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Magical Manifestations ~ New Moon in Pisces, March 6th, 2019

This powerful and magical New Moon in Pisces is on March 6th, 2019 at 12:03pm AST.

A reminder to those in Canada and The US we have the time change on March 10th, to daylight savings time, shortly after the New Moon.

Mercury Retrograde is from March 5th to the 28th, 2019 and this will help you to go deeper within, rearrange, reevaluate and renew your life and elevate your transforming consciousness.  Please read the post I have written on this.

The Spring Equinox, is on March 20th, 2019 at 6:58pm ADT, I will be writing a post on this for you.

There are a lot of shifts and miracles taking place on planet Earth now, through many people, situations and events.

The New Moon is a new beginning for you, and as I am writing this, on 333 ~ I am in total awe, of the manifestations, now. Even though Mercury Retrograde will have begun before this New Moon, we still will feel the newness in all experiences. The manifestations will flow through you as you reflect, as you enter deeper into the present moment and your eternal heart awareness, Divine Presence. This New Moon impact will be felt till the next New Moon on April 5th, 2019.

This New Moon is conjunct Neptune, and will add a dreamy, intuitive, magical aspect, to what at times, from Neptune, may be confusing. If you are empathetic this may increase during this New Moon, being aware of your energy deep within will help you to stay focused on your own energy and monitor it, as the observer.

Sun sextile Mars, adds the beneficial boost of energy, confidence and ability, to get through with ease, all situations that may arrive, through you.

Sun sextile Saturn, give you the stamina to stay focused, whether that is on reorganizing your life, or projects, or going deeper within and being more present.

Mars sextile Neptune, increases your awareness for the mystical and magical, worlds, with all the energy to manifest through feeling and focus, your deeper dreams, held within your heart.

Mars trine Saturn, gives strength and a powerful driving force, to get things done, cleared, organized and focused.

Saturn sextile Neptune, is the driving force and energy focus, allowing and opening the way for true dreams to come true, through you.

Soul mate, twin flame, encounters may be up for you. As well as the passionate awareness and drive, to elevate your awareness, bringing things into fruition.

Devotional service, acknowledged, expansion will be inevitable, through you.

Miracles continue.

So much is already taking place. Stay present, ride the waves, open your heart and watch the miracles flow through you.

In love always, I hold you, unfolding throughout eternity, the glory and light of manifestation through form.


Mercury Retrograde in Pisces, March 5th ~ 28th, 2019, Reprogramming of Your DNA

Communication planet Mercury goes retrograde in Pisces on March 5th till March 28th, 2019. This is an opportunity to go deeper within and reflect, renew, reorganize, reconstruct, redo and REPROGRAM your consciousness ~ allowing yourself to be reborn.

As usual, if possible, reduce starting anything new, attempting repairs, reduce travel and be mindful of all communications, as the meaning and intentions may become misconstrued between people during Mercury Retrograde.

Also note, 3 weeks before (now) and for 3 weeks after you may still feel the impact of Mercury Retrograde. Slow down and be mindful, consciously. 

As far as going deeper, the reprogramming of your consciousness is under way now and Mercury Retrograde is here to actually help you reflect, step back, take a breather and be  reborn.

DO less, expect nothing. Anticipate without attachment, everything. 

As a limitless being, ALL is present NOW. You do not need to go beyond now, to experience bliss, joy and embrace all that you are on all levels of being. That includes your Ascension, the embodiment of you as the Divine Eternal Being that you are ~ Being, consciously or not.

Your DNA being reprogrammed now is according to your incarnation record, your blueprint. As you are activated and consciously embody the greater light that you are, an evolutionary timeline shift, is in store for you.

We know at the higher levels you know this.

So how to maintain being happy and filled with gratitude for now, yet hold being aware, of all that is in store for you. Let go of all attachments that is how. Surrender to the present moment. Below is the “I Surrender Invocation” helping you to stay present and be filled with the Divine Presence of your eternal being.

Then slowing down is easy, being content without things taking place as fast as you would like, becomes nothing to you. As your focus moves to now, you are then always grateful, and open to go through whatever comes your way.

Blessing you now, activating you now, in eternal love, all now,



The Portal of TRANSFIGURATION ~ New Year 2019, New Life ~ New YOU

The Portal of Transfiguration is the initiation and baptism of Divine GLORY, that transforms your body and your consciousness, to that of your God Self, living your Divinity in form, as Heaven on Earth.

Only when you are ready you will go through this Portal.

When you do, you will forever be changed.

On the mundane plane of existence, we are manifesting all we see as life, through our perceptions based on all of our beliefs and memories.

When a high enough percentage of those beliefs and memories lose their power over our waking consciousness, we then go through the Portal of Transfiguration.

Preparing as most are doing on the mundane level here on Earth for this Transfiguration. We focus on our inner awareness, feelings, beliefs and thoughts, that have occupied a place of power over us unconsciously,  that we now consciously,  desire to release, let go of and change forever.

Allow then, the hierarchy of your thought processes, to be that only of which, are in the Union with the Transfiguration of You. You will know when you are doing this, as the edification of your Divine Presence, will make its Glory known to you.  The compass revealed is straightforward, master your thought processes, linking all of the feeling glimpses of your Divinity, as YOUR Highest Priority, into your new hierarchy of thought processes.

Once you have completed these steps, there is no going back.  Even now, to herald in this Transfiguration as you read this, call upon your Heart to bring to your attention your old thought processes and emotions THAT no longer serve your Transfiguration.  As this will beckon your Divine Glory and Presence to flow through you. From THIS moment forward. 

These steps are the building blocks, to land your awareness, into that of the  GLORY of You, that for many, takes many lifetimes of preparation.

Succumbing to the lower vibrational pull of 3D Mass consciousness ~ thinking, is easy to do. To consciously BE a MASTER of Form, we enter the realm of the Heroes in the Kingdom of God, of all Existence, and we enter our being as our Divine Presence. Simple, but not easy, to let loose of the chains that once bound us, through our thoughts and feelings.

This is the year of manifestation of the Glory of God on Earth. The Glory of The Divine.

There is no time at the levels of transfiguration, they will appear as sacred moments with great understanding, for those that will go through this Portal of Transfiguration.

To Ascend is to go Through this Portal.

Forever changed, the brave at HEART, lead the way as they have done the preparation and have examined themselves.

So this year and NOW as you prepare for your Glorification on Earth, as eternal Divine Beings, transformed into a new being through love.

The lists that you make, let them not be superficial.

May you list, the areas of your consciousness, that held under the light of transfiguration, will no longer exist.

This is the seeding ground, for the ultimate levels of your transformation.

As this portal is ready for many, who will be the glorified ones, in form.

Letting go of all else, you become free and the representatives of the Glory of the Godhead. The Divine Beings, leading the way, for others too, to be ready to step through this initiation of Transfiguration of Glory. Baptized in the FULL Glory of the Glorious Ones.

Orchestrating all frequencies as the preparations are clear.

We stand with you and stand at this entranceway to this Portal.

The once long-awaited, Glorification, expands anew, opening its doors, to the Glorified Ones.

Be still and know, as you prepare, the doors are wide open.

In the Divine Love and Glory, of the Glorified Ones, we stamp and seal the energies of existence with The opening of The Portal of Transfiguration ~ your 2019 Year, the Moment of the Transfiguration of You.



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copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2018.

The Election Today in The United States of America ~ Love Always is Playing Out

Today is Election Day in The United States of America!
What will take place?
I hope those that can vote do vote, or have already voted.

Even though the outcome of a Country, or a Situation can seem to be in the HANDS of a Few.

ULTIMATELY what plays out, is what is Being revealed and what is being cleared THROUGH those that appear to be in charge.

The Subconscious always reveal what is hidden, that is ~ what is behind the scenes actually playing out.

As Mass consciousness continues to shift, what we see, is PART of the clearing process, of WHAT WAS ONCE HIDDEN, in its subconscious aspects.

WITH todays and tonight’s ~ DARK of the MOON (before tomorrows NEW MOON~ 12:01 pm AST) we have the hidden forces of the subconscious at a very strong place….playing out, revealing and releasing, that which has been hidden.

So take a deep breath, trust no matter what plays out, it is ALWAYS a revealing and a dealing with what is….as It clears.

AS our OWN thoughts and ways of BEING Become the highest levels of LOVE ~ what we SEE then, is always this LOVE, NO MATTER what is taking place through us or around us. And we understand, this is what is up, to be revealed as the process of ASCENSION continues.


In response to some of the responses:

Even in the lowest of frequencies of MASS consciousness, it is LOVE that is always playing out. Everything is a DIMENSIONAL filtering from the HIGHEST dimensions to the lower dimensions (nothing lower than Planet Earth) ~ in the NOW ~ The Ascension PLAN of the incarnation program on Earth has always been unfolding through whatever means it unfolds THROUGH ~ and DOES exist simultaneously NOW. 

And THE DNA speaks itself, as if on speaker phone…hello anyone listening? This is WHAT IS being revealed…


In LOVE always.


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The Knights Templar, The Grail, understood by A Few

We spoke in Atlantis and Mu too, the plan unfolded, twilight and eternity through.

The heavenly wings, symbolic through time, enters all space, majestic and divine.

The Pleiades we practised, the sphinx was then sent.

Egypt our home, from Atlantis we went.

The Divine feminine in place, now the merging to awake.

The beginning through form, the DNA to initiate.

She welcomes the New Ones, as children they are.

Star born and pure ~ sent from afar.

The Knights Templars, the Grail, understood by a few.

The Divine Masculine, the design, the plan and the view.

Consciousness a perception of opposites ~ through time.

The Garden of Eden, eternity and the Divine entwined.

Parallel worlds, shifting and swirling all around and within.

Ignites the first wave as the pole shift and Ascension Begins.

Higher dimensions



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Full Moon, Grand Trine, August 26th, 2018 ~ Auspicious Manifestation

This Powerful AUSPICIOUS Full Moon in Pisces, Grand Trine and Minor Grand Trine is a POWERFUL Expansive, Elevated ~ Manifestation Activation for you. This is on Sunday August 26th at 8:56am ADT.

Prepare Saturday by being conscious of your previous New Moon intentions (August 11th, Solar Eclipse and New Moon) that now will emotionally be adjusted for their manifestation. NOW is always…the moment of manifestation.

Stay clear and OPEN your heart as you receive as you are ready, for GREATER wealth, love and abundance of health. Of course all of this is activated according to your current frequency and life plan. That is, your Blueprint and past life memories.

Your thoughts, emotions and intentions ~ Unfold as the radiating frequency OF YOU. Now.

The Natural Rhythms of The Ancients are part of you ~  now.

The Natural Rhythms of the Cycles, the Grand Cycle, you are a UNIQUE part of..

Nature ~ Unfolds in its Majestic Glory, as the Ancient Rituals play out through the voice and breath.

FLOW in Unison with your consciousness. Your Life Plan. Your DNA ~ Now.

Feel this and BREATHE consciously all moments…as a ritual of love to you.

Love Being ~ conscious of the sacredness of all moments of the seasons, the day…the ages…the Now. Each Breath.

Each life a sacred ritual of BEING.

The unfolding of Providence is UPON you, now.

As above, so Below.

In the Grace of the flow of this Universe. The Stars shine their Glory always.

We are activating YOU now, for the full Activation of your true Heart Desires. That is, in alignment with the eternal you. Eternal youth, eternal love, eternal abundance, beauty and GLORY. Stepping into this now. In Love as tangible bliss…..AS the LIGHT that is your Original Light.

Some auspicious fixed stars are in the mix as well, one of the ancient Royal Persian stars ~ Fomalhaut and the fixed star Sadalmelik ~ gracing the frequencies with abundance and psychic development.

The Full Moon Grand Trine with Sun Trine Saturn, Sun Trine Uranus, Saturn Trine Uranus along with the minor Grand Trine ~ Moon Sextile Saturn, Moon Sextile Uranus is a POWERFUL Auspicious BENEVOLENT PORTAL and Activation for YOU. To your frequency specifically, as you are. As your life plan is. As your DNA now begins to respond even now.

The Full Moon, Grand Trine, Minor Trine, Fixed Stars and the Sun Opposite Moon are HARMONIOUS and Form the powerful frequencies that OPEN your Heart to this Auspicious PORTAL for your manifestation.

Your life in all areas may be opened to this transformation ~  to greater happiness within, joy, abundance, wealth and love as YOU enter the present moment, clear all memories that are between the life beyond your wildest dreams and what emotionally may stand in its way.

The Portal is real, it is through your Heart that you may be AWARE of the conscious awareness of it.

Witnessing your DNA shift as your Heart Opens, and then, OPENING to the Glory that forevermore exists, as you as your Original Light. Your God self.

Your Divine Ascended Being, all now.

Your Divine Providence is at HAND ~ Now. 

With The Divine Council of Overseers. In Love and Glory.



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Summer Solstice, June 21st, 2018 ~ Immersed in Eternal Light

Summer Solstice In the Northern Hemisphere! The Arising of Greater awareness of Light within YOU consciously! This will be the Winter Solstice n the Southern Hemisphere.

Celebrating the Beginning of Summer on June 21st, 2018 at 7:07am ADT and the longest day of daylight, we embrace within our transformation through LIGHT.

The Embodiment of Light, which is your Original Light, which is your Divine Ascended Being.

Welcoming in this Light may be experienced in ALL moments. Just as each day and the rising of the SUN we celebrate, so too, sacred rituals for each season, attune us consciously to the rhythm of the seasons.

The Spiritual Sun, the Central Sun, is often called the Sun behind the Sun.

The Sun and its transformation IMPACTS ALL LIFE.

We are Immersed in Eternal Light.

This Sacred Light we celebrate within and around us, is the Divine Love ~ and is the embodiment of OUR return to LIGHT as we Ascend.

In no time, we are already exists ascended.

We exist throughout ALL the dimensions.

We descend and we Ascend.

Feeling this LIGHT of the SUMMER Solstice as YOUR ORIGINAL LIGHT and attuning to the Divinity of IT, through thanksgiving, is a profound way to enter your own conscious shift.

Moment to moment.

ALL is Light.

Celebrating each moment, each sun rise, each season.

ALL Light flows through us.

Nothing happens to us, it happens through us.

Be enveloped in the feeling of the warmth of the SUN within your Heart. Even now.

This warmth is love.

Is Eternal.

Carry this with you through all sacred MOMENTS.

Enter the SOLSTICE with the awareness of this LIGHT.

Transformed moment to moment, as our Divine LIGHT flows through us. We enter our PRESENCE.

As the ONE Being the Light forevermore, consciously.

Happy Sacred Solstice!

In Love, Gratitude and GLORY! Blessing the SUN of SUNS…all GLORY and LIGHT ~ Now!

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Jumping Timelines ~ Instead of Jumping to Conclusions

We all desire to be in the moment. To jump timelines.

Our consciousness and the space we are emanating through, creates the reality we experience. It is a frequency.

When One has reactive states, based on attachment to results, one is not experiencing the fullness and gift of the present moment. It is on consciously being free within, the present moment, one jumps timelines, so to speak. There is no time, through which this occurs.

One is experiencing, the viewing, of ones own consciousness, always. Even if one is not aware of this.

Even in attachment ~ ego desires, experienced as time based, only exist through that vibration.

Attachments then, BECOME THE VERY opportunity, to fine tune our awareness, to witness the mind not understanding, to living fully in the Heart Present moment ~ PRESENCE awareness.

Understanding we have only now, we do not know if we will be in a form, tomorrow, today, or even in the next hour, helps us, to let go of “how things should be” “how we want things to be” and enter the magic of what is, now. This is all we have.

The opportunity to recognize attachments (as patterns and habits) that still lay hold of us, we let go, of anything and everything, that WE Want results from. What we want to shift. What WE think should be. What we assume is. What we think is real.

This opens US to the awareness, first, of what we are attached to. Then secondly, shows us how to let go, consciously. To the wondrous magic and child like being of what is. We then enter the world of OUR NEW frequency. That is eternal.

Wow that looks like that, most likely it is not. It just is, wow. I lay no hold or stake in a future, that will never be like I think.

Rather I now live not knowing anything. Not judging anything. Not assuming anything. Simply ~ WOW ~ this is wow, this is now, this is magic, this is……..not understandable to my mind, as it is beyond that.

This is the space of my heart THAT is and always has been pure, in its nature.

The Journey was not fixing 3D, only living through the emanation, that has no hold on anything. That does not exist in time. That Is eternal. And lives here, this space, through me.

The new timelines, new worlds, I enter are parallel worlds to this, I now shift my frequency into, through non attachment to time and circumstances.

My heart understands my mind does not understand, yet it too, is now in harmony with MY CHOICE to let go of all attachments and live through now, in non attachment to time.

My heart space FULLY is and always has lived in the eternal now.

Follow your heart, literally is living in that magic that is not based on time. Not based on this should be this way or that. It lives in the flow, of the Heart knows best, its CHILD LIKE wisdom, is that wisdom. That lives and doesn’t know. That is where the MAGIC only lives.

It is the Purity of your Original Soul Light, your GOD Self. To enter all attachments are consciously released.

Now we Live ~ through the child like wonder and magic of now, we trust our Higher Self, we are the loving parent to the mind, that will never know or understand our Heart, yet will harmoniously merge. This is your Ascension.

This is your freedom, this is your Original Light, this is your Ascension, This is NOW.

This is the natural rulership through love that is eternal of the heart.

That is the freedom from fear, of not knowing, of that very fear of living through the heart.

The end of the mind battle once and for all.

That thinks it is too scared to let go.

To then living in Harmony of the Heart.

Which is the GLORY OF THE Divine Self.

In THIS your DNA responds, Now.

Shifting and moving your conscious awareness, in a parallel world, all NOW.

In Love.

Your eternal Life, your NOW. Enter as a child. And so it is, Beloved Light, in all its Eternal GLORY, now.


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Full Moon in Scorpio, April 29th, 2018 ~ Increasing Momentum

This Full Moon in Scorpio is also called a Pink Moon, after the pink Spring flowers that grow and bloom in the United States and Canada. The Full Moon is on April 29th, 2018 at 9:58pm ADT.

Full Moons activates (all moments do) DEEPLY the subconscious emotions as energetic charges, to be released, through love. ALL moments of self-love, as in choosing when possible, what feels best, in a compassionate way towards oneself is self-love.

It is not mustering up a feeling. More like doing what is best. Choosing what is best. Being compassionate with yourself and accepting the moment and oneself EXACTLY as it is.

This really shows up during the Full Moon. Of course each person is activated differently, based on their current energetic frequency, blueprint and plan. Similar to perfume, one person may love a perfume and another dislike it. Each persons chemistry and memories connected to smells, impacts how one feels about a perfume.

So for some of you this may be the greatest Full Moon ever, where success and changes unfold before your eyes. To others it may feel the opposite.

Same Full Moon ~ varying impacts unique to each person.

One thing definitely a Full Moon will do, if anything within you is NOT in Harmony related to the previous New Moon (April 15th, 2018) intentions, it will come up.

The subconscious holds the energetic charges of memories from this life and past lives (taking place) to be released and brought to your conscious awareness when you are ready.

This Full Moon impact will last to the Next New Moon on May 15th, 2018.

The Momentum I mentioned is one that is ongoing eternally. YET on Earth in form we are transforming into our Ascended Being selves that already exist, yet become CONSCIOUSLY unified in the New Earth.

Again, the subconscious becoming conscious takes place fully when one is in harmony and loves oneself without judgment, therefore dissolving all energetic charges within the DNA related to fear.

Fear is the energetic charge that feels like separation.

LOVE is the state of Being that feels unified and limitless.

This state of love BEING no longer holds fear frequencies (fight or flight) within ones cellular consciousness.

The Momentum of Love, even if there appears to be 4 steps forward, 2 steps back, so to speak, is a continuous momentum HELD in your BLUEPRINT which contains all frequencies in all dimensions and throughout perceived time of all of your CONNECTED existences. Even if one is not yet conscious of this.

The present moment is the zero point field of LOVE through your heart space, as functioning as the eternal momentum of the Divine YOU.

Accessing this PORTAL NOW, you become aligned with this ever-present ever lasting momentum WHICH IS THE DIVINE YOU.

Stay present in your Heart Space. Trust everything is unfolding according to your Life Plan because it is.

Love yourself gently as you go through this process, of becoming Your Ascended Divine Self in form consciously in the New Earth.

Welcome every moment as if it is your first.

Love each day as the New Beginning it is.

Every Moment, every change in seasons. Every New Moon or Full Moon.

Trust the process the MOMENTUM.

Next thing you know, in ONE MOMENT.

You will BE living completely in the moment through your heart.

Living the Life beyond your Wildest DREAMS.

Being the DIVINE ONE ~ You have been waiting to Live As BEING.

And so IT IS, In love, joy and Glory, momentum forevermore.


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I Am A New Version of Myself ~ Ascension

Relax, Breathe and stay focused upon your Breath.

Feel the Light of this Transmission, go deep into your Heart.

As the truth of NOW awakens consciously and activates all levels of your Being Now.

I now accept and know that I have awakened to a New Version of myself.

I have lived at the edge of my comfort zone and there have found the Solace of a new way of Being.

The only way I could live through the feelings I experienced was through my heart.

I held myself as a child longing to be loved for the first time and then became real.

I have lived through the awakened  fears of the Unknown within my subconscious that now I know as conscious.

I no longer believe that fears come from outside of myself and recognize my consciousness as it arises playing out a reality for me to recognize myself within it.

I have come out SHINING brighter than ever before, as the Living essence of Victory, that is mine, now.

Moment upon moment, step upon step, I live the Alignment with my eternal Love.

The Light that I long for has become me.

I draw upon my Light as the way that I Am living.

It is my Source, it is my guiding Glory.

It is the ONE that loves me and I love it.

Full awakened to the constant ever-changing reality, which is the expansion of my consciousness in Higher Dimensions now.

New Timelines awaken before my eyes. As I fully NOW step into, the One I have always been. The One I have always loved.

The One Light that I know myself yo Be. Full Now. And SO it is, NOW.


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