Black New Moon in Libra September 30th, 2016 ~ Gateway of Transformation


This is the second New Moon in September, which is called a Black Moon. This Black New Moon is in Libra and is at 9:11 pm ADT September 30th, 2016. 

This is the first New Moon after the September Solar and Lunar eclipses, and after Mercury Retrograde! Yay! The impact within will be POWERFUL, as this energetic force unleashes its grand FORCE, in the Light of Love.

This is where the INNER effects of the Eclipse (especially if the Solar Eclipse affected your Sign and Degree specifically) will begin to reveal itself.

This Libra Black New Moon will conjunct Jupiter at 4 degrees Libra and will sextile Saturn at 11 degrees Sagittarius. This Black New Moon will also inconjunct/quincunx Neptune retrograde at 9 degrees Pisces, thus triggering the Saturn Neptune squares. Also it will square Mars and Pluto in Capricorn.

As everything takes place within, and what we experience as our external reality is the result of the past (thoughts, emotions, subconscious) when we experience a new beginning, it is the playing out, of what has already occurred within.

CHANGE takes place within. Impacts of energies, takes place within. Resulting in the activation (or sometimes deactivation) of the subconscious minds reactions held in your  Blueprint. Lifetime to lifetime.

Change may be experienced as Endings or Beginnings WITHIN, resulting in changes in the external form; the reflection of within.

So when we talk about a new beginning, what is it within you, that is now fully completed (or not) that desires to REVEAL Itself. The triggers of consciousness are NOT random. You are exactly where you are and experiencing what you are experiencing, as the result of your Blueprint. your reactions, your choices and responses, to this subconscious program, that you are playing out, called life.

Going from point A to point B, so to speak, we LOOK within. We desire change out there? Look within. We are still struggling with the same issues, look within.

How you handle within, how you allow yourself to transform, may feel like a constant battle for results, yet, in truth, it is about the COMPASSION that you show and give yourself, the GRACE you allow yourself to RECEIVE that opens the doors, that struggle keeps shut.

Are you ready for Change? Are you ready to love yourself more? Are you ready to complete the reactions, that keep you in the same place? Are you ready to finally LOVE Yourself, so you allow yourself to be released from the guilt, the sadness, the remorse, the feelings of not being worthy. Will you gift yourself with love this New Moon?

Yes, Libra is about relationships and maybe you will begin a New One. Yet the same old patterns will emerge (if the reactions as memory as still playing out) because everything is taking PLACE WITHIN You. Whether you realize that or not.

Those that are ready, those that have embraced the energies of Mars and Pluto within, and have transformed, WITHIN, will feel empowered in a very inner wisdom way, to step Boldly into the New, having done the inner KNOWING and looking, and LOVING within.

Now, at any point in this experience you call Earth Living, you may do a complete 360 degree turn. ANYONE at any point may receive the GRACE that opens their consciousness and their Heart, to the New Way. 5th Dimensional Consciousness = LOVE.

True Love, not the love based on Condition.

You love yourself no matter what, as there are NO longer any places to HIDE the shame, the sadness, it is KNOWN by everyone subconsciously. Exactly what do you think you are hiding from? That just comes down to holding out. Holding out on yourself.

Embracing what is, what you ARE NOW within YOU and the truth of who you really ARE, will act like a powerful FORCE of NATURE, transforming all moments, into the Light of Truth. The LIGHT of LOVE. The Light of what is TRUTH in the LIGHT of Day and throughout Eternity….NOW!

Are you ready? Are you willing, to open those closed doors within you and enter the TRUE PORTAL of SELF LOVE?

Begin now.

Close your eyes for a moment and BREATHE.

Relax and feel. Feel yourself being activated NOW.

I breathe in the Light of my Eternal TRUE Self, as I receive the GRACE of Eternal Love, opening me up to the TRUTH of All That I Am Now.

I Breathe in the Newness, activated within me, in my subconscious, that opens my Heart fully to the Grace of LOVE that dissolves all in its LIGHT that is not perfect LOVE. Now.

I Receive, I open, to the feminine principle, and enter the Gateway within, that leads to the Miracles and Grace, I always knew was available for ME, NOW.

Happy Black New Moon! And So it is! Forever and Always! In the Eternal Light and Grace of All That is! Now!


Eternal Love and Ecstasy, Always!


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Posted on September 30, 2016, in 5th Dimension; The Age of Aquarius., Alchemical Transfiguration, Awakening, Conscious Creation, I Am Presence, Living in Your Heart, Love, New Moon in Libra, Present Moment Awareness and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 13 Comments.

  1. thank you! 🙏🏻💗🌚

  2. Thank you very much 🙂

  3. If I feel within me the indelible stain of light, I feel the ecstasy of light, I am having many visions, I see many people, known and unknown.
    ❤ ❤ I Love You ❤ ❤ Eternal Love and Bliss ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

  4. Ready Yes 💛 Embracing All That Is Now Yes 💛 Powerfully Sacred 🌙 Love And Thank You L’Aura 🌙 Happy Black Moon To You 🌙

  5. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You ❤ ❤ I Love You ❤

  6. 🌙 Happy Black New Moon🌙 L’Aura💛🌙
    Ready- Receive
    This Sacred Activation💛
    Love you💛💛

  7. So much thank you º♡º Happy Black New Moon◾🌙

  1. Pingback: L’AURA PLEIADIAN: “Black New Moon in Libra September 30th, 2016 ~ Gateway of Transformation” | Dreaming With Dolphins

  2. Pingback: #Astrology #Flashbacks #Black #NewMoon in #Libra September 30th, 2016 ~ #Gateway of #Transformation – Ola Queen Bee of Astrology

  3. Pingback: Black New Moon in Libra September 30th, 2016 ~ Gateway of Transformation — The New Divine Humanity | Meela Bliss

  4. Pingback: L’AURA PLEIADIAN: “Black New Moon in Libra September 30th, 2016 ~ Gateway of Transformation” | Ascension Avatar

Are You Feeling it? Love always, L'Aura