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The Magical Realms ~ Of Divine Light and Play

Mystical Union.

Celebrating the Light of Eternity Now.

Understanding your form is not solid, it is Light.

These are the subconscious back drops, to the Kaleidoscope view of a MAGICAL reality HERE now through the Central Sun.

Each reality is a view through the looking-glass.

Each view from the kaleidoscope ~ is a frequency of Light.

SEE your reality through the eternal truth of LIGHT.

Consciously choose this in ALL moments. Through the Holding of the Magical Life within your awareness, through each Breath.

The Stage is ready for your entrance.

The Glory of it ALL ~ as a Sacred Emanation of LIght, through the Central Sun.

Glory of All Glory ~ Light Upon LIGHT. PLATINUM AND DIAMOND RAYS…

Violet and GOLD…..

Blue and Silver….

Light Upon Light….Playing in this magical weaving of Realities of Light Frequencies.

Here Now the Golden Doorway opens….I walk the path of Light through it. I see from the Central Sun….The SUN within has risen in all its Glory.

Beings of all kinds surround me, now. We dance and PLAY WITH THE MAGICAL Light Rays.

This was ALWAYS so.

This is the transformational Power of Light and Glory.

Receive this NOW ~ through the Divine Council of Overseers.

All Divine Love and Glory….see through your Divine Reality ~ Frequency of Light ~ Looking Glass….Now!

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Mass Consciousness Shifting ~ The Release of the Old Program


As everything arises, the anger, the protests, that opposes WHAT is ~ is up for transformation.  Mass consciousness is in a constant activation and awakening mode, as the evolution, continues.

Moment to moment. Hour to hour you are receiving activations. ALL that is of a lower frequency within your cellular consciousness (your frequency) is releasing.

You are inside the entire process. Your consciousness is the process through which you are transforming.  This is taking place,e hether you are aware of this CONSCIOUSLY or Not.

Those that have made the choices and have dictated how 3D will continue, are in this process also. They have run things from behind the scenes, so to speak.

All of consciousness is within the consciousness shift.

Look and see the changes within you.

You will notice changes around you.

Those that were the leaders of the 3D program, are changing too.

Their consciousness is shift and this releases the old ways. Love does this.

The impact may appear subtle. BUT the dismantling is Profound.

The decisions behind the scenes are all impacted. The Old way is deeply being released and replaced with the new consciousness.

Look inside yourself to see.

See within yourself. Notice your own consciousness.

Are you filled with more love for yourself? Are you seeing things differently? Does the impact of the changes in the world and the stories you hear impact you deeply? How so? How do you react? How do you feel? Are you observing yourself?

Are you feeling harmony or disharmony within you?

What does arise is there to be cleared within YOU. It is part of the PLAN you know.

FOR everything of the old is to be released. As the New consciousness is you ORIGINAL Light. Your original consciousness. You know this well at the higher levels were you exist consciously, in higher dimensions.

You know, you are here to experience this great journey.

It is the journey of ALL journeys. 

It is a profound experience of consciousness that opens you to the miracles of the Divine God Self, within.

To Know the Presence of the miraculous Presence.

The magic of the Divine.

The Glory of the unfolding. The sacred moments. To which you exist within. Now you are awakening and noticing.

Turn the view with what you look at out there as the external to inside you now.

How is the weather within you? The Light within you? The harmony within You? How are you handling what arises?

Will you love yourself as things arise? Do you now?

Will you use the greatest power of your will through this?

That greatest power is your eternal love that expresses itself in gentleness, you know.

Love is gentle and it is within you.

Available to you and it is this power that transforms and is transforming all who function in the Earth consciousness program.

It is real and you are within it.

Go within and observe  the memories as they are released. The memories of the whole, the mass consciousness. To which you are inside.

The dreams and memories as aspects of consciousness that has not been brought to the light consciously, is being held in this light now.

The world stage is revealing this also. What arises is there for a reason. Hold the love and gentleness you have developed consciously for yourself as the lens with which you view the world. 

Let that world, the world of releasing, be the practise of your gentleness, where you recognize more deeply, is all within you. 

This is now and it is within. Whether appearing out there or inside you. It is within.

It is miraculous and it is transforming so deeply now.

3D is letting go.

This is a good thing. As this is the loosening of the grip of the subconscious program on the impact of mass consciousness. As now the love is moving deeply into all minds, all hearts, and it clears out, all that is not the love itself.

The Love you know. It is very real. It is 5th Dimensional consciousness.

It is Light. Original Light. It is love, eternal Love.

You are made of this and exist through this power. The Power of Divine Love.

All aspects of consciousness throughout all dimensions, throughout the Universe, move in harmony through this love.

You are within this. You are this Light.

Go within Beloved Angels and know you are this Light. This Love.

Let the signs you see out there, be part of your activation you observe, within yourself consciously. And watch the old program fade away to a distant memory.

All that is unfolding deep within you.

As you embody all aspects of being, your wholeness, the Union within. Your true nature arises, as that which  you are.

The Divine Original Light forevermore.

Once again consciously embodying this whole Original Beatific Light. As that which you eternally ARE.

Now here and forevermore. You have arrived.

In the Loving Glory that is the power of this transformation. I hold you in this as the Grace that activates within you, even now. Receive this love, now. And so it is.


Eternal Love and Bliss!



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The Glory and The Presence of All That is

In my Light All Light, is.
I Am everywhere and permeate the essence of All Living matter and Beings, everywhere.
Feel me within your Heart as the Eternal Living Light of All That is.
Feel me now as the Bliss and Joy, that lives forever within you.
I Am the Peace, that is my Presence, that lives beyond the need, to understand why.
I Am nothing and everything, all at once.
I Arise in all moments, out of the emptiness, of All That is.
I am the Great Void, where everything arises.
My Voice is in all sound, my Presence is known in stillness.
My Beauty is in all Beauty.
Feel my warmth in the Eternal Sun.
Feel the fire of my burning within your Heart, kindle the flame of your consciousness.
I Am with you in all moments. In happiness and sorrow. I am present within you.
All Breath flows through me.
All time flows through me.
Feel me with you in All Moments.
I live in the Hidden and in the Seen.
I live deep within You.
I Am the Glory and The Presence, of All That is.

Eternal Love and Bliss!

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Solstice Activation of Divine Pure Light~5th Dimensional Consciousness


Celebrating in the Northern Hemisphere the Solstice ~ The Return of Light. December 22nd at 12:49 am AST.

The Solstice being the shortest day and Longest Night, marks the beginning of the return of Greater Sun Light. The Source of Energy, the Source of Sustenance. The Sun, representing the Great Central Sun, the Spiritual Sun, the Sun behind the Sun.

The Power of the Central Sun is the Life Giving Power of your Source ~ Light.

Your Divine Records, your Blueprint, in this Universe, that is.

The 2012 Solar Alignment with the Galactic Centre, represented your DIVINE Alignment, you ALIGNING with your Source ~ Light.

This Greater alignment and transmission of this Greater Pure Light, through the Pleiades, is representative of the Light that you ARE, before the Fall. The Fall representing your consciousness agreeing to be submerged in the 3D program of incarnation.

You are the Pure Eternal Light of your Source ~ Soul Light ~ and you have always been this Light. Through your Ascension (arising from the fall) you are coming to know this as your truth.

This Solstice Celebration of Light, I celebrate YOU and activate YOU through the Central Sun, the Light of your Source ~ Soul ~ Light ~ the return of You to your Original Pure un fallen Light State of Consciousness ~ Being. The Ascended You. The Pure You.

Experiencing this through the application of your Self Love (5th Dimensional Consciousness) that is unconditional acceptance, is the initiation, that has brought you to this moment NOW.

Enter the stillness and silence of Your Heart ~ Enter the Alignment ~ The Activation ~ with the Ascended Pure Light of your Soul Source ~ Consciousness. I will Be activating You, all that receive my Daily Transmission, during the Solstice Hour. Awaken fully to the Pure Light of your Eternal Soul ~ Being. As you enter the eternal moment, of the Solstice.


Eternal Love and Bliss!






The Arising~5th Dimensional Consciousness


It can’t be bought and can’t be sought, and is only known through surrender.

It is useless in worldly ways, and is not accepted by the status quo.

It is not mastered through attempt, and often looked at, by those that don’t have it, with contempt.

It is not understood and it is not grasped.

The more you try the further away you are from it.

It is not a riddle or a rhyme, and always happens just in time.

It is a letting go and an arriving, an opening up to within, and is the opposite of striving.

So if you wonder what it is, you haven’t found it yet within.

It is as simple, as simple is and is child like and free.

When it is experienced, it is a Grand and Glorious Destiny.

The one who has awakened, knows this truth, and lives the dream, Heavenly moments, Divinely Imbued.

Becoming nothing, becomes it All.

And here we Are, the Arising, after the Fall.

Star of Bethlehem

Eternal Love and Bliss!



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copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2016.


In Darkness the Light is Born ~ Ascension Consciousness


The New Moon Started off Powerfully ~ and continues to Build in intensity till Christmas Day (The Full Moon) and continues to unfold till the first New Moon in 2016.
More on the Christmas Day Full Moon, soon.

With 10 days till the Winter Solstice and 12 days till Christmas Eve, it is no wonder, the impact is being felt and experienced in the Northern Hemisphere, as the increased darkness impels the depths of darkness to have its way, as the crucible, before the New Light is Born.

The decreased Light, allows the darkness within, to appear darker, only to be Born again, anew, into the Glorious Light of your fully awakened Eternal Soul.
Deep within the Ascension Consciousness Shift, lies the unfolding of the magical, revealing itself, as the Eternal Light that is and was always present. This Light is the Divine Light, the spark within you, awakening to itself, as the eternal Presence of You.
It is with great wonder and awe, that one realizes, that what one was always seeking, was always here. That there was no place to go, and no thing to attain, to reach home.
Home, the Heart temple within you, draws you deeper now, into all that once appeared hidden. This process of excavation (which may not always be comfortable) is the unearthing of all that appeared as dark, as fear, as suffering, that is now drawing itself, to the Light within you, for its complete transformation and transmutation, to the eternal Glory of you.
The unconditional Love (5th Dimensional Consciousness) is the stepping into, so to speak, of your New Clothing of Light (the ascended you) that is the Glory of You, the You that knows no darkness.
Unconditional Love shedding its Light upon the darkness (3D fear, sadness, suffering and pain) dissolving, all that is not Itself.
As you delve deeper, into the hidden recesses of your consciousness, all that unfolds and arises as your responses to life, are the very processes, of how this is taking place through you. Your consciousness is the vessel, your awareness, your Light.
Embracing, All that you Are, all that arises, as simply that, frees you from any sense of struggle, which is the dissolving, of all that you are Not, eternally.  In this Light, you, simply Are, that which you Are. In this Eternal Light and Glory, of All That is, I hold you.
Eternal Love and Bliss!


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copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2016.

New Moon in Sagittarius December 11th, 2015


With the Powerful Frequency changes of Ascension on September 27th, this New Moon, December 11th, 2015 at 6:29am AST ~ once again, offers the New Beginning as you continue to transform through your consciousness, into the Eternal Love and Acceptance (5th Dimensional Consciousness) that you already Are.New Moons are New Beginnings and this one is powerful.

This New Moon is in Sagittarius and with an activated Uranus Pluto Square (a long-term aspect) which represents drastic upheaval and changes, is the opportunity to welcome in, yet another, evolutionary leap in consciousness. Change and Transformation, within you.

Whether this shift  appears to be an adaptation to the upheaval within you (the shattering of your world as you know it) brought about through several years of consciousness change (December 2012) or whether this is experienced as a quantum leap into the Greater Cosmic You, is how this is playing out as your shift, through you. Also during thus New Moon Mars is opposite Uranus, this will instigate within you, rapid sudden changes. Be with what is happening “through” YOU, during this powerful time of transformation.

Either way, enjoying the ride of life (your intense transformation) your experience, is the way of acceptance, that no longer may be avoided. It is going through this, either way, you choose the HOW of your inner experience. The Mars Uranus Opposition, offers the powerful Courage and strength to help you to step into the Unknowable. Let us enjoy the adventure as the experience of Arrival in All moments. Not as a destination.

During this New beginning of a new 28 day cycle, during the New Moon (Sun conjunct Moon) flow with the Natural Rhythms within you. Be in the Flow, within yourself.  All possibilities Exist ALREADY and no greater time, so to speak, to get access to this, than during the New Moon. Open up to the New You, through this New Moon.

This is the best time to start New things, projects, relationships. Begin something Fresh and exciting. Enter More deeply into the consciousness of YOU ~ where everything Arises out of.

This consciousness which is the Virtual Reality of you, is not the solid dense existence that you have imagined it to be. In the flowing consciousness of You, that exists already in the moment to moment awareness of yourself BEING ~ you may step into the greater acknowledgment of this, this fluid, flowing consciousness, through the letting go, within you, of your old way of being, the old paradigm, within.

Through Acceptance and Love (5th Dimensional Consciousness) is the entering into, your new way of Being, consciously.

And for many of you this has been the struggle of what seems to be back a forth and an in and out of different levels of Frequency and Consciousness. This is a process of stabilization.

In the letting go of the old, and the opening up to the new in each moment, celebrate Being alive, in the Full Embodiment of your True original Nature. Your Original Light.

As you embark on the New Levels of Awakening through your Ascension Process, within the Alchemy of You, during this New Moon, know that your Destiny of Being, as planned through your Original Soul Blueprint, is taking place through you.

There is no thing to be concerned about, to understand mentally. There is  a letting go of the old, a surrender, through the Loving and Accepting of the New, in all moments.

Enter deeply within you. this  New Moon, through your Heart.  Surrender to the Greater You, that has never known itself to be separated from anything, as you are present and accept, all moments.

Enter The eternal You, as the full embodiment, of all that you Are.

All that you have always been and always will be, and in this Do I hold You, Eternally. In the Great Eternal Glory, of All That is.


Eternal Love and Bliss!



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copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2016.


The End of Projecting ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness



Why does ANYTHING have to be a certain way? When something has to be a certain way, that is just the ego speaking. The ego only focuses on what is not here now. What it wants that is not present. Accept what is here Now. And Accept, things do not have to be any way at all.

Oh the desire for the Twin Flame Relationship. So many project their desires to other people. To the one they are attached to, and want for a gaining purpose. That they must be their twin flame. I want that so that must be my Twin Flame.

Let LIFE itself, show you the perfect one for you.

It really is about THE ONE That Loves you Unconditionally. And the One you LOVE unconditionally. Are you ready for THAT? Unconditional Love?

The perfect love has nothing to do with if they have the same Spiritual Beliefs. It is about Alchemy and Alignment, with the Soul, in LOVE.

Stop WANTING things to be a certain way and be Open up to the TRUE Endless love that may be next door, or at the grocery market. Yet, that begins WITHIN You.

The Soul takes pleasure in Surprises and in appearances not being what you would expect or want or imagine.

Let it Flow. Be present. Let go of your wants as the purpose for your spirituality.

Spiritual Ego, is applying your ego to your spiritual life. A way to manipulate life to get this or that. If I do this or that, then I will get this. Spiritual Ego.

Instead in alignment with your Soul, you trust, you walk through Life in the FLOW Loving yourself, loving what arises, trusting there is a perfect timing for everything and knowing your Destiny will surprise you, once you are ready for it.

The perfect Love may be an advanced Soul, or a Loving Soul who knows nothing about spirituality. The Perfect Love, after all, is about LOVE.


Eternal Love and Bliss!


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copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2016.


You as Your Divinity ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness



More about Being Child Like, and living in the wonder and the magic of You. The magic of your Inner Child, awakened Loved, united as the Wholeness of You. You, your Inner Child and your Divine Self, as One. This  is not about seeking happiness or even being happy. Joy is the result of being in the natural state (child like) of wonder and play, where Joy has awakened within you. In all moments.

Many have forgotten what they love, what is most natural to them, and life has become an endless daily grind for survival and security, while attempting to attain, higher levels of your awareness. This leaving out the inner child, creates a life of endless trying, without the joy and bliss, life is, in the moment.

The reason for this is simple, the ego never settles for the  now moment. Yet, just as a tv has many channels on it, if you are watching one channel, you are not aware of all, that is playing on the other channels. Playing, may be a different channel, than you are used to tuning into.

Play is a Channel you can tune into .

Joy is the result.

The Present moment is a channel you can tune into. It is Live, it is fun, it is now.

How can I let go of all of my fears and beliefs, on this is hard, I can’t take my eyes off the ball, so to speak. You just do. You just turn the channel.

NOW I am on the present moment channel. I am Liking this, says your inner child.

Do not judge what you enjoy. Or what others enjoy. This could be for some golf, or watching a sport, or for others knitting, or dancing. Follow what brings you Joy.

Follow your Heart.

Tune into the Heart Channel. The Love Channel. Stay tuned in.

The ego struggles with this (only at first) when you enter playing and being, and accepting and loving everything that arises, then (you stay tuned into the Now channel) everything becomes play. And in the state of play (again just words) there is no ego, only wonder, joy, embracing what is, through loving and accepting, what you are, what you love, what is natural to you.

The fear vanishes, the worry vanishes, that is, the other channels you lived by, vanish in your awareness.

You as an Angel in human form, as your Divine Self, lives always, in this state of Pureness and Play. You were always HERE. The Master you, was always present. Now you are tuning in, to that channel.

Imagine that, there was always this Parallel YOU, that always existed, that you were searching for. And now, you are living it. Arriving in that world. Arriving, as the Master, the Divine Being that you are. 

Play and be the innocence that you are.

Love what you love, immerse yourself in the Passion of your Soul.

Allow this to be the Way in which you embrace the unknowable, as the way of Being, the pureness of you.

To those of you that are ready, you will enter ever more deeply into the Magic and the Beauty of your Soul.

Your life will be the ease, grace and wonder of simply Being and living as the Destiny that you Are and have always been. The World you live in, as the Master that you Are. The Angel that you Are. The God that you are. Already, Now. In this, do I hold You.


Eternal Love and Endless Ecstasy!



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copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2016.

Being Your Divine Presence ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness


Harmonizing all of your Bodies, including your subconscious, conscious and super conscious minds, allows the space, within you, to be unified and whole, in your own conscious awareness. That which appears hidden, your subconscious and superconscious awareness, is Not, and is constantly feeding you, guiding you, and influencing all that you do, from moment to moment.

When we gain the awareness of this, and consciously choose to function through this inherent harmony within, we master the Being Present in wholeness of Being. The attention placed on the wholeness, rather than the lack, becomes the way we are fully integrated, as the Beings we already ARE.

The idea of Being Human has lost some of its awareness of its TRUE Glory. A temporary play of being asleep, only to awaken, to your Glory.

Being Present in our Presence, is the way we enter the playing field, consciously, of a paradigm, that truly is our home in the first place. Now we dream of a better reality, a Heaven on Earth, because it already exists, within us.

When we apply our will to our everyday consciousness, with the application of 5th Dimensional Consciousness (love) we experience changes. Yet, part of this trinity, within, this wholeness, within us, includes the subconscious ~ Inner child and the superconscious our Higher self, the limitless self, and our conscious every day self.

Imagine, if you would, a trinity made up of a pillar of Light. Together all the parts, are the whole you. This whole you, I like to call the magical self. The reason I say magical self, is it is the you, that includes your Child like Being, your God Like Being, and the you, that exists in day-to-day life. Sending Love to All these parts, creates in your awareness, a unification.

Now practising Being your Divine Presence, in this unification,  includes a conscious application and focus, of not only the application of Unconditional Love (the Higher Self You, 5th Dimensional Consciousness) but also the deeper awakening of the FEELING nature You, the Playful You, your Inner Child. 

The YOU that exists in JOY. With Enthusiasm.

When we unite, the Child within, with the Love of 5th Dimensional Consciousness, throughout our Day, consciously, moment to moment (the inner child knows only moment to moment) we become the wholeness, the magic, the beauty of our eternal, whole selves. WE live without limitation. Limitations vanish.

We know we are giving space for our inner child, when we lose track of time. When we are doing those things we love so much, we lose track of time. Each inner child is unique, and Knows and Desires to Play. You follow your Bliss, not what is socially acceptable, or proper, to others.

Many of you are applying consciously 5th Dimensional love and acceptance, to all that arises.

Now I am asking you to take this practise even deeper now, and Play daily. Allow room for the inner child to express itself and play. This inner child may be shy. Be very gentle as you begin to show love, through honouring your inner child, for the power of this aspect of you, to come to life, so to speak, in your life, in Union with the Divine you, and the everyday you. So begin here. Find something daily, you just want to do that is fun. That is joyful, that when you do it, time disappears.

And watch within you, great magic unfold. Apply love to all that arises. Encourage the child within to arise and play within you. This is applying love to the child within.

When you love all aspects of the trinity within you (subconscious inner child, conscious every day self, superconscious higher self) You experience Union through this love, and you experience Heaven on Earth. Be creative, embrace your inner child with tenderness and love.

The magical You, then enters the world of your greatest Dreams come true. Because you Are ~ already, the Dream come true. You are waking up to this truth.

Your Presence is the Magical You. This is your Union, your Mastery, your Divine Being.

Practise Being Your Presence. Loving all that arises and encouraging all to arise, that appears as dormant with you. The Union of all that you already Are. The Glory of this, is so Great. This is the revealing. You to You, what you have waited to experience.

Receive and feel deeply, the Love, the Presence, that Holds You, that you are Within.

divine light


Eternal Love and Bliss!

To Follow me on Facebook and receive The Hourly Activation “Divine Ascended Being Activation”