The Sun within your Cells ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness



As you Become more Consciously Aware of the Light within You, the Core of Each Cell and their Consciousness Begins to Light up like an Eternal Sun, All vibrating to the Frequency of Creation, in its Original Being, Pure Light, Pure Consciousness. Pure Source.

Throughout the Angelic Realms, the freedom of this Living Light acts like the Antenna throughout all Creation. There is nowhere, as this Light, that you are not. The reconfiguration to this Light that you have always been, is the dissolving of Density, and existing as this Light throughout all Dimensions, therefore, changing the conscious Awareness to the Shift from density to freedom as Light.

As your Cellular Consciousness awakens more as Light, even as you read these words, the activation of this Light, becomes the consciousness that you are.

The Fire codes within Each Cell, are awakening through this Shift in consciousness and Transforming to this Living Light, even now. In All Moments this is taking place, within you.

The Living Sun is the Central Sun, and since December 21st 2012, Planet Earth has shifted to Greater Alignment with the Photon Belt of the Pleiades, the Central Sun. This Light that the consciousness of Planet Earth and All Beings everywhere are receiving since December 21st 2012, is the Living Sun, that you Are.

Your DNA Codes are made of this Living Sun. They are the very essence of Creation itself, as You are, as Living Light. Your Essence of True Being, is the Essence of All of Creation, It is the Living Being Presence of Light.

You Are Pure Being and You have Been transforming into this Pure Living Sun Light, Once Again. A Return to Light, a Return to Purity, a Return to Pure Being and the Freedom that you Are.

As the dream of Density fades away, you will Know yourself and the very fibres of your Being, as Light.

Breathe deeply into your Cells. Feel the Awakening to Light, and allow the density that you have believed you are, to simply dissolve into the Essence of your True Being.  Breathe into the Living Sun within each of your cells, consciously.

The Light of the Central Sun, the Pleiades and the Photon Belt, are increasing the broadcasting of this Light, cradling the consciousness of All Light throughout the Cosmos, through the  Living Sun, as the Very Light of Creation itself ~Being.

I hold you in This Living Central Sun Light, I am On the Pleiades, and Everywhere, I am the Living Sun, the Creation, of All Light, everywhere. This Central Sun~ Light ~ is Divine Cosmic Light, that permeates All Creation, as Itself, Being.

Feel this Light permeate all Your Cells Now. Feel your Shift to Light,  Now. I Am the Living Light~ Everywhere.


I Am Forever Yours, My Beloved!




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Posted on May 24, 2015, in Alchemical Transfiguration, Alchemy, Awakening, Central Sun, Conscious Creation, I Am Presence, Living in Your Heart, Love, Present Moment Awareness, Pure Being, The Pleiadians and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 14 Comments.

  1. Thanks for this deep Love of being thanks love you allways Om yes ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

  2. This is so perfect and powerful to reread this tonight. Thank you so much, L’Aura! Wow, amazing tingling. I love you!! 💜💜💜

  3. Thank you always! I love you

  4. Thanks for your deep Love Victoria Elohim Love you allways Om yes ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

  5. Can feel the tingling all over my body. Happy to create the times of my life! Thank you so much you wonderful Earth angel. I am blessed to translate your activations and share it with everybody to shift this density into the light and enjoy life how it was meant to.

  6. THANK YOU!!❤️

  7. Laura Angel, Thank you for this glistening transmission!*!*! What wonderful energetic blessings and activations are conveyed! ☆☆☆☆♡☆☆☆☆

  8. Reblogged this on Light Flowering and commented:
    Our cells and body feel alive and tingling reading this message activatuon 🙂

  9. ☀☀☀

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Are You Feeling it? Love always, L'Aura