Category Archives: Present Moment Awareness

MASTERING The Embodiment of Awareness

L'AuraFeb3The everlasting awareness that does not sleep or miss anything. Is that which we are transmitting to NOW.

You may feel this deep within your heart space and as a warmth of flowing liquid golden light, pouring down your spine. Then rising up with each breath, creating a waterfall of light, surrounding you.

This Light that is the original light is present now as it does emanate from the Void.

This signals to all of your DNA that which is inherent in ALL Blueprints.

The full awakening and embodiment of your DIVINITY ~ awareness.

Which is the UNION you so desire that is being activated NOW literally, as you read this.

We are present to let you know all those that agreed to this ~ the Earth program, carried with them all the LIGHT codes to be awakened and activated with great ease, in the moment designed for the complete fulfillment of the individual plan and the plan of the whole.

You are now held deep within the womb and heart of the activated memory/design of the NOW so called future and transition, to your Ascension ~ UNION ~ Awakening, through your heart.

Feel this your heart pulsating with this PRESENCE and LIGHT of ALL that you ARE.

This magnetic pulsating of this PORTAL of Light, holds the keys, for your individuated NEXT level.

Focus deeply within your heart awareness more and more and you will WITNESS THE GLORY OF The Divine Presence, that you ARE.

This you KNOWS not of limitation and exists BEYOND what you currently can imagine.

The fulfilment of this is the celebration of constant awareness, that KNOWS itself ONLY as the DIVINE BEING, awakened. Embodied, present here now.

This Light and presence pulsates through everything and in this the SACREDNESS of your awakening, ARRIVES through you. Now and then now, with every breath you breathe, while here on Earth.

WE the Divine Council of Overseers have been present since before the beginning of this the Universe. We will alWAYS BE present.

Awakening YOUR greater awakening through your Heart. The the Glory and Love of ALL THAT IS and Now. In love!


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Mercury Retrograde, February 16th to March 9th, 2020 ~ Awaken NOW

jan7th2020The entire cycle of Mercury Retrograde begins February 2nd 2020 and ends March 29th, 2020 ~  the cycle includes Mercury going Direct then Retrograde then direct again over the same degrees of the Retrograde. This includes 12 degrees Pisces to 28 degrees Aquarius.

On February 16th to March 9th, we experience the Retrograde aspect which is in Pisces and involves some challenging aspects to the Moon. This period of experience it becomes more and more paramount to be present in the moment, through the heart. Slowing everything down helps ONE to be more present and to consciously be aware of communication.

First and foremost communication with oneself and Eternal Being and then with others. Being gentle with yourself and slowing down is PART of SELF LOVE.

Through the entire process the shadow periods and the Retrograde periods, directly impact consciousness and every persons awareness uniquely. This is based on the Blueprint, life plan and current level of awareness.

The higher the level of awareness the higher STATES of being present through the heart the greater also the DIVINE PRESENCE becomes fully the embodiment of the eternal Self.

This eternal self is the PURE Original Light and Divine Love that flows and holds all moments as ONE. This is the state of the Divine Master of Form.

Entering fully into Mercury Retrograde we have the grand opportunity to see for ourselves where we are at. That is, if we are present in our heart of focusing on the world of time, of getting more for the future. Or living fully NOW through our Divine Presence.

This is always a great opportunity for advancement of awareness into MORE AND MORE NOW.

Always through your heart which is the only ETERNAL DIVINE PORTAL.

Through your Heart we activate all of this NOW.

Eternity is HERE NOW.

The Divine Presence is the HEAVEN ON Earth and through this the LOVE we activate you NOW!


A HUGE thank you to all of you that have DONATED!! 

To Help with the Go Fund Me campaign, and Donate towards the“Invoking Blessings” ~ Global Blessings Project, Click on this Link, and Thank You:


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Winter Solstice December 21st/22nd 2019 ~ From Darkness to Light

L'AuraWe are approaching the frequency shift of the Winter Solstice on the 22nd AST at 12:19 am, for many of you this will be on the 21st.

Here we are on the brink of total freedom and ascension.

Going from darkness to Light. From fear to freedom.

From that which has been hidden NOW brought to the conscious awareness of every day life. This then becomes the death and rebirth that the Ascension is.

What are you fears? of poverty, of loss of beauty, aging, the body loosing the ability to function? Death? Rejection?

FACE those fears NOW.

As things intensify those who have not faced their fears will through circumstances FACE their fears. After all, our frequency is creating our reality.

The energies are benevolent in that, things play out in accordance to our frequencies. ALWAYS (underlined one million times) everything is playing out for our good, for out evolution.

Only if you could see it and you will one way or the other.

Reflect on the hidden deep fears you have.

Then as the Light increase NOW ~ your rebirth will be tangible and real.

A being who has faced their fears is empowered through being the one that is free that the eternal self then flows through.

We are to be the Masters that walk the Earth.

All fears must be faced. Enter your heart and let the balm of true love, dissolve all for you, through your conscious awareness.

Look deep within during this darkness period and then the celebration of the return to light, will be auspicious for you. For you have found yourself prepared, for all that is to BE through you.

And in this we activate YOU now, your death and rebirth. The return to greater LIGHT, within and without, above and below. So it is ~ all now!


A HUGE thank you to all of you that have DONATED!! 

To Help with the Go Fund Me campaign, and Donate towards the“Invoking Blessings” ~ Global Blessings Project, Click on this Link, and Thank You:


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Who Are You Going To Call? No One…

LInannaSo surreal recently walking without the use of a cell phone, even for emergency calls.

No one to call, even for emergency help.

The banks were shut down, all cell phones. No wonder the emergency system is in place so that they can take over our cell phones.

They call it a routine measure, to randomly take over our phones in case of disasters or long term shutting down of banks, electricity, land lines, and cell phones.

I felt it all as a practice re~set.  Although the banks were down and cell phones  stopped more than once.

Surreal as far as, the continued poles shifts, will it bring the long period of darkness and. no cell phones in your area?

Are you aware that the systems we so long rely on, may one day vanish.

This is the new normal.

Knowing in a moment, it all can be shut down. And will be.

This is part of the evolutionary shift.

As all ends, to begin.

This starts within you.

The only haven you have is your heart space.

Are you ready to rest in that space?

Nothing else to rely on or to hold on to. No more ~ it needs to be this way….or that way.

ONLY NOW ~ getting through each moment, as if it is your last.

And here we are on the verge of the greatest breakthroughs of consciousness.

The change of a reality so set in its accustomed perks, the car, the house, the electricity, the cell phone, and then……it goes.

Ends to begin.

Relying on only BEING your Presence.

And in fact, it all happened so that you would.

The mastermind of the DIVINE Plan.

Doing what it will, to take YOU to be the consciousness you were designed to be in your natural pure state of being.

With everything else wiped out. WE begin again and again.

From the Halls of Amenti, activating the codes of LIFE On Earth.

WE are with you, Now. In love.

A HUGE thank you to all of you that have DONATED!! 

To Help with the Go Fund Me campaign, and Donate towards the“Invoking Blessings” ~ Global Blessings Project, Click on this Link, and Thank You:


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To Follow me on Facebook and receive The Hourly Activation “Divine Ascended Being Activation”


Things are Heating UP ~ Undergoing Intense Purification

NowYou asked for it you got it! Up in flames the core temperature of the Earth, the SUN,  and all Forms are heating up as we are taken through the FIERY purification process of transfiguration.

ALL FORM is transforming as the ALIGNMENT of consciousness continues throughout all dimensions, parallel worlds and Universes.

This is a PURIFICATION process you are being taken through.

The body may not desire this, yet the higher aspects agreed to this, otherwise you would not be conscious and actively present here on Earth.

Signing up for this was a glorious experience. ALL major events that take place are part of the agreement process prior to incarnating to Earth.

For some the heat literally is a fiery hell of fear. YET this too, the dark night of the SOUL, cleanses and prepares the form, to WALK on Earth as the profound eternal, sacred DIVINE Cosmic God Self.

The Holy union. The linking up with sacred Twin Flame/Souls. As union consciousness is where it is all at.

Although the plan may not be what the body thinks it desires, it is where all fulfillment is experienced.

The form is coming along for the ride.

AS it LITERALLY changes to a new eternal FORM.

In love we initiate all through the fires of what is within their own blueprint. The subconscious fears….as this purification process continues.

Rising through the heart, the embodiment is fulfilled of the masters.

Who walk again, here on Earth. In love.


A HUGE thank you to all of you that have DONATED!! 

To Help with the Go Fund Me campaign, and Donate towards the“Invoking Blessings” ~ Global Blessings Project, Click on this Link, and Thank You:


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The Transmutation Now

The shifts you are about to experience are unprecedented.

The waking up to a new you is fully underway.

The initiations that you will go through are designed uniquely and specifically for you,

Transcending all that once was your reality is a walking on through a portal of great magnitude, going through its accompanying initiations, waking up to a new you, through its completion.

The many levels of transition are specifically designed to each level, and to each unique experiences of it.

The metamorphosis you undergo, is tailor-made to each level of changeover, you are going through.

The transmutation of the current level into the next parallel world level, is a transfiguration of all levels of being.

You are experiencing the changeover, according to your life plan and blueprint, design.

We are with you during this monumental passage and transition, for your embodied evolution, of greater expanded awareness, light, Divine Presence and true Love.

From before time, and now, we are The Divine Council of Overseers, and we are present now. In love always, L’Aura


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A HUGE thank you to all of you that have DONATED!! 

To Help with the Go Fund Me campaign, and Donate towards the“Invoking Blessings” ~ Global Blessings Project, Click on this Link, and Thank You:



To Follow me on Facebook and receive The Hourly Activation “Divine Ascended Being Activation”


















Activating The DIVINE SELF Now

With The Divine Council of Overseers, in love.





A HUGE thank you to all of you that have DONATED!!

To Help with the Go Fund Me campaign, and Donate towards the “Invoking Blessings” ~ Global Blessings Project, Click on this Link, and Thank You:


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To Follow me on my Facebook PAGE and receive The Hourly Activation “Divine Ascended Being Activation”


International Women’s Day ~ Empowerment and Love For All

Happy International Women’s Day!

May you all be blessed that are reading this.

The first Women’s Day observance was celebrated on February 28th, 1909 in New York city and was titled National Woman’s Day. Later other countries would join in. For some countries not wanting women empowered, they protested this movement. In 1977 the United Nations invited countries to proclaim March 8th to be the day for women’s rights and world peace.

We have come a long way, in other ways, not so much.

Looking at this as consciousness, we see men and women, able to experience truly being empowered, removes jealousy, anger and threats of harm and abuse. Then seeing and knowing we are all equal. Race and gender, all being unique and also equal.

Obviously in today’s world immersed in what appears as chaos, we see a rise in personal groups, attacking people.

The bottom line of all this, is not necessarily promoting women’s rights, as it is to get to the cause, and heal and restore that.

All pain and suffering held in the subconscious is a breeding ground, if not held in love, for greater fear and suffering, and therefore, attacks outwardly. As one always experiences life through the filter of their own subconscious, karmic memories.

So to love all, even those countries that do not respect women, or minority groups, as being equal. What we see are fearful, unloved beings, living through their fears and jealousy.

Our place as the ones conscious of being the change, we do not ignore what is going on. We love in a pure heart, all, regardless of their lack of awareness of love, for themselves and other human beings.

As more know true love within themselves, the threat of difference diminishes.

As all become love, in their differences and uniqueness.

Uniqueness will be celebrated and is now.

More will see the beauty in the differences.

For now, Love yourself.

Do not attempt to change others, that will never work.

Be empowered yourself as you become the embodiment and the epitome of love itself.

That is the only way to true peace. To the embodiment of Being The Divine Ascended Being.

Happy Women’s Day and may you all, including men, Know love and true empowerment, Now.


Each Beings “Conscious” Consciousness is Existing in The WORLD They Are Vibrating With and TO

L'AuraEach Beings “Conscious” Consciousness is Existing in The WORLD They Are Vibrating With and TO. 

The frequency vibrations of you,  exist in and at the level of varying  frequency parallel worlds and REALITIES.

You are currently in the process of graduating from the current conscious frequency you are existing through.

This frequency vibration OF YOU consciously is the world you are experiencing ~ living through.

Your REALITY is the mirror of your frequency.

When you literally wake up and walk THROUGH the reality of the 5th dimension you will most likely see most of the people you currently know in the previous level of frequency and consciousness ~ dimension ~ reality world.

Did the same beings suddenly change and arrive there? Not necessarily. They were already there and so were you. Can they exist in the other lower vibrations and in the new? Absolutely yes. For most, this is going on now. The reason for this is at the level of creation everything exists NOW. 

Through the HEART we access ALL LEVELS and dimensions. 

Through fear, we access suffering and limitation. 

Frequencies in all dimensions are knit together through a unique frequency specific vibrational alignment

That Is the Earth program. To descend into the lower vibrational worlds, EARTH and  then to connect back to all levels of YOU, co existing NOW. Through your Heart. Your Heart representing your original PURITY of Being and creation.

YOU are coexisting In many parallel worlds ~ NOW. 

Every level, dimension and parallel worlds,  have their own level of awareness, that matches the functioning THROUGH that level of reality. 

There is NO time, in the higher dimensions of AWARENESS consciousness. IN ALL realities, even if one is living through a belief in a limitation called time ~ separation consciousness.

The Eternal is COSMIC consciousness and is accessed through the Heart. 

To enter the higher dimensions of BEING awareness ~ enter your heart. Let go of time.

At the level of CREATION is the accessing point (zero point) to ALL, as it was and is created, co existing all now, in the realm of no time ~ THROUGH YOUR HEART.

In the eternal flow of pure being, there exists only childlike being.  Therein is all the power and glory, in the pure being. This is the highest state of DIVINITY. 

You descended to Earth from the higher dimensions, working your way down. You reached rock bottom, called Earth (there is no lower) and now you are ascending back up. The you in the higher levels and dimensions never left, as all aspects of you, now co-exist. This is what you term incarnations. They are aspects of you.

All on Earth agreed to go through this program. Down, then back up, consciously.

There is nowhere to travel to. This is a frequency of consciousness that creates the level you are existing through. It is all Light, it is all now, and it is all available to you now.

Freedom from pain and suffering, entering into the eternal GLORY of now.

Blessing you all now, with The Divine Council of Overseers ~ through all levels of LIGHT ~ all now, co existing, in love ~ through no time.

Eternity knows itself, as the one that is always present, being its Divine Presence and Light. This you are and in this have your BEING. 


The Reality of What You Were ~ Is Now Dissolved

LJPWith the advent of this New Moon, parallel worlds are shifting and have shifted.  Timelines are shifting here and you are in the midst of it. You will awaken from the dream, with this new life, not sought after, but showing up arrived.

Breathe in this new reality; bespoken, for you and your frequency.

All is merging and is merged.

The contact desired, has been completed, in the hearts of those appointed in their awakening, for this consciousness adjustment, and timeline shift.

You are blessed with the grace, many only dream of, unaware.

Held in the hearts, of those that unfold, the glorious light, of the once held dream, before time.

The awakened ones, will not know of time, in their existence, the bells of awareness, lives within the flow of their hearts, glorified awareness.

The beatific beauty, held in eternity, lays at the feet, of what was, a dormant reality. Void only in the external appearance, of man-made plans.

We live and breathe now in the age of freedom, as the heart joins the chorus, with the angels and ascended Beings, we have become.

The reality of all that you were, now dissolved, in the love filled grace, of eternal being.

We anoint all as this momentous transition, plays out on the stage, of the new divine world.

We are with you, now and forevermore. In the Love, desired and known, as the first breath, of a birthed sun, that has realized its glory.