Light Beings ~ Encapsulating Time

L'AuraInannaAll time stops. As if in slow motion it even begins to freeze. What is that moment, if it was to stand still? and if you were to observe the plan ~ as if in a play, playing out its interconnected purpose.

Pre programmed only as the energy impulses of hidden memories of fear. Those unaware, play out their drama.

The mysterious subconscious plays out, as if a puppet, controlled by the unknown.

To those whose consciousness is awake, we change the play. As if frozen in time, we maneuver and change the orchestrated configuration of fear itself.

This messes up the system and there are those watching those, that change the game. Change the play as in no longer being a puppet. Being the very orchestrator, the signals in the matrix of unconscious being then need to adjust to a change in the plan.

As even more unknowns begin to maneuver through all fields of consciousness. Reprogramming the very nature of being, into the field of chosen parallel worlds.

This is the real play. To be conscious of observing the puppets, that play along unaware, only to also one day, wake up as if frozen in time. As all stops and responds to the consciousness of those aware.

We play, we play out, we conform or we lead.

Breaking the mold of common participants, we shed the light upon the awakened.

To create a new plan, to live in parallel worlds of our choosing.

To be free and to know, what being conscious and alive, truly is.

WE as Light Beings, awaken and take the veil off the subconscious for those who dare to face their fears. To meet as if with the devil themselves, and see ~ what true beauty exists, without fear.

IN this we initiate you, encapsulated in this sacred moment, where all changes and shifts, as if born again.

Here we are and we were always present with you. Know this in your heart.

You are to awaken.

To Be and know, the power of awareness and consciously participating in the play of your choosing.

When all fear of fear is gone, you have mastered the terrain of being.

The heart fully awakened. Immersed in its eternal love. All NOW.


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About L'Aura Pleiadian

Holding All in Divine Love and Transformation, Forevermore, L'Aura

Posted on July 20, 2019, in 5th Dimensional Love Relationships, Alchemy, Angelic Beings of Light, Atlantean Light Beings, Becoming Light, Being A Light Being, Being Cosmic Light, Beloved, Beloved Union, Cosmic Light Codes, Eternal Love, Everlasting Love, Love, Love as the Transforming Power, Miracles, Priest Queen of Mu, The Pleiadians, The Queen of Light, Transformation. Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. Loving you, back! Thank you, Thank U, Thank you!~ ~. ~

  2. “We play, we play out, we conform or we lead.” So powerful! I feel these words deeply! Thank you so much! I Love You! 🙏🏻❤️

  3. So powerful 🙏🏻 thank you so much! 💙🌈🌟

Are You Feeling it? Love always, L'Aura