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New SuperMoon May 7/8th 2024 ~ Magical New Beginning 💞💞

This powerful auspicious New SuperMoon in Taurus is a major transitioning portal into a new aspect of YOU. This takes place on May 8th, 2024 at 12:22am ADT (for most of you on the evening of the 7th) check your local time please so that you know when the New Moon takes place for you.

There is a triple conjunction of planets during this New SuperMoon which is auspicious. Jupiter and Venus conjunct the New Moon. Now that the main aspect of Mercury Retrograde is completed, we now with this New Moon, have a flooding in of expansive beneficial frequencies that will open the floodgates to auspicious changes and transformations within; therefore, without.

Focus on what you will. Expansion of awareness? Greater freedom? Greater transformation? Greater health and abundance? Be aware one moment of focus on something positive, then shifting back to habitual thoughts of lack, fear and doubt and the accompanying emotions, influence the output of what creates your external world. The more powerful the emotion, whether joy and bliss, or fear and anxiety, impact how your reality is created.

For great change to occur, it takes place within you first. Then shows up as the external world. The prominent most powerful emotion you have is going to be the dominant force that creates your reality.

Anger and fear, create a world of more anger and fear. Love and joy, creates more love and joy. You can’t fake how you are being, even if it is hidden to others. It is that inner you that is the power of creation and takes place constantly.

The impact of the Full Solar Eclipse we had recently will start to be felt more tangibly with this New Moon also. Your Heart? Are you living in your head for a future? Or are you living in your heart in the now in trust and faith?

This entire journey is about transcending the lower self and becoming the mystical union with your Divine Eternal Self. You can call this your Higher self, your Cosmic God Self, the Higher Power, whatever you call this Divine You that exists already does not matter. As Earth didn’t call itself Earth. These are simply words that point to something. That something is the goal of Divine Union that you merge with in consciousness here and now, while in form.

Yes if you cross over so to speak you will experience greater knowing and see things through a higher frequency, however; it is important to realize this is meant to eventually take place while you have a body in Earth. This is the completion of a cycle. Observe yourself more clearly and closely. Know yourself. How are you focusing is a major start.

With The Divine Council of Overseers, The Queen of Light and Sanut Kumara, we bless you and your being during these auspicious energetic events. You choose, you focus, you are and it is all now, anyway. Even if you do not notice it.

In forever eternal love, we are present. All now, always. 🩷🩷

Thank YOU! to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, THANK YOU AND I BLESS YOU!

To Follow me on my Facebook PAGE and receive The Hourly Activation “COSMIC GOD SELF Activation”

You may join this Group to Receive (or Intend to receive this) the Hourly COSMIC GOD SELF ACTIVATION, 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

AND OR FOLLOW me HERE to Receive the Hourly COSMIC GOD SELF ACTIVATIONS, 11 to 33 minutes after every hour Activation:

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions, Initiations, Invocations TO receive ETERNAL Blessings, AND ACTIVATIONS FOR YOU, For your TRANSFORMATION: L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

To Follow me on Twitter:http://www.twitter.comLAuraPleiadian


copyright L’Aura Pleiadian, The New Divine Humanity 2012-2024.

Full Moon on April 23rd, 2024 ~ Intensity 💞💞

Prepare yourself for an even greater level of intensity as Pluto plays a major role in an already intense transformational phase. This powerful Full Moon in Scorpio takes place on Tuesday April 23rd, 2024 at 8:48pm ADT. Please check your local time, for some of you this Full Moon will take place early morning hours on the 24th of April.

With Mercury Retrograde soon lessening in its intensity (25th) we have this powerful Full Moon with Pluto being the dominant force of transformation. Every Full Moon impacts the subconscious mind deeply as it enhances the impact of discrepancies between the subconscious mind, your reality and your true soul desires.

The April 8th Full Solar Eclipse and New Moon impacts this Full Moon. The impact of this Full Moon will last till the May 7th, 2024 New Moon. However; the impact of the Eclipse season lasts for 6 months. The great part is the April 8th, 2024 Solar Eclipse was aspected by Jupiter and Chiron, opening the way for expansion, culmination and deep healing, lasting 6 months, leading to its full fruition.

The Jupiter Uranus conjunction is still having its frequency impact as well, leading to many potential benefits of expansion and awareness on all levels. Within you and your state of consciousness (thoughts and feelings) is creating your external world and reality. Connecting with your Higher Self and the Higher Divine eternal aspect of your Soul will auspiciously help with this advancement and expansion.

This Full Moon is square Pluto. This may result in a sort of crisis and or power struggles with those around you whether at work or at home. As Pluto plunges into the depths of your subconscious and unearths the subconscious dredge of any incongruities, pay close attention as to what is being unearthed and revealed to you. This is taking place in order for you to see and transform, not as punishment for what is.

All of this becomes the focal point of awareness. What goes through you. Thoughts, feelings and reactions. When you are deeply aware, you will recognize the lies of fear and the hesitancy (if present) to see and face any and all discrepancies. This then, creates the greater Union within. One that becomes conscious with the subconscious and its impact.

Use these intense energies as they flow through you to help catapult you into greater union and transformation.

With the presence of The Divine Council of Overseers, Sanut Kumar and the Queen of Light, we bless you on all levels of your being. Your conscious Divine Eternal Self, awaits you. In eternal love, always.

Thank YOU! to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, THANK YOU AND I BLESS YOU!

To Follow me on my Facebook PAGE and receive The Hourly Activation “COSMIC GOD SELF Activation”

You may join this Group to Receive (or Intend to receive this) the Hourly COSMIC GOD SELF ACTIVATION, 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

AND OR FOLLOW me HERE to Receive the Hourly COSMIC GOD SELF ACTIVATIONS, 11 to 33 minutes after every hour Activation:

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions, Initiations, Invocations TO receive ETERNAL Blessings, AND ACTIVATIONS FOR YOU, For your TRANSFORMATION: L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

To Follow me on Twitter:http://www.twitter.comLAuraPleiadian


copyright L’Aura Pleiadian, The New Divine Humanity 2012-2024.

Super/New Moon, March 10th, 2024 ~ Focus 💞🌟💞

This powerful new beginning New Moon is on Sunday March 10th, 2024 at 6am AST. The same day at 2am in Canada and United States we have the clock change, as we spring forward One hour.

There are not many aspects to this New Moon; however, we have some powerful eclipses coming at the end of March and in April. These always manifest powerful changes, within. As they work deeply on your subjective mind, that is, your subconscious mind. April 1st also begins the intense part of Mercury Retrograde, more on that soon.

This New Moon will be the calm before the storm. Before lots of shifts and changes in which some may be sudden and dramatic, during and after the eclipses.

For Now, the GPS of the planets and constellations is fairly calm. This New Moon is in Pisces and will be conjunct Neptune. This potentially may add to a little confusion for some of you; however, if you stay focused on your desires, your heart and not on the negative within you that isn’t yet in perfect harmony, you potentially will gain huge insights into your being. Into your Soul. With the presence of your Divine Self.

Your Divine Self is always present with you. The power exists within your subjective mind, which takes instructions from your conscious thoughts, feelings and beliefs. Even if you are not fully aware of having the thoughts that go against your true purpose and desires, through your heart.

Please take some alone quiet time to get in tune with the harmony that pulsates through your heart. Aligning your thoughts and feelings with this harmony, will allow for great expansion. Conscious expansion, of your consciousness throughout this Universe. You have access to great power, often unaware.

Your thoughts are powerful, be mindful of the negative thoughts and beliefs you entertain. Eliminate worry and fear of a future, of time.

Rest and be restored, through peace and harmony that lives within you, every moment, now and during this new beginning New Moon, Super Moon.

Know that you are never alone. Vast resources of love and healing are always available to you. This cosmic All That is energy is your Soul. Your Divine Cosmic Being, one with your higher self and you here on Earth, even if you haven’t yet experienced this.

Blessing you with the ever present love and miraculous energy of and with The Divine Council of Overseers, The Queen of Light with Sanut Kumara and the Divine Pleadians that are also present now. through great unconditional love, we transmit this to you now. Relax, breathe and feel this. Make this tangible for you. As it is real and it is powerful, all now, in love.

Thank YOU! to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, THANK YOU AND I BLESS YOU!

To Follow me on my Facebook PAGE and receive The Hourly Activation “COSMIC GOD SELF Activation”

You may join this Group to Receive (or Intend to receive this) the Hourly COSMIC GOD SELF ACTIVATION, 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

AND OR FOLLOW me HERE to Receive the Hourly COSMIC GOD SELF ACTIVATIONS, 11 to 33 minutes after every hour Activation:

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions, Initiations, Invocations TO receive ETERNAL Blessings, AND ACTIVATIONS FOR YOU, For your TRANSFORMATION: L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

To Follow me on Twitter:http://www.twitter.comLAuraPleiadian


copyright L’Aura Pleiadian, The New Divine Humanity 2012-2024.

Manifesting is NOT about a FUTURE

L'AuraI recently wrote two posts about manifesting. Manifesting through your heart and your state of being while manifesting.

Manifesting with the idea of TIME, is a state of separation consciousness.

STEPPING out of time COMPLETELY is only where the magic begins and that is ALWAYS in the present moment. 

Divine power and love, is only through the eternal Cosmic God Self. Which exists NOW, and is present now, to those that have allowed their smaller self, to step out of its way, and get over itself and ideas of control, attachment and power.

Getting out of your way ~ and allowing only the DIVINE to be what you ARE in all moments, is Ascension, is Enlightenment and is being the Cosmic God Self ~ child like being, which is your ORIGINAL LIGHT.

One day if only…I hope for…… CREATES just that one day a far away, never to arrive manifestation.

IT IS your STATE of consciousness that CREATES YOUR REALITY. Underline that one million times, in your awareness, please.

Now I am sending this off, to those who can hear and see, in love, L’Aura


A HUGE thank you to all of you that have DONATED!! 

To Help with the Go Fund Me campaign, and Donate towards the“Invoking Blessings” ~ Global Blessings Project, Click on this Link, and Thank You:


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To Follow me on Facebook and receive The Hourly Activation “Divine Ascended Being Activation”

New Moon April 5th, 2019 ~ Hitting The Nail on The Head

L'.P.This is a powerful new beginning, with Mercury direct and this New Moon in Aries on April 5th, 2019 at 5:50 am ADT, being very potentially transformational.

This is a profound opportunity, to hit the nail on the head, for exact, clarity, on what is to be cleansed from the subconscious memories and what you are actually ready for.

Sun conjunct Moon, is the perfect beginning for you, which builds till the Full Moon on April 19th. The playing out and unfolding continues till the New Moon in May.

One powerful aspect with this New Moon and most auspicious is with the fixed star Alpheratz, which when you are truly ready, grants success, love, wealth and fulfillment.

A challenging aspect is with Saturn. Moon Square Saturn, which ensures, you have done the preparation, you are ready and are existing through the true pureness of being, not in time. In union with the eternal God Self Aspect of your being.  Depression, sadness, lack of confidence, co dependency, arrogance, fears, are all up for being placed on the table of your awareness, to see clearly, what it is within you, that is in the way, of your perfect union, with the eternal you.

Romance, love, travel, joy, completion of the subconscious memories and karma, are all on the table.

What you see externally, is SPECIFIC ~ to what is inside you. How clear you are, how much is to be cleared. As the past programming, memories fears, must be cleared to be free.

Free to recognize your Divine Eternal Self, is the YOU that you have been waiting for, all long, which WAS always present. You just had to clear away the gunk on your inner mirror.

For now, as that is all there is, I hold you in your full transformation, with The Divine Council of Overseers, in love, and in the Light that eternally always is present as the Holy Presence. 


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A HUGE thank you to all of you that have DONATED!! 

To Help with the Go Fund Me campaign, and Donate towards the“Invoking Blessings” ~ Global Blessings Project, Click on this Link, and Thank You:


To Follow me on Facebook and receive The Hourly Activation “Divine Ascended Being Activation”




Maneuvering through New Dimensions of Being

L'.P.Adjustments are continuing to be made throughout your energy bodies of light. This results in shifts of being, that create reactions that cause you to maneuver differently throughout your existence.

It is a guided process into dimensions of being, that require you to function differently through it.

This functioning differently is the adaptation to the higher dimensions. Through which your alignment in frequency, is the cause.

This walking into new worlds and the adaptation, is the process of learning to function on Earth and simultaneously hold the awareness of the higher worlds, here and now.

As you are being reconstructed in your awareness, the adaptations may feel as though you are walking blindly, as only in each moment, will you know what that step is to be.

The reconstructing into these higher dimensions while in form,  and the maneuvering, is the unification of the eternal in no time, through your heart, which is a completely new conscious way of being.

Remnants of the former ways of being are vanishing completely, as there will be no falling back into the old ways.

You have the experience of the present moment and that literally is all there is for you to experience.

Simultaneously the adjustments, in all of your bodies, including functioning through the electromagnetic frequencies of your heart, recreate you as a new being, in a new way of being. 

As the former way of being in an outmoded time structure shatters into non being, the new functioning through, is what you are being initiated into and through.

This newness may feel scary as there are no fall back patterns to be called upon. This is walking into and through new territories of consciousness, while on Earth, is what is taking place through you.

As all adjustments are made, the resting into your heart, will be the comfort and guidance, that becomes your home station, of being.

This is your true home, your heart, it is glorious and is the fulfillment of your transformation.

Your heart your new GPS system, the present moment, that is all there is eternally and the Union, that is the fulfillment of all that you have desired.

The process, although daunting to some, once completely stationed in your heart with no going back, is a balm of light, that encompasses your awareness into the new-found joy of child like being.

This is a renewal and a regeneration of your form.

This is the new you. The Cosmic God Self ~ You ~ Being.

As eternal light, as your eternal Presence.

As the patterning of the Divine Plan, breathed into being.

Activating and initiating you into this maneuvering on through, through your heart. The love is everything. This everything, is all that you are and all that there is.

We are with you, and present with you through these initiations.

The Glory awaits its recognition of its light, through the initiation through the Portal of Mirrors, there you see and know, all that you are eternally.

In love and glory, present with you now, forevermore.


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A HUGE thank you to all of you that have DONATED!! 

To Help with the Go Fund Me campaign, and Donate towards the“Invoking Blessings” ~ Global Blessings Project, Click on this Link, and Thank You:


To Follow me on Facebook and receive The Hourly Activation “Divine Ascended Being Activation”




Our Changing Earth, Sun and Spring Equinox ~ The Frequency

Approaching the Spring Equinox on March 20th, 6:58pm ADT, the shifts on the Earth are palpable, as well as with the Sun, beginning its new cycle.

The Suns significance and influence on Earth are astronomical. Our Sun is always busy fusing hydrogen into helium. And goes through its own magnetic cycles.

We celebrate the seasons, the equinoxes, the solstices, based on the Earth orbiting the Sun. The Suns gravity pulls on the planets, creating the orbiting and the cycles, based on the Sun.

The spiritual Sun, often referred to the Sun behind the Sun, represents the force of creation, representative of Light, warmth, nourishment, vitalization and that growth of all things, created and born into life.

Within our heart space is the central magnetic force that vibrates with this Spiritual Sun Light of creation, love and frequency. 

When we focus on our hearts, we pay attention to this vital force, beyond this Earth. We live and breathe as our own Sun, which then has its own magnetic force, in which all objects, people, are drawn. Everything surrounds us and we become our own center throughout the Universe, as cause.

Celebrating Light, we merge and activate our own conscience magnetic frequency, through which we are connected to the vital force of the Sun, Spiritual Sun, dimensions and the Universe.

Beings of Light not on form on this Earth now, exist within the magnetic  frequency, of the very conscious, DNA system, created as the Earth Program of Light.

The orchestration of  frequency timing, events, destiny, have been planned out, as the elevated frequencies of Light that are activating the New Golden Age, through the spiritual Sun, continue to increase and shift, all matter.

We experience revitalization, ascension, actualized through our form, through this  magnetic frequency.

For now, as that is all there is, I activated this Golden Light sphere of heightened awareness, around all of you reading this.

You are part of the Universal Shift, and all things as planned, are flowing through you.

Embrace this golden light, this center within your heart.

Feel the blessings of the Sun and Spiritual Sun.

Feel the unfolding, the profound love, unfold through you, as I now activate you and surround you, with my love. 

We are the Divine Council of Overseers. We are unconditional love, Harmony, Light and we are present, Now, with you. 


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A HUGE thank you to all of you that have DONATED!! 

To Help with the Go Fund Me campaign, and Donate towards the“Invoking Blessings” ~ Global Blessings Project, Click on this Link, and Thank You:


Activating The DIVINE SELF Now

With The Divine Council of Overseers, in love.





A HUGE thank you to all of you that have DONATED!!

To Help with the Go Fund Me campaign, and Donate towards the “Invoking Blessings” ~ Global Blessings Project, Click on this Link, and Thank You:


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To Follow me on my Facebook PAGE and receive The Hourly Activation “Divine Ascended Being Activation”


International Women’s Day ~ Empowerment and Love For All

Happy International Women’s Day!

May you all be blessed that are reading this.

The first Women’s Day observance was celebrated on February 28th, 1909 in New York city and was titled National Woman’s Day. Later other countries would join in. For some countries not wanting women empowered, they protested this movement. In 1977 the United Nations invited countries to proclaim March 8th to be the day for women’s rights and world peace.

We have come a long way, in other ways, not so much.

Looking at this as consciousness, we see men and women, able to experience truly being empowered, removes jealousy, anger and threats of harm and abuse. Then seeing and knowing we are all equal. Race and gender, all being unique and also equal.

Obviously in today’s world immersed in what appears as chaos, we see a rise in personal groups, attacking people.

The bottom line of all this, is not necessarily promoting women’s rights, as it is to get to the cause, and heal and restore that.

All pain and suffering held in the subconscious is a breeding ground, if not held in love, for greater fear and suffering, and therefore, attacks outwardly. As one always experiences life through the filter of their own subconscious, karmic memories.

So to love all, even those countries that do not respect women, or minority groups, as being equal. What we see are fearful, unloved beings, living through their fears and jealousy.

Our place as the ones conscious of being the change, we do not ignore what is going on. We love in a pure heart, all, regardless of their lack of awareness of love, for themselves and other human beings.

As more know true love within themselves, the threat of difference diminishes.

As all become love, in their differences and uniqueness.

Uniqueness will be celebrated and is now.

More will see the beauty in the differences.

For now, Love yourself.

Do not attempt to change others, that will never work.

Be empowered yourself as you become the embodiment and the epitome of love itself.

That is the only way to true peace. To the embodiment of Being The Divine Ascended Being.

Happy Women’s Day and may you all, including men, Know love and true empowerment, Now.


Each Beings “Conscious” Consciousness is Existing in The WORLD They Are Vibrating With and TO

L'AuraEach Beings “Conscious” Consciousness is Existing in The WORLD They Are Vibrating With and TO. 

The frequency vibrations of you,  exist in and at the level of varying  frequency parallel worlds and REALITIES.

You are currently in the process of graduating from the current conscious frequency you are existing through.

This frequency vibration OF YOU consciously is the world you are experiencing ~ living through.

Your REALITY is the mirror of your frequency.

When you literally wake up and walk THROUGH the reality of the 5th dimension you will most likely see most of the people you currently know in the previous level of frequency and consciousness ~ dimension ~ reality world.

Did the same beings suddenly change and arrive there? Not necessarily. They were already there and so were you. Can they exist in the other lower vibrations and in the new? Absolutely yes. For most, this is going on now. The reason for this is at the level of creation everything exists NOW. 

Through the HEART we access ALL LEVELS and dimensions. 

Through fear, we access suffering and limitation. 

Frequencies in all dimensions are knit together through a unique frequency specific vibrational alignment

That Is the Earth program. To descend into the lower vibrational worlds, EARTH and  then to connect back to all levels of YOU, co existing NOW. Through your Heart. Your Heart representing your original PURITY of Being and creation.

YOU are coexisting In many parallel worlds ~ NOW. 

Every level, dimension and parallel worlds,  have their own level of awareness, that matches the functioning THROUGH that level of reality. 

There is NO time, in the higher dimensions of AWARENESS consciousness. IN ALL realities, even if one is living through a belief in a limitation called time ~ separation consciousness.

The Eternal is COSMIC consciousness and is accessed through the Heart. 

To enter the higher dimensions of BEING awareness ~ enter your heart. Let go of time.

At the level of CREATION is the accessing point (zero point) to ALL, as it was and is created, co existing all now, in the realm of no time ~ THROUGH YOUR HEART.

In the eternal flow of pure being, there exists only childlike being.  Therein is all the power and glory, in the pure being. This is the highest state of DIVINITY. 

You descended to Earth from the higher dimensions, working your way down. You reached rock bottom, called Earth (there is no lower) and now you are ascending back up. The you in the higher levels and dimensions never left, as all aspects of you, now co-exist. This is what you term incarnations. They are aspects of you.

All on Earth agreed to go through this program. Down, then back up, consciously.

There is nowhere to travel to. This is a frequency of consciousness that creates the level you are existing through. It is all Light, it is all now, and it is all available to you now.

Freedom from pain and suffering, entering into the eternal GLORY of now.

Blessing you all now, with The Divine Council of Overseers ~ through all levels of LIGHT ~ all now, co existing, in love ~ through no time.

Eternity knows itself, as the one that is always present, being its Divine Presence and Light. This you are and in this have your BEING.