What is Your Body ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness



Your Light Body, is your Body. Is your Form. It is what is allowing you to INTERFACE HERE. In this Holographic Experience.

Your body is not solid and the awareness of this Shift to Light as your Body is the embodiment of consciousness as Being the Ascended Being that you already are.

You already are. You already are eternal.

You are CONSCIOUSLY shifting (including your DNA) to the conscious awareness of being THAT. That which you already are.

Loving what you feel is YOUR physical body is loving and stepping into the NEW YOU. Resisting, not liking, wishing it was different, comparing and judging, is the realm of the ego wants. Of resistance. Of grasping. Of attachment to the wants of ego.

Loving NOW does not have to mean like.


Love is Kind. Is gentle. Is compassionate.

Your body when I view you from and through the higher realms, is LIGHT. You already have the perfect Light Body.

That is WHAT is fuelling (keeping animated) your appeared physical form. This is all holographic.

So wow grasp this.

You already are immortal, you have never died. The you that is light after crossing over (so to speak) STILL exists as Light!

The New Way (the old is obsolete yet possible to still choose) is the BODY as LIGHT gets to STAY conscious of ITSELF as EXISTING. SO there is no experience of a Death. Or corruption.

Why? Because it is Light. You are Light.

You are transitioning into the TRUTH of you. The Eternal Truth of YOU and stepping into (this is the important part here) THE CONSCIOUS awareness of WHAT YOU ARE.


Yes you are going through symptoms of transformation.

Yes your body is changing.

Why? Because your DNA Frequency is changing.

Through your DNA which is made up and programmed through your consciousness ~ SUM, that is, your mental, emotional, physical and spiritual bodies.

The WAY through this transformation, through it all. All levels. All experiences of Grace. Is through the PORTAL of your HEART,

Which is LOVE.

Through your Heart and Love is through and into EMBODYING 5th Dimensional Consciousness.

What is 5th Dimensional Consciousness?

It is WHAT you already are. It is how you already exist, that is ALLOWING you to have the Holographic meeting place here on Earth, in a form.

APPLY what you know.

Everyone starts SOMEWHERE.

Apply love to your body. You know your body.

Look in the mirror apply LOVE.

Say ~ I love you my Body. I love what you TRULY Are. Thank you for allowing me to be HERE. Right Now.

And repeat.

BE kind to life as that is the gift of this EXPERIENCE.

IT is through this vessel called your form that your consciousness is here to experience your ASCENSION and to experience the conscious transformation of your Form, into the eternal You.

All Now.

Love Now.

Love your Body.

Love the vehicle that is your Holographic “Consciousness Interface” of the Eternal YOU.

I Hold you in this GREAT Ascension.

Where the you ~ you thought you were, NO longer exists.

Where the YOU that you did not know you were. Steps forward, As the Glorious Eternal Light of GOD.

You as God, showing UP, for the Ascension.

In this Light and in the Hourly ACTIVATION, I hold you Dear Souls. In the Magnificence of ALL That Is. Love and Be, right Now.


Eternal Love and Bliss!



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Posted on May 4, 2016, in 5th Dimensional Consciousness, Alchemical Transfiguration, Alchemy, Awakening, Conscious Creation, I Am Presence, Light Body, Living in Your Heart, Love, Present Moment Awareness, Pure Being, The Pleiadians and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ awesome !!! Thank You L'aura<3 ❤

  2. Marvelous and Lovely post, my gratitude for your light and love. ❤ ❤ I ❤ ❤ Love you ❤ ❤ Eternal Love and Bliss ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤
    "After going on", when I could again more or less my "normal" life, whether for a few days I felt very disoriented, very special, as everything was new for me, when I was in the park I felt the air rarefied and a very strange feeling, I've always thought that actually went back to start my life here on this planet.
    On May 3, I went out to walk to the park at night and felt I had a headache, especially the crown and felt inside that I was going to exploit, for a moment I felt like fire in my pineal; but now times it happens to me something similar.

  3. Jeanne Russell

    Thank,you so much I needed to hear this… Much love ❤️

  4. Brilliant!!! 💛

  5. Marja Thibaudier

    💜Beautiful💜 Sacred Grace and Love💜 Love you 💜😇Thank you L’Aura💜

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Are You Feeling it? Love always, L'Aura