Holding the Consciousness of Love ~ For the Orlando Tragedy

Activating Divine Light Within

We often hear, those who are the hardest to love, need love the most. And although this is true, these world tragedies are an opportunity to go deep within. Realizing, Love is the only answer.

Love for the families that are grieving. Love for those that love.

Love for those, that live in a world of right and wrong and judgment, which is an outer statement of their inner world.

As this Love spreads out and touches every heart on earth. Deeper understanding, respect and self Love, begins to permeate every Heart and Soul.

It is with love and honour, we hold all those involved in the Tragedy, with compassion and Love. There is no one that does not act and play out what is within them. The entire belief system in areas of the world, that still justify the harmful wrongdoing to fellow humans, we hold in love.

It is ONLY love that changes things. That changes hearts. That opens up the closed hearted, to the compassion and love, of all that is.

Hold ALL in the fiery Love of Your Heart, let it burn deeply, TILL all you KNOW is Love.

And let the ashes that have dissolved all that is not love within you, be integrated back into the Whole. As the Love of All That is. 

We hold them as we hold ourselves, in love.

To all those in pain, I hold you in Love.

To all those in anger and rage, I hold you in Love.

To all those that justify harm to others, I hold you in Love.

Love is love. Freely given. Fully expressed, from a heart that only knows Love.

And So it is. Love Heals All.


Eternal Love, always!



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copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2016.


Posted on June 16, 2016, in 5th Dimensional Consciousness, Alchemical Transfiguration, Alchemy, Awakening, Conscious Creation, I Am Presence, Living in Your Heart, Love, Present Moment Awareness, Pure Being, The Pleiadians and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Love is all there is… may we be…live and breathe love and when we stray, always be reminded to come back to this place of LOVE. Thank you for this post 💖

  2. 💛💛💛

  3. Marja Thibaudier

    💛Thank you with Love💛

  4. It is true angels and Love heals all Om

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Are You Feeling it? Love always, L'Aura