Category Archives: Alchemy

New Moon, March 24th 2020 in Aries ~ Re-Birthed Through the Chrysalis

On Tuesday March 24th, 2020 at 6:28 am ADT This Powerful New Moon in Aries, blasts its energies into the Healing of Wounds, as this the Covid-19 Virus now hits all of us with our vulnerable wounds exposed.

This exposed feeling, is symbolic of the opening up and being subject TO THE facing of our own deep fears, to be opened, to be healed, to be ultimately loved and resolved once and for all within us.

The opportunities abound amid the crisis of fears opening, as we LEAN more to our Heart as it now being the ONLY new way, to live, thrive and survive.

To say the GOING THROUGH THIS  will be challenging IS a great understatement. YET, FOR THOSE IN their hearts, this is the final dissolving of a world that once survived without a strong heart leading the way.

This world is YOURS. This very unique experience of this world is completely dissolving, shattering, ending.


What is there to do as you literally watch this unfold before your eyes?

Entering your heart will be the glorious love and mystical merging that is the balm of everything. OPENING you up to everything that you really desire.  This is the only true FOUNDATION of being.

Wounds exposed, crises, death and rebirth are all on the table, as well as your compete transformation to the NEW YOU. The conscious you re-birthed through your heart, into  A NEW WORLD.

We have the Moon Sextile Saturn, which brings to light ALL that is to face, so as to be the ONLY that lives through eternal Being.

We have Chiron and Lilith conjunct this NEW MOON, WHICH BRINGS the transformation of heart and vulnerability into the greater UNION and merging of the masculine and feminine. Chiron the masculine aspect of Lilith.  Merged they are the DIVINE couple. The Jesus and the Magdalene and Merlin and Morgan Le Fay.

This is here now as are THE OVERSOULS leading the WAY as the radiation of pure LOVE, enveloping all those as the chrysalis of the New Earth is birthed through this.



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L'AuraHas your day to day experience of life been transformed YET through the spread of the COVID-19 Virus?

The IMPACT will be world wide and felt by ALL on planet Earth, if not felt NOW. You will soon feel this.

To SELF-ISOLATE by requirement is if you have the virus and are required to stay in and not go out at all.

Self-isolating by choice, may include the reduction of external plans, meetings and allowing yourself to focus on yourself. Your own inner feelings, thoughts, beliefs, are all up for change now.  TAKE these moments, these Historic experiences, to the Heart of you.

A change in life follows a change in heart.

Everything is up FOR CHANGE NOW AND this is only the beginning of what is to follow.

March19th/20th, 2020 we have the SPRING EQUINOX WHICH  will be a monumental turning point and opportunity for YOU to enter that CHANGE of HEART/life, experience.

From the Equinox till approximately APRIL 3rd, 2020 there will be a huge window of opportunity, unlike anything before. For YOU to enter into higher awareness of YOURSELF, your HEART, your feelings, your thoughts and any mastery thereof.

From NOW On, with each moment, stay focused on your breath and ON what is going on within you. As much as possible. KNOW that through your heart is the haven, you desire. From all fear, from all loneliness, from all attachment, resistance and conditional love.

These moments through your heart is the transformative power of the eternal. That does all the work through you. For your evolution, for the evolution of all.

Blessing all of you now, more soon! In love!


A HUGE thank you to all of you that have DONATED!! 

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March 19th/20th 2020, SPRING EQUINOX ~ NOW or NEVER

L'AuraFriday March 20th, 2020 (for some of you Thursday 19th) at 12:49 am ADT is the Spring (some the FALL) Equinox.  This is and will BE a very significant time on Planet Earth. 

IT is paramount for those entering their heart to do so MORE than EVER. WITH attention and focus.

This is not a dress rehearsal THIS IS IT.  The moments NOW are present to enter your heart.

As much as possible STOP all activity and focus inward.

Connect with everything within you. FACE YOUR FEARS through your Heart.

This is the ONLY State of being through the HEART that LOVE EXISTS.



That your mastery for LOVE exists.

All else will fall away in the LIGHT OF THE HEART. In the LOVE of the heart.

I will be minimizing ALL CONTACT and FOCUSING on the radiating deeply of All That I AM to ALL of Humanity, with the Divine Council of Overseers.

This is a sacred and monumental space and frequency, to enter your heart.

This post will be updated and others written as ALL OF THIS UNFOLDS.

In this the LOVE we activate YOU NOW.



A HUGE thank you to all of you that have DONATED!! 

To Help with the Go Fund Me campaign, and Donate towards the“Invoking Blessings” ~ Global Blessings Project, Click on this Link, and Thank You:


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COVID-19 Energy and YOU

L'AuraAs the world continues to experience the spread of the Virus COVID-19 we witness first hand, that moment to moment awareness is all we have on Earth.

Our first breath, our last breath and every breath during the process of being present HERE, is what we have.

In the state of fear we fear the past and a future not existent yet and it is this very fear that we do not want to feel, that fuels the desire to escape more and more the now.

In the now through our hearts is the only shelter from the fear of a future that the very fear of not being able to handle what is to come; is the culprit itself.

We all can handle NOW. This breath, this moment. Our heart is the Oasis of peace beyond understanding. It is the love that IS, the JOY that is, the bliss that is, FOR NO REASON.

This is the only true IMMUNITY from the fear, from the havoc of the mind, that relentlessly insists on its own way.

To live this love as YOU is the mastery of form and that which all agreed to partake in prior to arriving here through experiencing a FORM.

All that you experience goes THROUGH you. Like the whispers of the wind.

Trust your heart, trust your process, trust WHAT IS and in the moment to moment awareness of the heart you will RISE Up in the eternal Glory that you ARE.

This is the ONLY way to live as the GLORIFIED ONE as the ONE that you eternally ARE. It is through the being present now and it is through your heart.

The thoughts and actions, give way to the heart. In all its glory it is no task master as the thoughts can be. IT is the SUPREME gateway to ALL that you “think” you are separated from.

It is the heaven on Earth. The Beloved you are always united WITH. The light that radiates throughout eternity.  It is the ONLY one truth. That love is. That you ARE. That eternity is NOW. That love is now.

That through all of this, LOVE has never changed. LOVE is the WAY.

In this the love we activate YOU now.

Greater depths of the heart, greater GLORY. Greater PRESENCE BEING as a Master of Form. All Glory here NOW.



A HUGE thank you to all of you that have DONATED!! 

To Help with the Go Fund Me campaign, and Donate towards the“Invoking Blessings” ~ Global Blessings Project, Click on this Link, and Thank You:


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L'AuraBlessed with monumental UNION the sacred heart of pure LOVE knows itself as the outpouring of radiant true love throughout this Universe.

Through the heart, the mystical awareness of DIVINITY continues.

Blessed by the Masters, the transference is complete in itself. AS the ONE pure heart of LOVE knows itself AS THIS LOVE.

Masculine and feminine ARE merged as ONE.

Beloved Beings from Venus, merge with here now, as this the radiant heart of true love, offers up its true revealing. The highest love, GLORY and worship that transforms everything NOW.

This is the true Divine Power. The heart laid bare as itself. Nothing moves it from its state of love.

To live as the sacred heart of love, merged with the Divine, is seeing through new eyes. Eyes that are filtered through the heart of knowing is the EXPERIENCE OF THE ALL IN through this pure eternal love.

This love plays its mystical role of truly offering this love and its purification of awareness to all those that have their hearts prepared, to be that love on Earth.

The love, the lovers, the eternal Beloved ONES who came from Venus to resolve all that is not knowing itself as love through the transformative power of the Divine Sacred Heart in UNION.

With many Beings merged as ONE, Master Jesus and Mary Magdalene, with the Divine Council of Overseers. We present to you this offering of love.

Radiating this love to you now. We have merged here as we are merged as one above throughout all existences and throughout all dimensions all at once.

From Ancient MU and here now. The worlds swirl in and out, through this Glorious radiating love.

The Void exists as that which we emanate through. New in all moments.

Throughout all Universes this true Divine Power is felt and experienced as we activate you through his sacred love now.

Here we ARE on Earth now, through DIVINE LOVE we activate you now.

Full Moon/Super Moon in Virgo, March 9th, 2020 ~ Inner Victory

L'AuraMa ch3Here we are in the midst of Mercury Retrograde and we are soon entering the experience of the powerful FULL MOON/Super Moon in Virgo, on Monday March 9th, 2020 at 2:47 pm ADT. That moment although experienced in different so called time zones, IS THE SAME moment everywhere!

That is right daylight savings time starts in CANADA and the United States and the clocks SPRING forward.  Now we know that time doesn’t change, but clocks do and therefore schedules etc. It is always NOW everywhere. This Sunday March 8th at 2 am the CLOCKS move AHEAD and will loose a so called one hours sleep. BUT it will be lighter till later and that is a bonus!

Inner victory over fear is on the table and the releasing of the old patterns that keep you in the mind and in the small self, LEADING to living through your heart. That is the ascension process.

This Full MOON is Opposite Neptune and most often will increase sensitivity yet if emotionally without awareness, then this may lead to the surfacing of confusion. That occurs when the heart and the head are in battle for who is in charge. PAYING ATTENTION TO the emotional body is PART of mastering form. As well as paying attention to the thoughts that flow through you. TOGETHER they work powerfully creating the reality you experience as your world.

The Full Moon is trine Jupiter, which BOOSTS your ability to pay attention and stay focused on the real YOU, that is; the non limited you.

With Jupiter sextile Neptune we have the potential of adhering to the propensity of BEING as the the flow of the DIVINE through us. Bolstering even greater SHIFTS of consciousness as the REALIZED STATE OF BEING, becomes the enlightened and transformed DIVINE GOD SELF.

All Full Moons bring up more of that which is hidden in the subconscious, bringing it to the light of awareness to BE LOVED.

Anything other than self love towards yourself is a grappling through UNAWARE of the tossing back and forth, to which grabs your attention.

FOCUSED attention is the name of the game of victory.

HERE we are again, this new Decade, transversing the waves of NOW into Being the changeless, ever changing eternal DIVINE SELF.

In this we bless you eternally and NOW. LIGHTING the way for the HEART always, to be the UNITY of love, that fulfills YOU. No distance no time. All NOW my forever, BELOVED.



A HUGE thank you to all of you that have DONATED!! 

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The Altar of Sacrifice and FIRE

L'AuraMa ch3Laid bare to the heart and Soul, the sacrificing of the rule of the mind to the heart in the  moment, opens one to the fires of transmutation, into being the Divine Self.

As if the holy chalice, becomes you.

So many say, yes with the other, we transform more.

Yet as the truth prevails, there is no distance in anything.

Most definitely not with the matters of eternity.  As time has no impact on the one truth of love.

Yet bodies are form, the representation of original form, held in the higher Halls of Amenti. To which we enter our own altar of sacrifice, giving way to the power above.

To have its way with us.

Flowing through each other in the eyes of the Beloved, we merge in these realms, hidden in plain sight.

In moving through us the power of love knows no time.

It does as it wills through those who have broken the patterns that acted as shackles, to the heart.

Nowhere does it reveal itself more than in the purity of the moment.

Through hearts and eyes merged as one. On the altar of everything.




A HUGE thank you to all of you that have DONATED!! 

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SUSTAINED In The ALL Encompassing LOVE

L'AuraWith the all encompassing LOVE that pervades eternity and NOW ~ we know the surreal and MYSTICAL experience of being sustained in LOVE.

When we enter the realm and state of being ALL ENCOMPASSING, we have let go of the smaller self desires and surrendered to BEING in all moments through the Higher Divine  Self.

This is the Heaven on Earth. The freedom from all that causes suffering within.

This “within” is the cause of all that we experience. The cause of the EXPERIENCE OF Reality we  view through the level of perception we are radiating AS.

To be and know this love, to be sustained IN IT,  we unite with our eternal God Self.

There is no other way than to become WITH IT.


To be immersed in this.

To know and see and experience THROUGH this.

To be absorbed into it.

To Be it, feel it, know it, to BE it as the EMBODIMENT OF IT.

Here Now, I radiate this to all. As I am the experience of Being this all encompassing love, with the Divine Council of Overseers, we initiate all those ready. To be and Know through this eternal LOVE.  All Encompassing. Being the Divine Humanity. Blessing You now.


A HUGE thank you to all of you that have DONATED!! 

To Help with the Go Fund Me campaign, and Donate towards the“Invoking Blessings” ~ Global Blessings Project, Click on this Link, and Thank You:


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The New Divine Humanity ~ Eternal Love Through Form

LAuraDec28thThe mind battling its fears. The grasping, the resistance, the attachments to outcome. All the cause of the mind out of fear, not wanting to let go of its power through the fear it perpetuates, as its self.

No one can be free held in the throes of the mind having its battle for power over the heart.

Freedom only resides through the presence of the Heart ~ That is the Eternal Self, BEING present and having mastered the mind, lives through this eternal flow while on Earth.

These are the illuminated MASTERS and GODS, here present NOW, radiating the love and the Power of this FOUNDATION of LOVE, in which all that is beauty and glory, exists through.

The SOLID foundation of ASCENSION and the Evolution of ALL on Earth is the process well under way ~ the remembering through the heart of the true origin of being, LOVE.

This original Divine self is the NEW DIVINE HUMANITY and it is through Love alone that one is set free to be the true eternal self while in form.

The light of the SUN and the spiritual SUN fuels the Heart in its glory and in the remembering of LOVE paving the way to its rightful place on the throne of the heart.

All Beings going through their own process of awakening and being set free through the heart.

On the eternal stage and throne of LOVE we radiate to all now. Helping to free the stronghold of the mind, that lives through fear alone. Giving way to the only true BEING. The Eternal God self of LOVE through the Heart.

In this we awaken and activate the New Divine Humanity NOW.





A HUGE thank you to all of you that have DONATED!! 

To Help with the Go Fund Me campaign, and Donate towards the“Invoking Blessings” ~ Global Blessings Project, Click on this Link, and Thank You:


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Love is THE WAY

jan7th2020True love is living and being through your heart.

It is the fiery Chalice that dissolves all into it.

It is the PURE STATE OF consciousness.

It is the flow and the frequency of the DIVINE.

It is all that you desire to BE and to know.

It is the substance of your Original Light ~ Being.

It is the STATE of Being that you call ascension.

It is freedom from separation consciousness and all suffering.

It is the true UNION with the Beloved for all of eternity.

It is the only true power.

It is all that is. It is what we are activating you IN NOW this MOMENT.

Through your Heart space now.

The accessing space and portal of  ALL that is DIVINE.

IT IS always NOW and it is the Divine Presence that flows and magnetizes all to it.

It is the haven and the balm to everything.

It is NOW and it is here and it is the Glory and Beauty of the Divine.

All now, in love!



A HUGE thank you to all of you that have DONATED!! 

To Help with the Go Fund Me campaign, and Donate towards the“Invoking Blessings” ~ Global Blessings Project, Click on this Link, and Thank You:


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