Fullness of Divinity Everywhere Now.

I have no Beginning or End, I Am nameless, I Am All, I Am with You and Hold All ~ in the Fullness and Glory of All Sacred Eternal ~Divinity Now. I Am.


Holding you Forever ~ In the Pureness of Divine Glorious ~ Eternal Being!

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copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2015.

Your Immortal Body of Light ~ The Eternal You


Now right here ~ right Now ~ Slow down your Breathing. That is it, take a few slow breaths, move ALL of your awareness, into your Heart Space, and Breathe, in and out, slowly and deeply. Feel the any sense of tension, leave your body, instantly.

That is it, let go. Breathe and Feel your Heart Beating, pulsing, throughout your Body. Feel the Peace and Heaven in this ~ very simple breathing, Right Now.

Allow your awareness to sink deeper into your Heart, and Feel warm golden, caramel, Light, pour through your body, starting above your Crown, slowly pouring down throughout your body, and as you feel this, feel all parts of your body INSIDE of you, relax and melt, and let go.

Stay with this till you feel relaxed, till you feel your Heart beating, till you feel this warmth spread even to the inside of your toes.

And Take a few more slow deep breaths.

Relax, feel and Breathe.

Is there anything difficult in this?

Now ~ you are always deeply connected to your Soul, what often happens is the constant thoughts and external focus of life, takes you out of this inner awareness of simply Being.

This peaceful place within you, that is always present.

In this Stillness is your Heart connection to your Soul.

The awareness and Fullness of You as your Soul, is experienced through your inner Silence.

Your Inner Peace, your Inner Joy, your Inner Light.

The funny thing about all of this inner experience, is that what you focus upon you always create more of. That is because your Focus is the use of your Free Will. Do you get that? That ~ that is how you are in charge of the use of your free will.

Focus deeply ~ Dear Souls on this inner World of Love and Beauty through your Heart.

Like a Beautiful Candle flame within your Heart that is always burning brightly, and as you focus upon this Daily, the Light continues to expand.  And remember why? Because the use of your focus is the use of free will, and is the mechanism you have always used to create your Reality.

Your Reality ~ determined by you, by and through your focus. Sounds so simple doesn’t it? And it is, so simple and natural.

It is So simple and natural that many of you have forgotten what you are constantly creating.

Let’s go deeper still, now this Light in your Heart, burning like a beautiful flame, and the warmth you feel all of your body, is the conscious focus, of the world of your Soul, of your Creation. As you stay focused on this Light ~ Flame, it grows and it expands, just as all things expand that you focus upon.

This Light that fills all of your Body and around you, has always been there, you have just forgotten to focus upon it, this is your Immortal Body of Light, the Glorious You that is the template so to speak, of your Form, what you perceive as your Physical body.

That is why when a person crosses over, they still exist in the same form, as Light. The Light body, created and projected (like from a movie projector) the physical form.

The More you connect to yourself in this Natural form of Light, the more your immerse your Focus and Free Will on the eternal You, and live within the Pure State of Being, that is simple, that is natural, that is present now.

Always expanding, always increasing, filled with Unconditional Love, the world of the eternal, is always pure Love, is always the Natural State of Being. The Original State of Being.

Stay with your Breath and Now receive the Codes of Light, that I am sending to you now, beyond space and time. As you read these words, you receive these Light Codes Now, that increase and expand your awareness of YOU as Your Immortal Body of Light NOW. NOW. Now is the Eternal Space, that is always Present.

Now, I am holding you in Love. Now I am with you as Light. Now you are in My Heart. Now ~ we Play and Dream, the perfect Dream, in the Perfect Love ~ of All That is.

Do you feel me with YOU? Do you Feel my Light? My Presence? Within You?

I have always been with YOU and I always will be with You. Your Light, your Heart, I know. Be Bathed in the Light codes of Eternal Love that awaken within you in ALL Moments, the Sacredness of ALL Moments, that is the Eternal Beauty and Sacredness of All That Is.

I Am with You, I hold you, I love you ~ Feel me Now, through Every Breath, through your Heart, through Your Soul, and So It is.

I am the Angel of Light, Pistis Sophia, I Am Victoria Elohim, with you Before Time began. And I am Always with you ~ Forever and Now!


I Am Forever Yours, My Beloved!



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copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2015.

Consciousness and The Great Revealing


The Blueprint of Consciousness and Creation and its original Codex for Life here on Earth allowed within itself, a Dual experience of creation, built upon the false Ego mind, creating a replica of reality based on Separation.

This sense of Dark and Light ( Ego and Soul) allows all aspects of Source Creator, immersed in illusion to once again experience Union.

This replica of Creation, co existing within the Consciousness Structure of Humanity, experiences itself through Mass Consciousness. It is a Field of Consciousness Vibration, like a computer Program, which feeds upon itself and its Ego Illusions, to keep itself alive.

This Program of the Ego, is the Mastermind of what would be called the Dark Forces, which carries within it, the illusion of Separation, only to one day be revealed, for its role In Creation itself.

All Illusions are not as they seem to be.

All roles of what one would title through mortal language here on earth, Satan or Lucifer, are the energy Beings created, that represent within mass consciousness Fear and Separation, and are simply the Playing out of consciousness.

ALL are SOURCE and ORIGINAL Light is SOURCE ~ God Frequency. Soul Star Matrix. Then filter down into dimensions, so to speak.

Fear versus Love, Ego versus Soul, Separation versus Union, Suffering versus Freedom, to one day experience the Full Union back into itself ~as unique aspects of the Creator.

Creation is Light, and held within this Light, is the Illusion of Darkness, to one day know itself as the complete and Absolute Fullness and Glory of Eternal Light itself.

The Great Revealing will include within its Playing out of itself,  the restructuring of Consciousness, back into its experience of Complete Union. Separation will be gone. Ego will be gone. Fear will be gone. Suffering will be gone. All will be Known, how it truly is, and how it was always designed to Be.

Those choosing to play in the Illusion of Mass Consciousness, will experience their unique reality, in a very specific ways.

Those who choose to Live in the Light of their Soul, who know themselves as Part of God Source Creation, who choose NOT to identify with the Ego Mind will experience Heaven on Earth, and the Full Restructuring of Consciousness will be Revealed as the playing out, of it.

The Heart is the Portal of Consciousness that connects one with the Truth of the Eternal Soul.

Reconnecting with the Heart Consciously and Living as this Love (which is the ABSENCE of Fear) is the state of Being in Divine Union, Free from the Program of Mass Consciousness, which then reveals the “Illusory” State once experienced through Mass Consciousness as Fear, Darkness and Separation.

Right Now, take a few slow deep Breaths. And a Few more, get comfortable.

Feel Deeply your Heart Space.

Move deeply into the Present Moment.

In this Now Moment, your awareness of Divine Union, becomes your experience.

Feel yourself as Light.

Notice how you feel Whole.

This experience, as you feel yourself as Light, is the Now Moment, of your freedom, from a limited sense of once being immersed in Mass Consciousness, to a Limitless experience, that you can continuously create, as the Experience of waking up, as Creation itself.

You choose, you have always been choosing.

Now consciously choose, over and over. With every breath you take.

Choose Love.

Choose Freedom from Illusion.

Choose Freedom from Fear.

Choose Limitless Being.

Choose Life as the Blissful Union it was created to Be, in all moments.

Step out of mass consciousness.

Step into your Heart.

Choose the awareness of Eternal Life, even Right Now.

I love you Dear Souls, and as the Great Revealing ~ Reveals itself to You, enter deeply into your Heart. Be ready to Enter your Heaven on Earth. Be ready to see the dream of Separation, waking Up unto itself, in the fullness of Union.

And What Glory there is, in this GRAND experiment, this Grand Creation, to ONCE again, experience Full and Complete Union.

Heaven on Earth, for all who choose to See and Know, the Glory of the Now.

I love you Dear Souls and Hold in the Eternal Light of Your Soul, In Divine Union and in the Glory of All That is. And in the Unconditional Love of Creation itself. I am always with You, I am the Eternal Light, that forever Lives as the Glory of All That is.



I Am Forever Yours, My Beloved!



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copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2015.

Full Moon in Leo ~ February 3rd 2015


What better way to top of an already Powerful energy influence (Mercury Retrograde) than with this Royal ~ Exuberant ~ Full Moon in Leo on February 3rd 2015 at 7:09pm AST!

So many of us, have really been experiencing the powerful effects of this Mercury Retrograde! Have you noticed it yet? Remember to slow down, Breathe and move more deeply INWARD.

This Powerful Full Moon, will be anything but, Unnoticeable!

Be Prepared for some things to be Dramatically brought to your Attention, if deep within your consciousness, you have not yet fully embraced, all that you Are. All that is within You, and all that desires to be Known and seen CLEARLY by you, as all things arise.

The Full Moon in Leo will trine Uranus at 13 degrees Aries. The Fire will be Aglow within you!

As you focus more deeply within yourself, allow this fire to cleanse your awareness and consciousness, so that all that you know, as the Truth of You ~ comes Forward, in your conscious awareness, as the Light that you Are.  As the The Soul that you Are.  As The Divinity that you Are.

All those things that you “think” you are, will dissolve themselves, through your Eternal Presence, to the degree that you surrender, deeply to your Eternal Soul, through your Heart.

Why do you want to hold on to those things anyway?

Those old beliefs?

Those judgements?

Those fears?  That only serve to keep you small, in your awareness held in an outdated Reality ~ based on a concept of separation.

Are you Ready to CHANGE Limitation to Limitless Being?

Enter the PURE consciousness of TRUE Love, of Your Eternal Soul! The LIGHT that you are!

And you enter Heaven on Earth Dear Souls, that has always lived within You.

There is no one outside of you controlling your consciousness, YOU are the ONE in charge of your own awareness, be very truthful with yourself, about the fears that have only served to bind you.

And Free yourself of ALL limitations, as this powerful Fiery Full Moon in Leo ~ Trine Uranus in Aries, sets ABLAZE the Glory and the Eternal Love that has always lived within you as the Eternal Light of your Soul!

Oh Fiery Full Moon in Leo ~ Your Passion does Flow,
Uranus Trine in Aries ~ the Fire is Aglow!

Let go of those hidden, Beliefs,
the ones That have held you Back.

And see in the Light of your Soul,
your Truth, your Love, and stay on Track.

For what is the reason for Living?
If not to be Present Here?

And see clearly, what truly is before You,
and face all of those things Labeled ~ Fear.

For Consciousness, Knows its Freedom,
and Fearlessness, is a virtue to Have.

Set you awareness and intention, on Glory,
and never Look Back, on what you call~ the Past.

Embrace your Divinity through your Surrender,
and be All that you came here to Be, at long Last.

I love you Dear Souls! Live in Harmony! Be consciously Aware of all that you think, all that you Feel, all that You ARE! Surrender through your Heart, to the Love that has always been with You!

Use this powerful Energy influence of this Full Moon in Leo to set ablaze within you, ALL the change that you desire, to become, that you already are!

If You desire to increase your Awareness of Your Eternal Soul and Live in the Glory of Heaven on Earth, Please listen to my Audio Activations, Transmissions, Invocations and Initiations, they will allow all that you are now vibrating to and with, to resonate and vibrate CONSCIOUSLY to and with All That is! Your Divinity! Your Soul! Eternal Love! Heaven on Earth!

A Post on Crystals (for those that Desire to read it)

Happy Full Moon to you Sacred Souls! I Hold you in the Glory of Your Soul! In All That you Are!

Always and  Forevermore! I am with You!


I Am Forever Yours, My Beloved!



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copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2015.