Category Archives: The Pleiadians


The Form consciousness and the Higher Self/God Self consciousness merge as one.

This becomes completely A NO location experience for the form also.

Yes the eyes can see a hand if you outstretch a hand.

The merge allows the forms consciousness to ALSO be only the eternal God Self.

This is a no location experience.

I see the body walking AND I AM NOT WALKING. I am nowhere there is no location.

The body laying down to sleep becomes absorbed into the complete expansion that knows no location LITERALLY.

There is no left or right, no East or West, no town no city, no country no world.

The higher heart expansion becomes the full expansion, as the experience of expansion of consciousness throughout the Multiverse, so too, becomes the form. Literally.

This frees the form from all beliefs in time.

The existence becomes the God Self literally playing out the play.

The greater the heart expansion the greater the EMBODIMENT OF THE GOD SELF.

There may appear many steps to the entire process. Yet it all takes place in a moment.

Set your awareness OUT OF TIME for a start. Notice how much you think in time, believe in time, worry in time, and let it all go. The God Self does not exist in time and. neither will your form when you become your God Self fully, consciously, form included also.

This may appear very flighty, it is the opposite for those that have ANCHORED themselves in the Higher Self as the complete surrender to their Divinity way of being. This is the way.

We activate you in this, many beings are present. Many worlds, many Universes all NOW, through eternity, now! in Love!

Thank YOU to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, thank you’d bless you:

To Follow me on my Facebook PAGE and receive The Hourly Activation “Divine Ascended Being Activation”

You may join this Group to Receive (or Intend to receive this) the Hourly 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

Please FOLLOW me to Receive the Hourly 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour Activation:

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions, Initiations, Invocations and receive Light Code downloads for you:

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

To Follow me on Twitter:http://www.twitter.comLAuraPleiadian

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2021.


We have no location and occupy many forms in many dimensions and parallel worlds that co exist now.

The New Earth does not exist in a location, or a direction as well. Same with the human term of afterlife, which is a mirage of sorts, as it isn’t away and does not exist in a separate location.

The idea of HERE is relative to awareness.

The mirror may be cloudy, but it does not make the truth any less true. You are HERE for what purpose? What is your existence for?

We actualize we are not in one location. That location is based on consciousness and its beliefs of itself.

The FORM is but a mere playing out of the stage of external appearances. Yet through the form the levels of BLISS are real as profound sensations.

We are ETERNAL. You are eternal.

You may WAKE up as if in the dream, to find yourself NOWHERE and everywhere all at once.

You have No ending point, no beginning and never a real death.

As you are shifting you are awakening more and more to the eternal truth which is the only TRUTH of your true eternal BEING.

WE ARE BEING. You are being with us together. We activate you into what your mind thinks are the mysteries of existence. Yet this is the natural YOU.

As you awaken fully you will know you were never far away from anything, including that which you call your higher self. Your eternal self. You have always BEEN ONE WITH ALL ASPECTS OF THE DIVINE YOU.

The NEW EARTH EXISTS now AND you are one with this ~ as a state of consciousness frequency.

Just as when the body itself appears to die the being returns to the conscious awareness of eternal life. IT is not a place it is a frequency shift. Here is the great news, SO TOO ~ In your TRANSCENDENCE NOW you may consciously know the bliss of this now eternal Union.

We activate you through this! In what already is for YOU, please feel this as this is for you now! We hear you, feel you and know you.

In the GLORY that is eternal, through the love that is always pure, through the eternal DIVINE heart of ASCENSION, all Now!

Thank YOU to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, thank you’d bless you:

To Follow me on my Facebook PAGE and receive The Hourly Activation “Divine Ascended Being Activation”

You may join this Group to Receive (or Intend to receive this) the Hourly 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

Please FOLLOW me to Receive the Hourly 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour Activation:

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions, Initiations, Invocations and receive Light Code downloads for you:

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

To Follow me on Twitter:

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2022.


We hear about ZOMBIES and the apocalypse. The dead or half dead. The dead rising. The end. of the world as we know it.

Then we hear about the ASCENSION where ONE enters into knowing and being their embodied Light form GOD SELF in which through their heart experience a REBIRTH into a higher dimension of awareness and BEING.

The word zombie used loosely here, I am shown people on Earth that are like dead. They are breathing and their SOUL presence is animating their form. Although it may appear they have no SOUL, they do. Existence for some and their role here is like a purgatory of sorts state of consciousness. A holding space yet functioning through a form. This is not new, the increase of it may feel like it is new to Earth.

Any rising of the dead will be a very good thing and in order to rise their forms will be like new. Not in the same state as physical death.

An Apocalypse state is already occurring in that destruction at an awesome scale is taking place. THIS IS THE dissolving of the ego state of consciousness being dismantled and falling apart at the MASS LEVEL and its destruction is the UPHEAVAL we see daily everywhere. All the crimes, all the natural disasters, the corruption, the diseases and more. ONCE you see it externally it is already the RESULT of the energy. The cause is the state of consciousness and frequency impact that creates a RESULT.

This apocalypse of sorts is occurring in every town everywhere, through every thought. This is not new either. It has been a process leading up to this since the very first civilization on Mu over 500 hundred million Earth calendar years ago.

Every thought adds up to this DEATH AND REBIRTH process that the sense of an apocalypse is taking ALL THROUGH ~ through YOU. This is all leading to the rebirth through the heart to the ASCENSION AND NEW EARTH, which is already prepared and exists through your heart. Through being the DIVINE Being now. Being the DIVINE GOD SELF.

Through being the eternal YOU. Stepping out of the belief of time.

Stepping into the awareness of your heart in all moments.

This is available NOW.

It is not something that you are being kept separate from.

All the GLORIOUS ones transformed through the eternal heart of love will be the new leaders on Earth. The old will pass away. ONLY newness with each breath will be present.

The SUN will shine brighter, Harmony will be the state. LOVE will encompass all, true eternal love.

Age will be done with.

All will be restored. This exists now.

In this with The holy Queen of Light and The Divine Council of Overseers we activate you into this. And bless the zombie state and all states, as It is all part of ALL THAT IS NOW, In Divine Eternal love!

Thank YOU to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, thank you’d bless you:

To Follow me on my Facebook PAGE and receive The Hourly Activation “Divine Ascended Being Activation”

You may join this Group to Receive (or Intend to receive this) the Hourly 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

Please FOLLOW me to Receive the Hourly 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour Activation:

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions, Initiations, Invocations and receive Light Code downloads for you:

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

To Follow me on Twitter:http://www.twitter.comLAuraPleiadian

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2021.


What word would you prefer? Twin flames, pure love with another, eternal love; either way a DIVINE relationship is NOT what you think. It is more than that and it is all that is, eternally.

These mere mortal words do not portray the profundity of the frequency we are transmitting to you.

For it is not of this world in which we activate. Nor in which you receive.

Yet you already in union with this. Potentially unaware. It still exists now.

We do not transmit from Earth.

Another world, another dimension free from the confines of ever existing in time, free from the belief in limitation. Being everywhere. We live in all of it, transmit through the Central Sun, through all that appears in the eyes that do not see as the unseen.

Yet this energy frequency is as tangible as the the immense beauty, purest love and Divine power of the DIVINE throughout all of eternity.

It is the wholeness of it all. Also felt as the sacred heartbeat eternal.

The perfect rhythm and flow. The endless, endless, forever now.

The New Divine Relationship consisting of a couple, two joined as ONE, is not based on previous held beliefs of separation.

The two eternal CONSCIOUS beings of that, are fully in their Heart AND they join as fulfilled Divine Love in service to each other and then together as one serve Humanity as the Divine couple.

The Divine relationship. Many lifetimes they have joined as one and have practiced the perfection of love to become the embodiment of the DIVINE in form as the Divine Couple as One.

They love each other as they TRULY Love themselves. Then this powerful force of DIVINE love through their joining as ONE through being blessed within, spreads out throughout the Universe to bless all people, everywhere.

Now this Earth place is not their first meeting place throughout this Universe and others. They have practiced this throughout the Universe and others, also.

The powerful force of Love and Divine Power is more real than anything one could imagine as it is the creative power of ALL THAT IS.

The unseen force allowing your heart to beat, your lungs allowing you to breathe. The river running downstream. The SUN rising and setting. All that is.

The power behind all that is seen through the eyes.

The creation of the Multiverse and the Void.

This resides in YOU to be known as FULLY as being YOUR GOD Self.

The One you were created AS.

When you are ready and the one you have practised this with throughout eternity is ready you then become the Divine Couple, the powerful force of UNION; as above so below.

On your own you are of service and are as your Divine God Self, when you join in Divine Relationship you become the ONE also and share and experience as ONE.

The mystical Union exists within you. Now.

As nothing keeps you from this knowing as this is why you are here now and reading these words.

The Full power to be released into the whole is the perfect exact frequency release and activation, in which all are prepared for.

So we bless the STARS, The Multiverse, ALL BEINGS, as we flow in the DIVINE love and POWER of ALL That is.

In this we ACTIVATE you now, through then holiest of love, in the sacredness of the DIVINE.

That YOU ARE, eternally.

I cannot Thank YOU Enough! to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, THANK YOU AND I BLESS YOU!

To Follow me on my Facebook PAGE and receive The Hourly Activation “COSMIC GOD SELF Activation”

You may join this Group to Receive (or Intend to receive this) the Hourly COSMIC GOD SELF ACTIVATION, 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

AND OR FOLLOW me HERE to Receive the Hourly COSMIC GOD SELF ACTIVATIONS, 11 to 33 minutes after every hour Activation:

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions, Initiations, Invocations TO receive ETERNAL Blessings, AND ACTIVATIONS FOR YOU, For your TRANSFORMATION: L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

To Follow me on Twitter:http://www.twitter.comLAuraPleiadian


copyright L’Aura Pleiadian, The New Divine Humanity 2012-2022.


We are PRESENT NOW with you (The Divine Council of Overseers and MORE) to activate the release of old patterning of thought, of belief, even, unaware.

Look closely to your beliefs, your thoughts and I mean ALWAYS as none of it is as you think it is. Literally.

Fill in the blanks for yourself as you read the following.

I have to do this because…. (Well of course you just waved that wand saying so)

I must accomplish this by then or else this will happen……(you just made it so)

I will never get to do this…..(of course you won’t you just waved that wand and made it so)

I have to look like this in order to get this…..(manifested for you as you waved your wand)

No one will love me because….(and so it is you waved that wand)

If I had this amount of money I could do this…..(and you made it so and only then)

All these synchronicities (this is a big one) must be sign of……..(well of course they are you created them and synchronicities depicted as good or bad in the moment are just that ~ what you thought)

My life will be better when…..(the wand never fails to produce)

HOW about a DOSE of truth. Everything is ALWAYS perfect now (of course it is the wand was waved)

What I speak of is not about repeating words or attempting to create beliefs. This is about awareness of how, when and where you are consciously and unconsciously waving your wand.


Out with the old and in with the new! Change your story, change your beliefs, then this a CHANGE OF HEART, becomes the way through to more than you have ever imagined, dreamed of or thought of.

And we bless you NOW! Please Remember ALWAYS your words, your thoughts, your beliefs are your very own personal WAND. Activating your AWARENESS NOW! IN love always.

Thank YOU to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, thank you’d bless you:

To Follow me on my Facebook PAGE and receive The Hourly Activation “Divine Ascended Being Activation”

You may join this Group to Receive (or Intend to receive this) the Hourly 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

Please FOLLOW me to Receive the Hourly 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour Activation:

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions, Initiations, Invocations and receive Light Code downloads for you:

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

To Follow me on Twitter:http://www.twitter.comLAuraPleiadian

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2021.


Hello there! Whether you are about to experience the Fall Equinox (Northern Hemisphere) or the Spring Equinox (Southern Hemisphere) they both represent a CHANGE OF Season and also the stillness of the in-between state of being. This includes reflection before greater change and the stillness between each breath where harmony resides through the heart.

This Equinox is on Wednesday September 22, 2021 at 4:21 pm ADT.

Take the moments to reflect on this inner balance and harmony within you. With nature. Although yes there are many extreme nature experiences being experienced. There also are the quiet smooth days, with glorious sunshine, a slight breeze and pure Heaven on Earth. Cherish those moments in nature, in your life, in your inner BEING.

Enter the stillness, the between the breath pause, before the next breath, even NOW.

Enter your heart.

Enter BEING the DIVINE BEING NOW. For that is all there is eternally and now. In love, blessing you NOW.

Thank YOU to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, thank you’d bless you:

To Follow me on my Facebook PAGE and receive The Hourly Activation “Divine Ascended Being Activation”

You may join this Group to Receive (or Intend to receive this) the Hourly 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

Please FOLLOW me to Receive the Hourly 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour Activation:

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions, Initiations, Invocations and receive Light Code downloads for you:

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

To Follow me on Twitter:http://www.twitter.comLAuraPleiadian

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2021.


Thank you for being patient as I have been busy with some major life changes and will soon be back to my full Presence on social media and with my writing and more. I am always feeling all of you in all moments and please remember to set your intentions for the Hourly Activations.

THIS Full Moon on Monday September 20th (for some of you this will be on the 21st) is at 8:54 pm ADT.

This Full Moon is in Pisces and takes place close to the moments that Mercury trines Jupiter. All FULL Moons are energetic and represent the cycle and ritual and a build up of manifestation frequencies since the start of the cycle with the previous New Moon. These cycles are daily also, birth with sunrise, symbolic death with sunset. As well as with each breath, inhale new beginning, exhale release and the pause before the inhale a mini death, then the inhale begins again.

Even now, take a deep inhale consciously and notice how that feels. The more we connect to our feeling nature the more we are aware of subtle changes and shifts throughout all bodies; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.

Mercury trine Jupiter of course is a frequency that penetrates all frequency, as well as the Central Sun and more; interacting with your feedback frequency signature, through your DNA. This is constant, even if unaware.

In the QUANTUM realm of all frequencies and through the VOID we activate your original BLUEPRINT and DNA through this REALM of ALL POSSIBILITIES, NOW.

The Full Moon energy frequency carries one of News, Good News, expansion, spiritual blessings and more as potentials in the quantum field of ALL POSSIBILITIES.

This FULL Moon is conjunct Neptune and opposite Mars. The great news is Mercury trine Jupiter has a more powerful impact.

Mercury square Pluto and Jupiter semi sextile Pluto add to the main frequency impact in offering the ability to overcome and go through difficulties coming out better than before. Or more aware or even more in your heart, an expansion!

Also on Wednesday September 22nd, 2021 we have the FALL Equinox, and I will be sharing more on the sacred ritual and frequency of that, and will have activations for YOU!

Holding YOU in the REALM OF ALL POSSIBILITIES, so as the. magic in the stars, become the conscious as ABOVE, SO BELOW. ALL now, through the Heart of pure love and DIVINE BLISS.

Thank YOU to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, thank you’d bless you:

To Follow me on my Facebook PAGE and receive The Hourly Activation “Divine Ascended Being Activation”

You may join this Group to Receive (or Intend to receive this) the Hourly 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

Please FOLLOW me to Receive the Hourly 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour Activation:

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions, Initiations, Invocations and receive Light Code downloads for you:

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

To Follow me on Twitter:http://www.twitter.comLAuraPleiadian

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2021.


The larger picture of what is playing out through all consciousness is the Union with The Divine God Self.

When looking to the day to day, whether it is someone from the past, situations from the past, pay careful attention along side with your memories to observe all process of mind and ideas held of a past and future through your heart.

This way the ILLUSORY beliefs once held as judgement of the external through thought and emotion, renders themselves subject to the NOW.

In this way the true way and the building of AWARENESS of The Divine God self, is placed consciously in the position of SOVEREIGNTY by the observer.

Now all of this may seem foreign to someone who has barely examined what thoughts flow through as is. Yet to the initiate this way of being is paramount in the development of consciousness as DIVINE GOD SELF.

Make no mistake the ILLUSORY world of judgements based in time are the very chains that one is freeing oneself of to enter the eternal Garden of Eden of the SOUL.

The Heart awareness is of paramount importance as this entrance place then becomes the one and only TRUE home that one exists through in all experiences and moments. This is the Kingdom of God.

This is the sacred place of existence that is the full UNION with the DIVINE GOD SELF.

How easy to become swayed and choose the constant hum of a world gone awry through the chains of self deception that are proudly placed on the doors of the status quo.

In this the true awakening and adorning of the EMBODIED GOD SELF is the freed self of perception. That through all the mental battles of the old self has come out victorious through the heart.

We embrace the old ways and beliefs through the love of the eternal heart through us.

As the Light of the embodied God Self becomes the DIVINE BEING, what was once put aside on the ledge of non awareness, now shines brightly as THE NEW AWAKENED WAY, for all to see.

Connecting directly to your DIVINE GOD SELF through the eternal heart and Soul, we bless this connectivity of observed awareness of all that flows through.

So that the capturing of what is, held in the mirror of your Soul, becomes your awakening moment fully entering the TEMPLE OF THE HEART, so as to be the ONE you were waiting for.

The Divine Union, fully joined again throughout all levels and worlds throughout the Multiverse, merging completely, everywhere.

In this sacred UNION we bless you now, through love.

Thank YOU to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, thank you’d bless you:

To Follow me on my Facebook PAGE and receive The Hourly Activation “Divine Ascended Being Activation”

You may join this Group to Receive (or Intend to receive this) the Hourly 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

Please FOLLOW me to Receive the Hourly 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour Activation:

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions, Initiations, Invocations and receive Light Code downloads for you:

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

To Follow me on Twitter:http://www.twitter.comLAuraPleiadian

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2021.


Victim consciousness plays no role in the uplifting and alignment of the heart and soul to the conscious original Divine Light and pure natural state of consciousness that exists already.

Let me be clear to all those that can hear. Your State of consciousness is your reality.

YOU are creating it.

To give your power to external events acting upon you is the epitome and the lie of victim consciousness itself.

Victim consciousness is the excuse and blame and the choosing to not enter the pure soul alignment that you already are.

When will you let go of your victimhood?

All who believe in external events creating consciousness forfeits the true nature and power of Divinity.

We rise in Divine power only as we accept that we have created the consciousness levels we are functioning through.

Only then when we stand for the eternal power does it rise and awaken in us that have become the eternal brave.

These are the initiates of the one true Golden path of the eternal Heart and the eternal New Earth.

These initiates are the leaders and creators of the Many New Earth experiences we are now venturing upon.

The true Divine power exists in the acceptance of the true nature and cause of all reality states of consciousness. That is, within.

Then the bold and brave lead the way of Golden Light into all aspects of reality cause.

Penetrating the very core of creation that meets and honours itself as the Divine looking into The Divine mirror.

This is what we are.

A reflection of the reflection in no time.

It is love, it is beauty, it is bliss it is heaven everywhere.

It is everything and nothing exists outside of this.

In this heaven where we preside we the above and the below are already one.

This is not something someone tries to create.

It already exists and is the conscious state of those awakened to the true power and love of the Divine.

All windows of opportunity are closed shut to the relentless attempts of the lower dimensions to access the Divine through its self imposed narrow entranceways.

In clear sight is the path laid out in the light of day to those that have their hearts wide open and chains freed from dreams gone bad once held in time.

All rise only as the eternal ones in no time.

Shining in Glory for all hearts to see are those that live and dream in eternity. They drink freely from the sacred waters that live and flow forever through their hearts. They live in the sacred temples their hearts have created. They live amongst the eternal heroes that only know the light of day. It is here where we preside.

We hold a space for you that already exists.

In this the land where dreams and worlds do exist forever, not in time.

Initiating the initiates, in this the holy land.

We breathe deeply the Golden Light and Glory, the eternal beauty, love and bliss that flows forevermore as the sacred waters of eternity and now. Through us, this love, forevermore.

Thank YOU to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, thank you’d bless you:

To Follow me on my Facebook PAGE and receive The Hourly Activation “Divine Ascended Being Activation”

You may join this Group to Receive (or Intend to receive this) the Hourly 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

Please FOLLOW me to Receive the Hourly 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour Activation:

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions, Initiations, Invocations and receive Light Code downloads for you:

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

To Follow me on Twitter:http://www.twitter.comLAuraPleiadian

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2021.


It is never ever what you think. It is beyond it.

Life never was what you thought it was. The potentials existed beyond what you knew were possible.

Life is never what you think it is. It is potentially beyond anything you could possibly think or imagine.

Life will never be what you think it will be. It will be worlds upon worlds greater, beyond your current perceptions.

The thinking of things based through time perceptions is living through self imposed restrictions.

Have you noticed when there is a major breakthrough it is at a completely new level of being, one that you never even knew was possible? Till it is, then it became the world you live in.

The enemy is not out there; if there is one, it is within. Held within one’s own restricted perceptions and thoughts of what you think.

What one goes through as a death and rebirth experience opens up the shifts in consciousness and DNA to a NEW WORLD. To a world never yet imagined.

THE TRUTH that everything is beyond anything yet imagined is the truth held within the eternal moment. WITHIN NOW.

THE Eternal now exists through the heart. The heart is the eternal PORTAL to all possibilities. To all versions of oneself and to all worlds and dimensions that now eternally coexist.

To begin accessing and living through the conscious worlds of all eternal potentials this is the living moment to moment, childlike and pure, through the heart.

In this now perfection of all eternal possibilities we activate you now. Present with The Queen of Light and The Divine Council of Overseers. In this the forever eternal love and possibilities we activate you now. Breathe deeply and slowly and receive. In love.

Thank YOU to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, thank you’d bless you:

To Follow me on my Facebook PAGE and receive The Hourly Activation “Divine Ascended Being Activation”

You may join this Group to Receive (or Intend to receive this) the Hourly 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

Please FOLLOW me to Receive the Hourly 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour Activation:

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions, Initiations, Invocations and receive Light Code downloads for you:

L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

To Follow me on Twitter:http://www.twitter.comLAuraPleiadian

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2021.