Category Archives: The Aura

Notes on Loving Your Body


Some notes on Loving your Body!!!

The Awe of creation can live within your awareness now. Which includes the miracle of your Body ~ Your Physical form.

Instead of focusing on the externals and appearances, such as aging and weight, look at the awe of the CREATION.

In a class I once taught, I was very surprised at people’s responses to who they would feel my twin would be and what he would look like. They would say well he is good looking…and went on about the external appearance of men. Including personal details.

To truly love yourself and your body GO beyond the EXTERNAL appearances.

How you are and look and feel, shows on the inside and reflects outwardly in your energy field. This creates everything in your life that you experience.

I mentioned to my class, it is the heart and Soul I see. The form can change. It would not matter if he was 90 years old, and not able to walk, it is the HEART and our Soul connection that matters.

And of course when someone hears this, they react oh yes, Meanwhile holding on to the external appearance in all things.

Your surroundings, your life, your job, your money, your partner, or no partner begin within you. They are the RESULT of how you feel about yourself.

Look to your Heart. Recognize the VALUE of your body. When you were born, you did not have a job, a partner, and you could not feed yourself, and wet yourself, etc. Yet you were perfect, and even cried a lot.

Now you are just as much a miracle, ONLY you are not seeing it!! You are looking out ONLY on how you think you should look. And judging what you like and do not like, in OTHERS, and FIRST inside yourself.

Love does not judge. If you are judging how you look, how other appearances LOOK, you are not experiencing Love.

Judgement is RESISTANCE to what is, is control outer APPEARANCES. It is fear based and is the opposite of Love.

To love yourself, you will need to let go of your attachments and judgements to outer appearances.

When you do so, the Love within will see WHAT truly matters eternally. The Heart, the Soul, Eternity Lasts forever.

Please look within and TRULY begin to Love. Letting go of judging Outer Appearances, within yourself is the Place to Start to love your body.

I love you Eternally!!


In Divine Love, Ecstasy in Eternity!

Pleiadian Delegate ~ The Queen of Light


I have included below links for you to receive The Frequency Transmissions from the Central Sun through the Queen of Light, Audio and Daily, that will activate the Codes within your Original Blueprint.

Please like my Page!!

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions; These are Powerful Dispensations!!

To Join the Group to Receive the Daily Queen of Light Transmission:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

To Follow me on Twitter:

To Email me to receive my Newsletter:

To Order the Angelic Human Activation, The Starseed Activation, Twin Soul Activation,  Blueprint Activation, 12 Strand DNA Activation, Light Transmissions, and Healing Sessions, Please visit my Website:

copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2014.

Your Thoughts and Feelings are Waves of Energy


Energy does not get blocked. I know it may feel like that, I will explain.

Remember, Things are NOT ALWAYS as they Appear on Planet Earth…

Things Appear Solid, they are not.
Things appear never-ending, (as in situations in time) they are not.
There may appear to be a distance from Point A to Point B (from where you are to where you desire to be) there is not.

It is all here right Now.

YOU have Greater impact on YOUR Environment than YOU Realize.

It is All Energy, you are Energy.

Know Yourself as Energy and Watch the ever flowing
Light of Your Soul ( through your conscious direction)
Transform ALL things in Your LIfe!!

Many of YOU are receiving my Daily Frequency Transmissions.

It is up to YOU to decide and Consciously direct your Energy focus, that is, your thoughts and feelings that are impacting you and your environment, which creates your Reality.

24 hours each day you are sending out waves of energy, which come back to you as your experience.

As I have mentioned in an earlier blog, ( link below) making notes and being conscious of all areas of your life, mental, spiritual, physical and emotional, and writing out your LIST, is a profound Focusing and ANCHORING Tool, and will create a shift in your awareness and your Frequency; therefore your LIFE experience.

As your Frequency increases, and as You move into Greater Harmony, Being Conscious of HOW you direct all of your Energy ( thoughts and feelings) becomes important if YOU desire to change your Reality, creating, your Heaven on Earth.

By being conscious of HOW you use ALL OF your Energy, your Awareness will  INCREASE.

Once your Awareness increases, it is becomes easy to Direct your thoughts, words and feelings. 

Energy Flows!

Your thoughts and feelings are waves of energy. Let’s look more closely, as to HOW you are using your energy.

Ask yourself if you “FEEL” blocked, “Is my energy going in the direction” I would like it to?

Energy Follows your Focus. Do you have a Direction that you focus your Energy on?

As ENERGY, you interact with energy all day long through your thoughts, words, emotions and environment.

Thoughts, words, emotions and all environments ARE ENERGY.

Every thought and emotion you have sends out energy waves.

Even if your “environment” is not what you desire it to be ~ HOW you vibrate now, impacts your Environment!!

Let’s look at that now a little more closely. You may want to read this more than once.

When you vibrate in Harmony you create alignment and flow…to what it is YOU are FOCUSING on.

When you vibrate in Disharmony you create pain, and the feeling of what it is YOU are Focusing on.

Remember, HOW you focus your energy  impacts your creations.

Your THOUGHTS and especially your EMOTIONS determine What kind of WAVES of ENERGY you are sending OUT!!

What you send out through your Vibration always comes back, as YOUR REALITY. The Mirror.

The mirror truly is your friend, as it is LETTING you KNOW, what and how you are using your energy.

DIRECT your ATTENTION and INTENTION in a way that is Harmonious ( mentally and emotionally) with what you DESIRE.

Recognize your thoughts  (what you pay attention to) and the ENERGY of THEM ( in Harmony or Disharmony) creates your EXPERIENCE and impacts your environment.

There is no block in energy.

Are you aware of HOW you are USING your energy; your thoughts, your emotions.

Every single thing you FOCUS on and Direct energy to, INCREASES in your life.  The WAY you FOCUS determines YOUR experience, either more in Alignment with your Desires, or Less in Alignment with your desires.

Begin to be the Observer of YOU. Really do this. Become the  inspector of YOU. Watch how you predominantly feel, and notice your thoughts, your attention and intention.

Consciously Connect the AWARENESS of how you predominantly feel, with the EXPERIENCE you are HAVING. (really do this)

Watch your thoughts.

Notice how you FEEL when you think your thoughts.

Take notes. Take a few days to do this.


BEGIN to consciously direct YOUR Attention and Intention, in the DIRECTION of your CHOICE, CONSCIOUSLY, with the FEELING of Harmony, so that you will be in ALIGNMENT with your Desires.

Stay present in the HERE and NOW. Through observing you, your thoughts, your emotions, your body.

Stay present in YOUR Body, through the FOCUSING in on the feelings in your body.

Paying more attention to YOUR Body, to SENSATIONS, your Breath, CREATES the Powerful anchoring in, of your Frequency.

It STARTS with your Awareness, and continues with your Attention and Intention, Your focus.

How YOU ~ use your ENERGY.

I love you!


In Divine Sacred Love and Union,

Pleiadian Delegate; The Queen of Light 



I have included below links for you to receive The Frequency Transmissions from the Central Sun through the Queen of Light, Audio and Daily, that will activate the Codes within your Original Blueprint.

Please like my Page!!

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions; These are Powerful Dispensations!!

To Join the Group to Receive the Daily Queen of Light Transmission:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

To Follow me on Twitter:

To Email me to receive my Newsletter:

To Order the Angelic Human Activation, The Starseed Activation, Twin Soul Activation,  Blueprint Activation, 12 Strand DNA Activation, Light Transmissions, and Healing Sessions, Please visit my Website:

copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2013

Entering a New Time Space Continuum


Last Night I spent some “time” Seeing and Experiencing Myself in a New Reality~ A New Time Space Continuum.

It was a Live Feed which I was in and was Also Viewing, from this Earth Reality. Both me watching and the me in it, were real and exist.

My eyes were open, the vision/live feed was life-size. The seeing, viewing and experience of myself in two different places/dimensions at once, is not new to me.

This New Time Space Continuum was on Earth. Experiencing myself  in many places at once, includes the so-called past lives, future and existences on other planets and Galaxies, etc. The me here can enter those other time space continuum and communicate with me there, and I do.

You may have already experienced jumping timelines?

On many occasions I have WALKED into Different timelines, and walked out, here On Earth. Now I am not talking about my awareness of myself existing now on other dimensions.

I am referring to stepping in and out IN the Present moment of different timelines on EARTH, different parallel realities.

This is Reality shifting.

Jumping timelines.


And it has on many occasions included objects disappearing in front of my eyes, to them appearing later in a different place etc.

It is similar to Living your life INSIDE A MOVIE,  you are watching you in IT and FEEL yourself also in it and aware of both simultaneously.  Then suddenly the MOVIE shifts to the future ( or alternate reality or parallel reality) and things suddenly are different…then can shift back.

The Time Space Continuum I am talking about, that I was in, and Also Viewed with my eyes open, Life size, is a complete shift, A NEW Reality, in a DIfferent Time Space Continuum. On Earth.

Jumping timelines or Realities is easier to do then one would “think”.

Since all is Frequency, when you vibrate to the Higher Frequencies you are LITERALLY Drawing the Reality  that you vibrate to in it ~ to YOU..that ALREADY exists as YOUR potential Future or current parallel reality. You have many.

Now from the linear perspective, this cannot be understood.

You have many potential futures, and many so-called pasts, and many current parallel existences.

What you vibrate to through YOUR  frequency  you literally create, in your CONSCIOUS AWARENESS.

You create your conscious awareness in THE TIME Space Continuum…that you are Vibrating to.

Your conscious awareness in what you feel is your existence NOW, is the one you are vibrating to and with.

You can  shift permanently, or temporarily.

The NEW Time Space Continuum on Earth is A fully ALIVE NOW time~  New Reality…

It is Pure Joy, Pure Freedom from Suffering, and all the Beings existing in it, experience this bliss and Union.

You may wonder how can you shift? are you shifting enough? and many more questions.

What YOU WANT to do, is LOOK closely at your current frequency. Your current Emotional experience.

Are you vibrating more and more to Harmony?

Are you always in Disharmony? ( this can shift)

Make Harmony the FOCUS of your Life. Your Frequency.

Harmony is the Frequency of Heart Focused Union and is in Alignment with the New Time Space Continuum.

If you are going through a difficult time, do ALL you can FOR YOU and begin to  vibrate at the FREQUENCY that begins to feel VERY GOOD TO YOU. 

This will involve quieting your MIND chatter.

Spending  Quiet time daily.

Staying Focused.

Living in the Present Moment.

Living in your Heart.

Not running from Fear, but embracing it, with Love. FEELING IT!

Living in the Feeling Nature of Consciousness, IN EVERY MOMENT.

All those things ARE LOVING Yourself.

And of course, loving Yourself.

Here is a Blog post on Loving You:

Begin today!

Or Refresh your commitment to yourself anew today, Now.

This Shift to a new Time Space Continuum happens within YOU.

It does not come from OUTSIDE OF YOU.

You are the creator of your experience.

Listening to my Frequency Transmissions daily will create a resonance within your Cells and DNA to and with Harmony, Love and Healing etc. The Higher Frequencies of Eternal Light, Your Soul. 

This will help YOUR Shift to the New Time Space Continuum on Earth.

I have included the links below. You can also choose to receive my Daily Frequency Transmission.

Really take some time to ponder these things through your Heart.

Your Heart holds the truth for You.

In Divine Sacred Love and Union,

Pleiadian Delegate; The Queen of Light 


I have included below links for you to receive The Frequency Transmissions from the Central Sun through the Queen of Light, Audio and Daily, that will activate the Codes within your Original Blueprint.

Please like my Page!!

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions; These are Powerful Dispensations!!

To Join the Group to Receive the Daily Queen of Light Transmission:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

To Follow me on Twitter:

To Email me to receive my Newsletter:

To Order the Angelic Human Activation, The Starseed Activation, Twin Soul Activation,  Blueprint Activation, 12 Strand DNA Activation, Light Transmissions, and Healing Sessions, Please visit my Website:

copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2013.

ABOUT The Daily Queen of Light Transmission/Activation

L'Aura Pleiadian


THERE Are NO WORDS that Can Describe The EXPERIENCE You will Receive! This is Eternal Light Frequency and Activation in NO Time ~ Yet Throughout Time! 

The Daily 12pm AST (Atlantic Standard Time) Queen of Light ~ Light Activation is a  Frequency Transmission from the Central Sun to you and your cellular consciousness and DNA for your Shift. This includes ALL aspects of your life, including your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies.

During the Daily Light ~Activation You Receive Cosmic Rays of Light that Awaken Dormant Codes within YOU 

This is ultimately for your Healing, Abundance, and Mastery of Form during this your incarnation through Grace.

Your Frequency ( cells and DNA and Heart) entrain to the Higher Frequency of Harmony,  Divine Love, and Union through the Transmission. These Frequencies adjust themselves specifically to you.

Harmony is Divine Flow, and creates Harmony throughout all aspects of your Life.

This Light includes all Rays of Light, the COSMIC Rays.

The Light transmission is Divine Love, Harmony and Union. God/Goddess Union, Divine Masculine/Divine Feminine.

The Central Sun, the Spiritual Sun, is most often experienced as Golden Light, however it carries all the rays of Light, including the Harmony Ray, the Enlightenment Ray and the Bliss Ray.

Your Pineal will activate during the Transmissions, and your Higher Heart will awaken.

The transmission will activate Codes within your Original Blueprint; your life plan for this incarnation. This transmission is beyond time and space, yet includes you and Your form ( cellular consciousness) in time and space.

The “Physical” frequency in your cells and DNA will shift.

DNA Abstract

As you stay in Harmony and move into Greater Heart Awareness, your shift will be with Ease and Grace.

Your life will change, the Old patterns and things connected to those patterns may leave, making room for the New.

Be ready for changes in your life, especially in those areas that you have desired changes in.

It is important to drink  lots of water.

It is important to Ground your Energy Daily.

To help “ground” your new frequency into your everyday awareness I would HIGHLY suggest you keep a “daily journal” of your experiences.  Include your focus and intentions.

Make comments to yourself in this journal how you are doing mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. List your intentions in connection to YOUR physical life, your emotional life, your mental life and your spiritual life.

These are the areas that are merging as One consciously. Consider all of those areas when setting intentions.

In this “daily” journal, make notes on how you are feeling, if you are setting intentions, and any subtle body awareness that you are experiencing.

Subtle Body awareness would include vibrations and frequency shifts in awareness. Any Significant dreams and or Spiritual awakening experiences, including kundalini or ascension symptoms, make a note of.

Include, the levels of Harmony or Disharmony you experience. As well as shifts in awareness in consciousness and in the mental body, your thoughts.

Note the Transmissions you are listening to, the water you are drinking, time in nature, etc.

Be as Clear as YOU can in the Now, with what you desire. This will greatly help your Alchemical transformation and shift in frequency.


Helpful things to Know

Whether you are awake or asleep, you will still RECEIVE the FREQUENCIES during the transmission.

You can choose what you DESIRE the Frequency Transmission for ~ Healing, Abundance, Love,  etc.

When choosing intentions Focus and consider ALL all areas of your existence. Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual.

The Light and the Transmission is Divine consciousness and is aware and goes to the areas in your life needed the most, or to where you have placed your specific intention.

You can choose to have WATER charged with these Rays of Light and  Frequencies during the Transmission, and any crystals you have. Set some water aside, either near you or in your fridge for this purpose. Crystals also, have near you or set aside to receive the transmission. Please NOTE, if you are working with crystals also include grounding crystals such as smokey Quartz or Black Tourmaline.

The Water that receives the transmission can also be added to your bath water, and used for plants, etc.

The transmission is One hour-long, you can rest and tune in if you like.

The Audio Frequency Transmissions (YouTube)

PLEASE choose the AUDIO Frequency Transmissions on YouTube According to the AREAS you would most greatly benefit from Miracles in Your Life!

You can listen to an Audio Frequency Transmission during the transmission. You can choose ONE specifically for you, what you feel you need the most. Healing, Abundance, Harmony….etc.

More is NOT always better. Go by how you feel. If you are not grounded and are listening to many Frequency Transmissions a Day, take a break or cut back for a day or two.

More Frequency is not always better. As many things are shifting within you. EASE is what you want to focus on.

If you are on Facebook you can join the group ( the way I keep track of all receiving the transmission) the link is below.

Holding you in your Highest Destiny and complete fulfillment on all levels, according to your life plan and design by your Soul.

You are Light

You are eternal Light. You are a Soul that is Source and you are very unique. Your experiences, although similar to others, will also be unique to you. Your unique existences create the frequency of you and influence the way you see and perceive your reality.

Your perceptions of life and how you hold life are shifting. You are adjusting to new ways to anchor in your New reality. This “appears” to take time. However, you are simply passing through time.

Have compassion on this process. Love yourself.

Hold yourself in the Sacredness of Light that you truly are. Take time for you in silence daily. Simply Being.

Stay Present in your heart space and “feel” your pure essence as often as is possible.

Your Sacred Pets

They also love Frequency, Loving harmonious frequency. If you are relaxing during the transmission you may want to have them with you. They too have an eternal Soul and are shifting also, and are VERY sensitive to YOUR Frequency.

Stay Present and Focused on Your Body

Anchoring in your New Frequency and Expanded awareness involves Being Present in your Body. Not escaping the body.

This Shift is in and through Your Body. Practise staying present. Practise being more and more AWARE of the Sensations and vibrations you feel throughout Your ENTIRE Body.

These sensations will act as the NOW Anchor in your awareness for the New You. The Divine You!

Invocation to The Light of Your Soul



Happy Deepavali~ The Festival of Lights


Deepavali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a Celebration of Light. This sacred time is a celebration throughout the world by many traditions. In Many countries Deepavali is a National Holiday.

I have in front of me, as I write,  a beautiful Lakshmi Statue sent to me from a beautiful Friend from India specifically for this Deepavali.

This is a time to celebrate Light, even if you have not traditionally done this before.


November 3rd, 2013 you can celebrate this!  This is a New Moon and Solar Eclipse also.

The celebrations can ALSO last up to 5 days and may involve a Puja to different Gods and Goddesses. These may involve offering, prayers  and dedications to specific Gods and Goddesses.

To begin with I would suggest a clearing of your space and Lighting of candles. If you have oil lamps that can burn for a long period, you may want to burn them also. Clear any crystals you have. Call in the Light, Your Light, Eternal Light for Blessings.

Here is an Invocation to the Light of Your Soul.

Invocation to the Light of Your Soul


There are many traditions that celebrate this in Many Sacred Ways.

Do what feels right for You.

Embrace Light…Your Light, during this sacred and Momentous time on Planet Earth.

Light draws Light unto Itself.

You are Eternal Light…I love you.

In Divine Sacred Love,

Pleiadian Delegate; The Queen of Light 

 I have included below links for you to receive The Frequency Transmissions from the Central Sun through the Queen of Light, Audio and Daily, that will activate the Codes within your Original Blueprint.

Please like my Page!!

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions; These are Powerful Dispensations!!

To Join the Group to Receive the Daily Queen of Light Transmission:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

To Follow me on Twitter:

To Email me to receive my Newsletter:

To Order the Pleiadian Twin Soul Activation, Pleiadian Blueprint Activation, Pleiadian 12 Strand DNA Activation, Pleiadian Light Transmissions, and Healing Sessions, Please visit my Website:

copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2013.

Loving Yourself ~ Consciously!



1. Talk to yourself in a very kind loving way…ALWAYS!  no exceptions!

2. NEVER put yourself down ~EVER ( that mean never -ever)

3. Be gentle to yourself, Always!

4. Show compassion on yourself and YOUR physical body just like you would an injured animal that needs love and caring, or a newborn baby.

5. Do things that help you to feel great, create a LIST, so that you always KNOW what you can do for you at any time. Write that list today.

6. Take time for YOU!!! Daily, and never forget.

7.  Write daily in  a journal. Write down your feelings about what you are going if you were writing to a BEST friend.

8. Recognize YOUR INCARNATION is important!

9.  Make a date with yourself, to spend time with YOU, daily!

10. Don’t do things that YOU DO NOT WANT TO DO~ Ever!

11. Honour your EVERY breath, recognize your Divinity, your Sacredness. 

12. Make it a priority to Love yourself~ and recognize your relationship with Yourself is the Most important relationship you will EVER have during your incarnation.  Everything else in your life reflects the relationship you are having with yourself. When you FULLY Love yourself~ then your True Love will show Up ~ Your Sacred Twin Soul! 

13. Write down things you don’t like in your life, be honest with yourself, and then burn the list safely, do this MONTHLY.

14. Honour all the things you DO LIKE to do and experience and FEEL Gratitude for your life and all of Your desires Daily!  

15. Write a list of the things you do like, love and desire, and POST that list up in a place you will see daily! 

16.  Honour your Uniqueness ~ there isn’t anybody like YOU!!

17. Never compare yourself to ANYONE ~ Ever! 

18. Celebrate your life, Daily!

19. Surround yourself with Beauty, and see the Beauty of You within Yourself, your Heart!

20. Tell yourself you love yourself ~ many times a day! Do this every morning as you look into a mirror!

21. Decide to Begin, Now to Love yourself!

22. Spend time in silence daily, feeling your Presence.

23. Read or Listen to my Invocations, Initiations, Activations and Frequency Transmissions Daily as a WAY of Honouring the Eternal You in the Now, immersing Yourself consciously in the Eternal Love of All That is!

24. START today, Now! 

25. Know that you never ALONE!! 

26. Begin ~ Being Love ~ Now! 


I Am Forever Yours, My Beloved!



To Join the Group to Receive the Daily Transmission:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

Please like my Pages!!

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions:

To Follow me on Twitter:

copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2014.

New Moon in Libra October 4th, 2013~ Intensity


New Moon in Libra October 4th, 2013, 11 degrees, 9:35pm ADT.

Intensity and Drama!

I have included in this Post, a NEW Moon INVOCATION, and UPDATED information on Crystals ~ which crystals should not soak in water and be in the Sun, and More.

The New Moon represents renewal and the beginning of a cycle. During this Period of time, the Moon and the Sun create a conjunction. This creates powerful force as they converge.

Libra now takes her powerful place in the Astrological Cycle.

Libra is a very balanced sign and its ruler is Venus.

Libra and the hard aspects of this New Moon influence  do dramatically alter the gentle aspects of Libra. Venus opposed by Uranus at 10 degrees Aries and squared by Pluto.

Pluto is a transformational Planet. It does not care what is blows up in its path.


As you stay in Present in your Being, the dramatic influence will be minimal.

If One is in a constant state of Disharmony, one can expect some rather explosive events to take place. Pluto clears what is in the way of Pure Being. Think of the Tower Card in the Tarot.

Uranus is  change.

Libra is all ABOUT relationships.


Are they balanced?

LIbra, represented by the  Justice card in the Tarot.


This New Moon ~ The focus is on Transformation and  change in relationships!  

ARE your relationships in HARMONY?  

This includes your relationship with you, you cannot give what you do not have you know!!

Focus on Harmony and Balance.

Focus Deep within you, Your Heart Space.

Start your New Moon Meditation and Ritual with this invocation!!

Remember to pause and breathe, slow down, create Sacred Space around you.

Light a Candle, Light some incense and Breathe…Have your CRYSTALS with you!! After you say the invocation you may choose to Program your crystal(s)….

Also a Daily invocation for YOU:


I Move my awareness to My Heart Space, the Sacred Light within me.


I honour the Power of the Cycles throughout Time.


I open myself to the New Beginning this New Moon represents.


I move and Breathe with the cycles of the Sun and Moon.


The Light of my Soul, shines brightly upon all areas of My Life, I am in Harmony with the cycles of nature.


I celebrate this New Moon with Joy, and offer Thanksgiving to all of Nature, which I am a sacred part.


The Light of My Soul Blesses me Now.

( stay in silence and feel these words vibrating within your Heart)

THEN BEGIN your Programming of crystals and remember to take Notes!!!

Crystals, Nature and Moon Cycles ~  UPDATED!!


Crystals and Water:

Please do not clean the following crystals by water and have in the Direct Sun for any length of time:

Selenite, Calcite, Celestite and Angelite.

To clear the above crystals, you can please them gently on top of or near Amethyst.

To Charge the above crystals, you place under the Moonlight.

Quartz Crystal love the water, sun and moon. 

I will be writing more on all the different uses and invocations for each type of crystal being. 

If you are using crystals that LOVE Water, you can do the following:

You can drink the water the next day, add to your bath water, or store with Brandy to use as sacred drops , adding to drinks and used in ritual and more.

You can also bathe in the sacred crystal water and use for healing.

Your Crystals Respond to Frequency Also.

Let them Listen to My Frequency Transmissions and be Near You During the Daily 9am ADT Queen of Light Transmissions.

Do you prepare for the New Moons and Full Moons?  The Full Moon is a build up of energy since the New Moon.

Each New Moon and Full Moon holds a unique Frequency, when tapped into consciously, these cycles will be of great benefit for you and your life and to those around you.

This Moon Cycle, if you are a Lover of Nature and Crystals, Take them out and wash them lovingly. If you have personal meditation crystals make notes on How and When  you programmed and reprogrammed them! Please do not skip making notes. You will be very pleased you did.

Too many crystals programmed in a personal way without deep connection to them and without conscious remembering will lead to vague results.

Working with crystals and remembering all the crystals I programmed in Atlantis for here NOW, has been very beneficial for NOW as crystals hold their frequency and Love throughout all time and space. Crystals Hold conscious Memory.

Sometimes the “Beings” in Crystals are obvious.  Angels and Fairies in Crystals also enhance your Deeper Connection to Nature and Moon Cycles. I have many of Beings in my crystals, including Pyramids, Merkabahs and Ancient Symbols. Each Crystal has its Own Crystal Deva.

Look Deep and Lovingly into your Crystals as the Sacred Beings of Nature that they are.

If you cannot see clearly the Being in your Crystals, Know they are there.

Each Crystal has its own Spirit or Deva.

I have helped many who did not feel anything from their personal meditation crystals BEGIN to connect with The Crystals Deva, or Spirit. Love and Respect for the Sacredness of Nature is paramount to experience this true deep connection.

The New Moon and Full Moon are good times to clean and prepare your crystals.

This is a Great way to Honour the Moon Cycles and the Natural Rhythms in Nature. The Earth is Sacred and all that are upon it. Honour the Earth and You will be Honoured.

The New Moon may also be a great time To Look Back and if need be, Reprogram some of the crystals that you may have forgotten about or to simply Infuse the crystals with powerful New Moon Frequencies.  Cleanse and restore them and clearly pick the most special crystal to you and program it, spend time with it and get to know it on a personal level.

Stay present with your Emotions…allow and Stay in Harmony.

The Full Moon has a Powerful influence on YOUR Emotional Body. 

The New Moon is about Beginnings.

Not all crystals love the sun, some love the moon more.  All Quartz crystal Love the sun and the moon. If you have any questions on your Crystals please let me know.


Wash some crystals, and sit with them One at a time as close as possible to the exact time of the New Moon, or Full Moon and sit quietly holding your sacred crystal.

1. Listen to the Sound of your crystal, hold it up to your ear.

2. Breathe in and out and center yourself.

3. Focus on your Heart.

4. Focus on the want and wish you have that is in “alignment” with the current New Moon or Full Moon. 

5. Stay Present with your Emotions and Allow.

6. Focusing clearly ~ Breathe Your desire into your crystal several times through your Breath. Breathe on our crystal. Do not rush this part. Then holding the Point (if there is one)  into the palm of your non dominant hand ( the hand you do “not” write with) and  turn the point of the crystal in slow clockwise circles (slowly) till you feel the crystal tighten. When it tightens stop.

7. Then hold your crystal up to your ear and you will hear a higher pitched tone once programmed.  If you do NOT, simply repeat above and Turn the Point slowly once again.

To deprogram  a crystal Focus on releasing the Program and Begin the  procedure above  EXCEPT turn the crystal counter-clockwise.  Allow your crystal a “relax” time  before programming.   Listen to the New Sound of the Crystal after the deprogram procedure.

8. Then stay close to your crystal or crystals. Love them.

9. Make notes and INCLUDE  the date of the Programming or Reprogramming.

Know that crystals are Loving Beings. They really are alive. They have a Sacred Deva or Spirit. If they seem dormant it is only because perhaps they were in boxes in the dark for a while. Show them love and care. As you Love them, they open up in Love and respond to you  and your Frequency.

Prepare for Each Full Moon and New Moon.

Acknowledge the Moon and the Frequency it holds for you as the Sacred Rhythm of Nature itself.

Surround your Home in Higher frequencies. Play my Frequency Transmissions overnight and throughout the day to shift the Frequency of your Space. Your surroundings will hold the Higher Frequencies of Love and Union.

Above All, Love yourself.  Stay In Harmony.

In The Sacredness of Divine Union and Eternal Love, I hold You,

Pleiadian Delegate; The Queen of Light 

I have included below links for you to receive The Frequency Transmissions from the Central Sun through the Queen of Light, Audio and Daily.

Please like my Page!!

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions:

To Join the Group to Receive the Daily Queen of Light Transmission:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

To Follow me on Twitter:

A Daily Invocation for YOU:

To Email me to receive my Newsletter:

To Order the Pleiadian Twin Soul Activation, Pleiadian Blueprint Activation, Pleiadian 12 Strand DNA Activation, Pleiadian Light Transmissions, and Healing Sessions, Please visit my Website:

Thank YOU!!!

Copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2013.

Atlantis and The Great Central Sun

Atlantis and The Great Central Sun.

Part One. 

LauraH-31 - Crop 2

Atlantean’s were once connected with The Great Central Sun in their conscious Awareness.

Through the Intergalactic Council, Monads were Sent to originally inhabit and set up the Golden Era of Love and Union on Atlantis.

Many of You have dreams and Visions of Atlantis.. Memories just under the surface..

Some of you on Earth at this time have  existed on Atlantis.

Telepathy, Telekinesis, Sound and Energy Healing  were Powerful Natural Ways of Connecting to the Great Generator Crystal.


Technology through the Great Generator Crystal took on many forms.

They were aware of the Magnetic Forces of the Ley lines and the Power of the Sun and the Moon. As well as Accessing the Higher Frequencies of Light through The Central Sun.

Not many survived the Submerging of Atlantis.

Originally the Wisdom of the Divine Feminine was Highly regarded, revered and Honoured on Atlantis. 

As Atlantis Devolved so did the Honouring of the Divine Feminine and her Wisdom.

Growing up on Atlantis involved rigorous training and for those in a certain lineage it was their duty that they Carry on of the Proposed ways.

Those who were in the lineage of the Great Magi, who had full access to the Great Generator Crystal  were  to continue and pass on the information and Accept the Thrones and the Titles that were held in high Regard by them.

Those that could SEE that continuing on would simply Lead to the devolving of the Truth..were cast out of the Main stream Atlantis…

I was One of Those. I was in a lineage who would be put on a Throne on Atlantis and yet through my Communications with the Angels, Pleiadians and the Intergalactic Council Knew I must stand for the truth. The One and Only Truth.

A Temple was then created for me outside of the mainstream as I refused to continue and take the Throne and Titles of my Lineage.

The Leaders did not want the information and Access to the Secrets of Atlantean Technology shared.

Access to the Truths of the Ancients through multidimensional awareness and guidance led to my Fully Being One with the Stars and the  Universe as Divine Oneness through and as the Divine Feminine.

My Temple, “The Temple of  Eternal Light”  began with my work ( outside of the mainstream) with the Creation of Blueprints which Shared the Great Secrets which were then sent Forward through time.

The Blueprints were held as  codes through Crystals which were then placed deep into the Atlantic Ocean carrying the information for  Humanity NOW.

I then Received through the Great Lord Melchizedek the Mantle “Queen of Light”.

This was a commissioned as Part of  the GREAT PLAN. That the Divine Feminine would Once again hold the Balance in the Great unfolding of Union.

Surviving the The Submergence of Atlantis and having the Opportunity to travel to new land was a Momentous  arduous task. The consciousness of many of those 30 moved in and out of the realm of Form throughout the 33 day voyage.

Only 30 were on the ship and MOST did not survive.

Only a few of us survived. There was the Sun, dehydration, and delirium to contend with.

Out of body I travelled ahead of time to the Egyptians to let them  know them of our soon arrival.

I was Received and cared for with Food and Shelter.  The full implementation of the Atlantean ways took 50 years to complete.

The Egyptians were mainly mathematicians at the time of my arrival. They eagerly accepted this new technology into their Awareness.  The Creation of  the Great Pyramids and the God and Goddesses were through the Atlantean Technology.

The Light held in the Body and the Powers that we naturally developed were Beyond what appeared human to them.  We were to them Gods in male form and a Goddess in Female Form.  Establishing among them, the Great Way of the Ancients as the Secrets of Eternal Life were freely given.

More soon in Part Two……

In The Sacredness of Divine Union and Eternal Love, I hold You,

Pleiadian Delegate; The Queen of  Light 

I have included below links for you to receive The Frequency Transmissions from the Central Sun through the Queen of Light, Audio and Daily,  that will activate the Codes within your Original Blueprint.

Please like my Page!!

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions; These are Powerful Dispensations!!

To Join the Group to Receive the Daily Queen of Light Transmission:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

To Follow me on Twitter:

To Email me to receive my Newsletter:

To Order the Pleiadian Twin Soul Activation, Pleiadian Blueprint Activation, Pleiadian 12 Strand DNA Activation, Pleiadian Light Transmissions, and Healing Sessions, Please visit my Website:

My New Website will replace the old One..visit

copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2013.

Full Moon in Aquarius ~ August 20th, 2013

Full Moon  in Aquarius, 28 degrees ~ August 20th 2013, 10:45 pm ADT.

LauraH-31 - Crop 2

This is a POWERFUL and  EDGY Full Moon!

With the Sun in Leo and the Moon in Aquarius…expect an Impact!!

Aquarius at 28 Degrees, a Tree Felled and Sawed.




This is an opportunity to respond in flow to CHANGES that suddenly occur.

Move deep into your heart and FLOW..with the impact.

In the Sky we have Jupiter Square Uranus. The Aquarius shocks of Uranus may APPEAR to create set-backs or crises which may seem threatening to your security.

Powerful Planets, Uranus-Pluto MAY thrust you into the spirit of re-inventing yourself as Jupiter opposes Pluto in Cancer-Capricorn.

Cathartic events may bring things out in the open, do NOT hold tightly to fear, instead, SURRENDER.

The Best Preparation is to “MAINTAIN HARMONY”…throughout this powerful FULL MOON.

Spend time in Nature, it is magical and grounds you in its beauty.

Drink Plenty of Water, your cells NEED Water to SHIFT!!

Move into the “SUN Heart Space” of LEO!!!!

Listen to my Transmissions, they will Activate Codes within you and Fill you with the Pure Love of Your Eternal Soul.

Take care of YOUR Body, this is LOVING YOURSELF.

Keep a Journal. This is a Powerful Awakening Tool.

NOTICE and be PRESENT with what comes up in your life, as YOU Breathe deep into your “Heart” and BE.

Move into Pure being, there you WILL know the Beloved within…

Which is The Eternal YOU, a well-spring of JOY, Bliss and Ecstasy.

Holding you in the Sacred Light of Your Beautiful Soul, always!


Crystals, Nature and Moon Cycles (a reminder)


Your Crystals Respond to Frequency Also! Let them Listen to My Frequency Transmissions and be Near You During the Daily 3am ADT Queen of Light Transmissions.

Do you prepare for the New Moons and Full Moons?  The Full Moon is a build up of energy since the New Moon.

Each New Moon and Full Moon holds a unique Frequency, when tapped into consciously, these cycles will be of great benefit for you and your life and to those around you.

This Moon Cycle, if you are a Lover of Nature and Crystals, Take them out and wash them lovingly. If you have personal meditation crystals make notes on How and When  you programmed and reprogrammed them! Please do not skip making notes. You will be very pleased you did.

Too many crystals programmed in a personal way without deep connection to them and without conscious remembering will lead to vague results.

Working with crystals and remembering all the crystals I programmed in Atlantis for here NOW, has been very beneficial for NOW as crystals hold their frequency and Love throughout all time and space. Crystals Hold conscious Memory.

Sometimes the “Beings” in Crystals are obvious.  Angels and Fairies in Crystals also enhance your Deeper Connection to Nature and Moon Cycles. I have many of Beings in my crystals, including Pyramids, Merkabahs and Ancient Symbols. Each Crystal has its Own Crystal Deva.

Look Deep and Lovingly into your Crystals as the Sacred Beings of Nature that they are.

If you cannot see clearly the Being in your Crystals, Know they are there.

Each Crystal has its own Spirit or Deva.

I have helped many who did not feel anything from their personal meditation crystals BEGIN to connect with The Crystals Deva, or Spirit. Love and Respect for the Sacredness of Nature is paramount to experience this true deep connection.

The New Moon and Full Moon are good times to clean and prepare your crystals.

This is a Great way to Honour the Moon Cycles and the Natural Rhythms in Nature. The Earth is Sacred and all that are upon it. Honour the Earth and You will be Honoured.

The New Moon may also be a great time To Look Back and if need be, Reprogram some of the crystals that you may have forgotten about or to simply Infuse the crystals with powerful New Moon Frequencies.  Cleanse and restore them and clearly pick the most special crystal to you and program it, spend time with it and get to know it on a personal level.

Stay present with your Emotions…allow and Stay in Harmony.

The Full Moon has a Powerful influence on YOUR Emotional Body. 

The New Moon is about Beginnings.

Not all crystals love the sun, some love the moon more.  All Quartz crystal Love the sun and the moon. If you have any questions on your Crystals please let me know.


Wash some crystals, and sit with them One at a time as close as possible to the exact time of the New Moon, or Full Moon and sit quietly holding your sacred crystal.

1. Listen to the Sound of your crystal, hold it up to your ear.

2. Breathe in and out and center yourself.

3. Focus on your Heart.

4. Focus on the want and wish you have that is in “alignment” with the current New Moon or Full Moon. 

5. Stay Present with your Emotions and Allow.

6. Focusing clearly ~ Breathe Your desire into your crystal several times through your Breath. Breathe on our crystal. Do not rush this part. Then holding the Point (if there is one)  into the palm of your non dominant hand ( the hand you do “not” write with) and  turn the point of the crystal in slow clockwise circles (slowly) till you feel the crystal tighten. When it tightens stop.

7. Then hold your crystal up to your ear and you will hear a higher pitched tone once programmed.  If you do NOT, simply repeat above and Turn the Point slowly once again.

To deprogram  a crystal Focus on releasing the Program and Begin the  procedure above  EXCEPT turn the crystal counter-clockwise.  Allow your crystal a “relax” time  before programming.   Listen to the New Sound of the Crystal after the deprogram procedure.

8. Then stay close to your crystal or crystals. Love them.

9. Make notes and INCLUDE  the date of the Programming or Reprogramming.

Know that crystals are Loving Beings. They really are alive. They have a Sacred Deva or Spirit. If they seem dormant it is only because perhaps they were in boxes in the dark for a while. Show them love and care. As you Love them, they open up in Love and respond to you  and your Frequency.

Prepare for Each Full Moon and New Moon.

Acknowledge the Moon and the Frequency it holds for you as the Sacred Rhythm of Nature itself.

Surround your Home in Higher frequencies. Play my Frequency Transmissions overnight and throughout the day to shift the Frequency of your Space. Your surroundings will hold the Higher Frequencies of Love and Union.

Above All, Love yourself.  Stay In Harmony.

Any Questions about this Full Moon or Crystals please comment on this Post.

In The Sacredness of Divine Union and Eternal Love, I hold You,

Pleiadian Delegate; The Queen of Light 

I have included below links for you to receive The Frequency Transmissions from the Central Sun through the Queen of Light, Audio and Daily.

Please like my Page!!

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions:

To Join the Group to Receive the Daily Queen of Light Transmission:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

To Follow me on Twitter:

To Email me to receive my Newsletter:

To Order the Pleiadian Twin Soul Activation, Pleiadian Blueprint Activation, Pleiadian 12 Strand DNA Activation, Pleiadian Light Transmissions, and Healing Sessions, Please visit my Website:

My New Website will replace the old One..visit

copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2013.

Full Moon/SuperMoon in Aquarius ~ Sun in Leo ~ July 22, 2013

Full Moon/SuperMoon ~ July 22, 2013 ~ in Aquarius ~ 3:16pm ADT ~ Sun IN LEO!!

During the Lunar phase of the Full Moon the Moon is on the opposite side of the Earth from the Sun. The Moon then is in Opposition with the Sun by 180 degrees. The Moon reaches its maximum brightness during the “FULL” moon.

This the Second One of Three..

The Theme…Follow your Heart…Follow Your Path..This is a  time of Pure Gold for the “Visionary”.

Allow Both the Sun and The Moon Light…Bless the Awareness of YOUR Light!


This Full Moon will Occur at the 6th Degree of Aquarius..

“A performer of a Mystery Play” Key Word: Subtlety..

This Full Moon takes place at the axis of Leo-Aquarius..The Sun in Leo is about expressing Courage, Willingness and LOVE..Strong Courage Being WHO you truly Are, Willingness to Not resist Change..and Love to Embrace ALL experience and the Beloved; The Entranceway to the Divine.

Leo is Connected to the Center of the Solar System and to our Solar Plexus..the Inner Sun within..From the Center, the Heart and Inner Light.


Aquarius During this Full easing what we need to play the role in the GREAT MYSTERY PLAY…which is the Cosmic Universal Destiny which is upon us All NOW..The Consciousness of Aquarius opens the Subtle layers of memory acknowledging we ARE the Creator in this Mystery Play…

The Question is ARE YOU willing to Be CONSCIOUS and PLAY? Fully as the Creator of YOUR Reality..YOUR Mystery PLAY.

The Combination of the Moon in Aquarius and the Sun in Leo brings forward the potential for New Ideas to Be Born, Visions Created Easily, and Opportunities for Innovations bar none..

This Full Moon is VERY CLEAR… Make Way for the NEW..Be Conscious and consciously CREATE like NEVER Before. As we are NOW in the Age of Aquarius…The Time is NOW, Embrace this with all of YOUR Being!

Awaken NOW and Be Initiated into YOUR INNER LIGHT..your  Eternal LIGHT, NOW.

This OPPOSITION between LEO and Aquarius is one of the MOST Significant Oppositions during this phase of Planet Earth History.

The NEW Era of LIGHT brings to Light NOW  the LIGHT of the inner the Center..this is LEO..The Full Moon in Aquarius will bring up any fears THAT are holding you back. Saturn in Scorpio is Squaring the Sun and Moon.. revealing what is necessary to Move forward to own fully the  responsibility as your very own Creator.

How could I not mention the Trine…The Trine of Saturn and Neptune..will continue and be highlighted by the Mars conjunction with Jupiter in Cancer creating a super-triangle WHICH will Feed the positive awareness that Life on Earth and YOUR life, will INDEED  get better!

Prepare yourself for CHANGE..Move deeply into YOUR heart; your Center. Allow the Opportunities for New Creation to move YOU through any Fears.

Fully OWN your Light..You as the New Human of Light AND Emerge Consciously in the Great Mystery Play, as the Creator that you are.

Crystals, Nature and Moon Cycles (a reminder)


Your Crystals Respond to Frequency Also! Let them Listen to My Frequency Transmissions and be Near You During the Daily 3am ADT Queen of Light Transmissions.

Do you prepare for the New Moons and Full Moons?  The Full Moon is a build up of energy since the New Moon.

Each New Moon and Full Moon holds a unique Frequency, when tapped into consciously, these cycles will be of great benefit for you and your life and to those around you.

This Moon Cycle, if you are a Lover of Nature and Crystals, Take them out and wash them lovingly. If you have personal meditation crystals make notes on How and When  you programmed and reprogrammed them! Please do not skip making notes. You will be very pleased you did.

Too many crystals programmed in a personal way without deep connection to them and without conscious remembering will lead to vague results.

Working with crystals and remembering all the crystals I programmed in Atlantis for here NOW, has been very beneficial for NOW as crystals hold their frequency and Love throughout all time and space. Crystals Hold conscious Memory.

Sometimes the “Beings” in Crystals are obvious.  Angels and Fairies in Crystals also enhance your Deeper Connection to Nature and Moon Cycles. I have many of Beings in my crystals, including Pyramids, Merkabahs and Ancient Symbols. Each Crystal has its Own Crystal Deva.

Look Deep and Lovingly into your Crystals as the Sacred Beings of Nature that they are.

If you cannot see clearly the Being in your Crystals, Know they are there.

Each Crystal has its own Spirit or Deva.

I have helped many who did not feel anything from their personal meditation crystals BEGIN to connect with The Crystals Deva, or Spirit. Love and Respect for the Sacredness of Nature is paramount to experience this true deep connection.

The New Moon and Full Moon are good times to clean and prepare your crystals.

This is a Great way to Honour the Moon Cycles and the Natural Rhythms in Nature. The Earth is Sacred and all that are upon it. Honour the Earth and You will be Honoured.

The New Moon may also be a great time To Look Back and if need be, Reprogram some of the crystals that you may have forgotten about or to simply Infuse the crystals with powerful New Moon Frequencies.  Cleanse and restore them and clearly pick the most special crystal to you and program it, spend time with it and get to know it on a personal level.

Stay present with your Emotions…allow and Stay in Harmony.

The Full Moon has a Powerful influence on YOUR Emotional Body. 

The New Moon is about Beginnings.

Not all crystals love the sun, some love the moon more.  All Quartz crystal Love the sun and the moon. If you have any questions on your Crystals please let me know.


Wash some crystals, and sit with them One at a time as close as possible to the exact time of the New Moon, or Full Moon and sit quietly holding your sacred crystal.

1. Listen to the Sound of your crystal, hold it up to your ear.

2. Breathe in and out and center yourself.

3. Focus on your Heart.

4. Focus on the want and wish you have that is in “alignment” with the current New Moon or Full Moon. 

5. Stay Present with your Emotions and Allow.

6. Focusing clearly ~ Breathe Your desire into your crystal several times through your Breath. Breathe on our crystal. Do not rush this part. Then holding the Point (if there is one)  into the palm of your non dominant hand ( the hand you do “not” write with) and  turn the point of the crystal in slow clockwise circles (slowly) till you feel the crystal tighten. When it tightens stop.

7. Then hold your crystal up to your ear and you will hear a higher pitched tone once programmed.  If you do NOT, simply repeat above and Turn the Point slowly once again.

To deprogram  a crystal Focus on releasing the Program and Begin the  procedure above  EXCEPT turn the crystal counter-clockwise.  Allow your crystal a “relax” time  before programming.   Listen to the New Sound of the Crystal after the deprogram procedure.

8. Then stay close to your crystal or crystals. Love them.

9. Make notes and INCLUDE  the date of the Programming or Reprogramming.

Know that crystals are Loving Beings. They really are alive. They have a Sacred Deva or Spirit. If they seem dormant it is only because perhaps they were in boxes in the dark for a while. Show them love and care. As you Love them, they open up in Love and respond to you  and your Frequency.

Prepare for Each Full Moon and New Moon.

Acknowledge the Moon and the Frequency it holds for you as the Sacred Rhythm of Nature itself.

Surround your Home in Higher frequencies. Play my Frequency Transmissions overnight and throughout the day to shift the Frequency of your Space. Your surroundings will hold the Higher Frequencies of Love and Union.

Above All, Love yourself.  Stay In Harmony.

Any Questions about this Full Moon or Crystals please comment on this Post.

In The Sacredness of Divine Union and Eternal Love, I hold You,

Pleiadian Delegate; The Queen of Light 


I have included below links for you to receive The Frequency Transmissions from the Central Sun through the Queen of Light, Audio and Daily,  that will activate the Codes within your Original Blueprint.

My New Website  2013:

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions; These are Powerful Dispensations!!

To Join the Group to Receive the Daily Queen of Light Transmission:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

You can Also Request the Daily Queen of Light Transmissions on My website:

To Follow me on Twitter:

To Email me to receive my Newsletter:

To Order the Pleiadian Twin Soul Activation, Pleiadian Blueprint Activation, Pleiadian 12 Strand DNA Activation, Pleiadian Light Transmissions, and Healing Sessions, Please visit my Website:

Like my Facebook Page:

copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2013.