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You Are Being Deprogrammed

L'Aura ~ in love, always xoAs the energy shifts, the electrical frequencies are becoming more palpable. The now and also, present moment unfolding. Although it may feel mysterious, and the mind may go crazy with a myriad of thought forms and battles attempting to figure out the why.

Or the emotions attempting to control, what to the mind, may feel like a losing battle.

In the heart is peace. In the soul is peace. In the so-called after life is peace. In the now, is peace.

Peace may not seem as glamorous or as fashionable as obsessive need to control outcomes.

It is however; is what frees you from your belief in current restrictions.

The shifting of worlds, parallel worlds, entering new timelines, is always a match with your frequency.

When you are at peace, you are emitting a coherent frequency wave. All desires that are coherent, then become part of your awareness as not separate from you. As this is in harmony with your energy as consciousness, frequency waves.

When we become fully coherent through our heart and live in peace, we automatically, exist in higher worlds, where, that peace and harmony, is all there is.

If you are in the midst of a struggle, you may not want to hear that. The good news is, getting from where you are if in turmoil, to peace, may be shifted in a moment.

It is a call to now.

Breathing slowly and consciously, focus on your heart space and feel the loving golden light, surround your heart, then surround your form. Breathe this light. Stay with this for a few minutes.

It may at first be a practise to come back to now. The thought forms in mass consciousness although weakening, feed of itself, in a struggle with time, to gain control.

Here in the higher dimensions and parallel worlds, there is no control.

Only being in a state of being. Again, this may not be completely in fashion yet, as the majority, may still be addicted, to the patterns of adrenaline, pulsing through their veins. Feigning, an experience of adventure. 3D does this feigning very well. A master at, what may seem like. Only to awaken, recognizing you are in the trap of your own making.

Peace and Love, through the heart, opens all dimensions and parallel worlds to the true union, that it is already.

Sound too easy? If so, live in total peace and harmony, about everything about yourself. What you will find are all the years of conditioning, and the deprogramming experience, may not be the choice for the faint of heart.

Again, in this state of constant struggle, with time, what you want, dog eat dog, enter that breath, slow it down, feel my light surround you, flow through you.

Feel this stream from the heavens, be here now, because it is.

You are deprogramming, to your new state of purity, that was always present, under the conditioning.

Your thoughts may create a battle. Recognize you are not your thoughts, or your body screaming for its addictions.

You are light and you always be light. There is no dust unto dust. Only light forevermore.

There is no ending and there is no beginning.

What is above in the higher is just as true, here in the lower.

You are simply being reprogrammed.

Mass consciousness is being reprogrammed.

Experiences are simply moment to moment levels of perceptions through filters, or no filters, which have created the reality and dimension one exists through. When all beliefs and filters no longer are present, then one only knows ITSELF BEING an Eternal Being. And nothing else.

Everything is shifting.

Everything is now.

And you are loved, blessed, and held in the highest of frequencies, as you enter into your new timeline. In love, always.




Magical Manifestations ~ New Moon in Pisces, March 6th, 2019

This powerful and magical New Moon in Pisces is on March 6th, 2019 at 12:03pm AST.

A reminder to those in Canada and The US we have the time change on March 10th, to daylight savings time, shortly after the New Moon.

Mercury Retrograde is from March 5th to the 28th, 2019 and this will help you to go deeper within, rearrange, reevaluate and renew your life and elevate your transforming consciousness.  Please read the post I have written on this.

The Spring Equinox, is on March 20th, 2019 at 6:58pm ADT, I will be writing a post on this for you.

There are a lot of shifts and miracles taking place on planet Earth now, through many people, situations and events.

The New Moon is a new beginning for you, and as I am writing this, on 333 ~ I am in total awe, of the manifestations, now. Even though Mercury Retrograde will have begun before this New Moon, we still will feel the newness in all experiences. The manifestations will flow through you as you reflect, as you enter deeper into the present moment and your eternal heart awareness, Divine Presence. This New Moon impact will be felt till the next New Moon on April 5th, 2019.

This New Moon is conjunct Neptune, and will add a dreamy, intuitive, magical aspect, to what at times, from Neptune, may be confusing. If you are empathetic this may increase during this New Moon, being aware of your energy deep within will help you to stay focused on your own energy and monitor it, as the observer.

Sun sextile Mars, adds the beneficial boost of energy, confidence and ability, to get through with ease, all situations that may arrive, through you.

Sun sextile Saturn, give you the stamina to stay focused, whether that is on reorganizing your life, or projects, or going deeper within and being more present.

Mars sextile Neptune, increases your awareness for the mystical and magical, worlds, with all the energy to manifest through feeling and focus, your deeper dreams, held within your heart.

Mars trine Saturn, gives strength and a powerful driving force, to get things done, cleared, organized and focused.

Saturn sextile Neptune, is the driving force and energy focus, allowing and opening the way for true dreams to come true, through you.

Soul mate, twin flame, encounters may be up for you. As well as the passionate awareness and drive, to elevate your awareness, bringing things into fruition.

Devotional service, acknowledged, expansion will be inevitable, through you.

Miracles continue.

So much is already taking place. Stay present, ride the waves, open your heart and watch the miracles flow through you.

In love always, I hold you, unfolding throughout eternity, the glory and light of manifestation through form.


Energy Update ~ All Consciousness Continues to Be Initiated

The intensity continues to accelerate as all frequency as consciousness, matter, shifts.

The impact is felt and experienced moment to moment as initiations through portals of light, continue.

The potentials for expanded awareness and true love embodiment, as well as auspicious synchronicity in connection to your ascension process as continued new levels of expanded awareness, are limitless.

Parallel worlds of higher consciousness aspects, initiated now, as the greater merging of cosmic consciousness, heightens and expands throughout the universe.

As you now enter into this new phase, of heightened Light Body expansion; in union with your Original Light, know that your full expansion and experience of this, are activated in your DNA Blueprint.

With great love in this expansive Light Activation ~ Initiations, for you, the road  know that the path has even paved for you as your Higher Light God Self, continues to reveal more of itself, as you walk on through.

We are The Divine Council of Overseers, you know us as we were present with you, before this universe began.

In this Holy Divine Light Initiation, you rise in the glory of your eternal Divine Light Presence, as the master of form, walking on through. In love, always.



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Energy Update ~ Consciousness Initiations

L'AuraThe intensity continues to accelerate as all frequency as consciousness, matter, shifts.

The impact is felt and experienced moment to moment as initiations through portals of light, continue.

The potentials for expanded awareness and true love embodiment, as well as auspicious synchronicity in connection to your ascension process as continued new levels of expanded awareness, are limitless.

Parallel worlds of higher consciousness aspects, initiated now, as the greater merging of cosmic consciousness, heightens and expands throughout the universe.

As you now enter into this new phase, of heightened Light Body expansion; in union with your Original Light, know that your full expansion and experience of this, are activated in your DNA Blueprint.

With great love in this expansive Light Activation ~ Initiations, for you, the road  know that the path has even paved for you as your Higher Light God Self, continues to reveal more of itself, as you walk on through.

We are The Divine Council of Overseers, you know us as we were present with you, before this universe began.

In this Holy Divine Light Initiation, you rise in the glory of your eternal Divine Light Presence, as the master of form, walking on through. In love, always.



A HUGE thank you to all of you that have DONATED!! 

To Help with the Go Fund Me campaign, and Donate towards the“Invoking Blessings” ~ Global Blessings Project, Click on this Link, and Thank You:


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Full Moon/Super Moon in Virgo, February 19th, 2019 ~ Portal of Blessings

This rare and auspicious Full Moon in Virgo, after the auspicious New Moon on February 4th, 2019, is a rare blessing, of great opportunity and potential. This new portal of possibilities takes place on February 19th, 2019 at 11:53 am AST.

This is a very rare opening to the potential for great change, abundance, beauty, romance, love and expanded, evolved consciousness.

With every Full Moon we have the Sun Opposite the Moon, which highlights in consciousness, any energetic discrepancies, with how we are living and being, with that which is held in our subconscious mind as memory. This perceived separation, of desires and what is, is what potentially will come up for you, between your reality and your inner state of consciousness, that through memory, appears as what is between the two.

This Full Moon continues to bring to fulfillment the Auspicious New Moon on February 4th, 2019, and its continued playing out to fruition. Emotional adjustments, of the energetic memories, continues its process, till March 6th, 2019.

This Full Moon is conjunct the fixed star Regulus, in the Leo Constellation and makes a trine to a Mars and Uranus conjunction. This grand portal of miraculous potential, is a mighty auspicious blessing, to those that are ready and for those, whose moment (Earth time) has come.

The Star and portal of auspicious potential, opens you up to new projects, new freedom through consciousness shifts, and new beginnings.

With Mars conjunct Uranus, we have a bursting forth of energy, creating a dynamic opening to greater passions, desire, and opportunity for change.

Mercury conjunct Neptune and the sextile to Venus Saturn, open the doors to greater sensitivity, sensuality and creativity. Venus conjunct Saturn with a sextile to Mercury Neptune, paves the way for those who are ready, to open to true love, romance, loyalty and new commitments.

As all these potentials swirl around as the portal opens wide for those who are ready, know that what is in store for you, set up before incarnating, cannot be missed. It will be there for you in the perfect frequency moment.

If the emotional energetic discrepancy is great between what lays in the subconscious and what your intentions are, there is potential for great anger, violence and rebellion to surface, as the great energy potential, moves through the filter of consciousness as a frequency opening.

As you stay present and open to receive the greatest that is here for you as you enter this Portal and receive the accompanying initiations. Know that all that is experienced is for your evolution and expansion of consciousness.

We are here with you and attend the Portal of this Grand Royal entranceway. It is through this we anoint and initiate you.

This moment now, holds all potential. Set your intentions. Be ready for what may come up, as the old becomes the discarded way of consciousness. and the new is the initiation into greater union ~ awareness.

These auspicious initiations, are at hand. We are at the threshold and this Portal, is blessing, even now. Serendipity is in the air.

In love we live and shine our expanded Light. We are the Divine Council of Overseers. We are with you and initiate you into your awareness of your greatness, your eternal light and being.

Holding you now, as all converges on the threshold of eternal Light.


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Living in 5th Dimensional Consciousness NOW

There is nowhere to go to live in 5th Dimensional Consciousness NOW.

It is present here now for you.

There is the shift from the mind being dominant to the Heart leading the way, to full access to all that you are eternally.

The only thing that appears in the way, through memories, are your attachments and resistances that exists only in 3D. That is; your thoughts, emotions and habitual patterns, that lock you into an outdated program of consciousness.

The need to try, to analyze, to resist, to fight, to endlessly wonder why not me, why me, why not now, is the battle of a 3D consciousness where ego wants to reign supreme as ruler and does not want to end its power struggle with WHAT IS NOW.

What is NOW is all there is and to the mind not ruled by the heart, it resists. As it thinks of all the ways it has to be or better be.

Will you wake up?

And realize that those very thoughts are the cause of your pain and anguish in a dimension that feeds itself of off pain.

You ~ now, not someone else.

Will you wake up?

And be present now, to this the Glory, once you had rid yourself of your repetitive mind battles.

It is quite ironic, that the very thing that you desire so badly and try so hard to hold on to, is the cause of not getting it.

3D Consciousness is an outmoded and outdated level of consciousness, that FEEDS OFF of it’s every destruction and self suffering experience. 

Whereas; 5th Dimensional Consciousness has gotten out of its old WAYS ~ and FLOWS as A Divine Being in the MOMENT THROUGH THE Heart. 

CLEARING the way to the actual beauty that exists, is stepping out of those patterns, those deeply entrenched ideas that YOU have to have this and why not me, why not now.

Give it up. Surrender to your Heart.

The mind cannot understand the Heart or the Eternal Divine and its plan.

If you ask so often, why can’t I have this or that; TRY instead for a change, ~ ask, why can’t I let go, why haven’t I allowed my Heart to rule my experience on this Earth.

Well it is the easy route to follow the herd consciousness submerged in its ever so deserving attitude, yet not ever receiving what it desires, LOCKING in the attitude of TIME and ignoring the Eternal Presence so CLEARLY HERE ALREADY to those who live through their heart.

The Mystics, the heart-felt authentic beings, rising to their Glory as the eternal Beings of Light they are.

The irony is, everyone is already present, but tightly holding on to the old ways. As if justification of ownership is a good enough idea to believe in, leading to further suffering. Haven’t you had enough already?

They just wont let go of suffering and continue to follow a God that thrives on, better be me, better have, or else.

Listen to your heart, search What it is you are actually functioning through.

Wake UP And live through your heart. It is all here, although may appear to meek and humble for ego.

Which road are you on?

The path to Glory or the path of greater suffering.

You are always choosing In all moments, wake up!

In love and eternal Glory. All NOW and forevermore.




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This IS THE 11:11:11 Portal ~ The Cosmic Hall Of Mirrors

This is your transformation, November 11th, 2018 = 11:11:11 ~ The Cosmic Hall of Mirrors Portal.

This is the Portal you go through ~ which is a Mirror of Consciousness that initiates you and reveals to YOU the eternal Holy You.

There is ONLY ONE Eternal Original Light, Holy YOU ~ God Self.

Your Light Body is integrating this Now, as the initiation through this Mirror Portal is Life Changing and Altering.

This portal anoints you with the awareness that Eternity is here.

That you have stepped into a new world.

That you are functioning at a Greater Capacity, with new thoughts and emotions that ALIGN energetically with all your Heart has eternally desired.

Your form will change, adjustments made now as your Light Body goes through a chamber of Light we have constructed for you now.

We are the Divine Council of Overseers and present with us, are those in the Halls of Amenti.

The Creator Gods, pleased with your transformation, are present as all go through the Portal.

You are undergoing frequency adjustments and we are in your energy field.

This Light Body activation coincides as the alignment for your nervous system to receive the Hall of Mirrors initiation.

This mirror of consciousness the Mayans spoke of, is pure now and ready for the initiations to begin.

Align on 11:11:11 for the Light Body to alter itself even more greatly, you will feel this. As you go through the 11:11:11 PORTAL and through the Hall of Mirrors…as she is ready, ALL initiations and adjustments of consciousness through your Light Body are made.

The Cosmic Mirror, which also exists in the Halls of Amenti, adjusts itself and the DNA reflection to YOU.

WE are undergoing the preparation ~ yet all exists now.

Through the flow of the Planet Earth Program, great Blessings from the Elohim who too ~ anoint YOU ~  now at even higher levels.

ALL are Blessed, forever.

IN The 11:11:11 Portal of The Cosmic Mirror, in the Love, Glory and Eternal Divine Presence, of ALL That is, we are with you.



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And SO it is ~ Before Earth Began ~ The Divine Council of Overseers…

Cosmic Shifts into GREAT Majestic Bliss, Glory and BEING Ascended ~ In LOVE.

Platinum Diamond Rays ~ manifesting in MATTER, as the New Earth ~ REALIZED in consciousness as DIVINE Eternal LIGHT ~ Manifested.

Portals of Initiations ~ exist within the consciousness of the embodiment of the Blueprint Design.

The Great Elohim ~ The Creator Gods ~ Hold the consciousness of FORM in the The Halls of Amenti ~ Now RENEWED and activated in their Eternal power.

And SO it is ~ Before Earth began, The Divine Council of Overseers, working with the Blue Avians and The Elohim, designed, Implemented and activated the masculine and feminine Blueprints ~ AS The God ~ Source ~ Beings ~ incarnating in form on Earth.

Now ALL DNA ~ Blueprint patterns, codes, activations ~ of awakening in the 5th Dimension ~ now EMERGE as their Source LIGHT ~ as Being One with it. As it is.

Welcoming in now through this embodiment the activation codes, as DESIGNED ~ And So it is, all Now. Emerging….as the The Holy Light Presence, throughout all levels, throughout the Universe ~ and all Universes, now.

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New Moon October 8th/9th 2018 ~ ALCHEMY

This powerful New Moon in LIBRA ~ is On October 9th, 2018 at 12:46 am ADT. This will be a powerful frequency activation impacting YOU uniquely, based on your own unique energy and Life Plan. 

This New Moon in Libra (Sun conjunct Moon) is a powerful new beginning ~ OPPORTUNITY for you.

The impact will be felt for 4 weeks, till the next New Moon on November 7th, 2018.

The Most powerful frequency moments to make changes ~ of Newness, are during the first 2 weeks after the New Moon.

The New Moon is quincunx Neptune ~ With this aspect, Sun quincunx Neptune, has the potential to activate a sense of glamour, intrigue and the Mystical to the forefront, and the balance thereof.

Balance of the ALCHEMY of what once was…into what NOW is revealing itself, in what ever form that appears to you, such as, your body, your diet, your health, your self-image, family and relationships….is UP for transformation ~ Alchemy. Changing matter into GOLD.

With the Moon square Pluto ~ FEARS ~ related to what is showing up NOW ~ Versus what was or what one THINKS one wants….is also up, depending on your own unique life plan, in the areas, NOW ready to be cleared. TO be shifted into the HIGHER Self Version of you.

That Higher self version of YOU exists in no time, in eternity. When we live in harmony we align with our Heart and Higher Self.

When we live through the dictates of our thoughts, how we want it be based on beliefs of future and a past, we miss the NOW. WE miss the awareness of OUR Eternal SELF ~ God Self and its very present PRESENCE.

With the intensity of the ALREADY transformation with the dissolving of the magnetic poles, we have many ~ as the fears come up, that will be lashing out with their egos and appearing to go crazy.

The Heart and the eternal Presence is the ONLY anchoring point of awareness into the 5th Dimension.

NO dictates of ego..and its fear and sense of lack and separation and needing things to be this way or that in the future, will ever OPEN your awareness to WHAT IS HERE NOW.

Not tomorrow, not yesterday, NOW.

So breathing deeply and slowly NOW ~ set your intention NOW for this greater AWARENESS alignment with YOUR eternal LIGHT, Now.

That is it, that is what you think you are waiting for. IT IS HERE NOW.

Breathe, align, receive, as the Majestic GLORY opens its wings of Love, in the blinding Divine LIGHT PRESENCE of Beatific Eternity, activating YOU NOW. During the New Moon, During all moments, ALL Now. In Love….Always. 


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The Other Side ~ Dimensions And Your Ascension

Where do you go when you cross over? There isn’t a place, there are different dimensions, that exist as frequencies of consciousness, awareness.

There is nowhere to go. Seeing apparitions CLEARLY when no one else could see them as a teenager, left me astonished why OTHERS could not see what I saw. Seeing fairies, angels, beings from other planets, was normal to me. It made no sense how others couldn’t remember before BEING Earth also.

The dimensions are levels of consciousness, that exist at the highest levels, where ones originating Light…began as uniqueness for incarnation into forms.  The densest dimension is Planet Earth, consciousness.

When a being crosses over, they shift frequencies as their pre determined crossing over moment, shifts them back to the frequency awareness and LIGHT body form, before their incarnation.

Almost immediately a being gains insight, LIKE OH ~ I didn’t know that, etc.

The current idea of a form on Earth carries with it the Dimension of the denseness of the dimension that holds and serves as a communication point of consciousness.

AS the magnetic poles continue to shift, dissolve and change, so too ~ The FORMS as we know them to be in the current denseness, prepare to transform to the Higher Dimensional form of the New Earth.

This is not as difficult as it may seem to a mind immersed in the current mass consciousness and its denseness.

It is ALL consciousness and frequency, it always was. To be here on Earth you descended, now you are ascending. Form created by consciousness. On Earth there were DNA codes in the Human Body System, as designed before Earth and its first civilization.

The very first DNA Blueprint, designed and all Blueprints for those incarnating and existing within the Earth program ~ TO HOLD these codes, for this SHIFT. For the ascension.

IT is within you and in your DNA and Blueprint.

IT is a change in frequency.

Your Ascension is a shift to THE Union with your Higher Light frequencies.

It is natural.

You have never died.

You have changed frequencies many times.

You are stepping into the recognition of this.

This is your ascension.

Your return to the conscious awareness of Light, in your New Light Form.

I am with you. The events, that change everything for you, are held in place, to be activated, within your DNA and Blueprint.

This is fool-proof and impossible to stop.

IT is and WAS designed within ALL DNA and Blueprints.

Activating NOW with The Divine Council of Overseers, in the Ascension Love and GLORY of the 5th Dimension and in the VOID ~ as Source emanates. Now. And so it is, Activating.



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