New Moon in Leo, August 2nd, 2016 ~ Glory and Magnificence


This New Moon on August 2nd, at 5:44 pm ADT is in Leo. New Moons are New Beginnings! This New Moon forms a trine with Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius. This is a lighter New Moon, with an energy boost, as Mars enters Sagittarius just before the New Moon.

This regal New Moon is a playful one, with the opportunity to consciously move deeper into your Heart, and expand into the New YOU in the Future Timeline! The Higher Self You!

Each New Moon impacts each person in a unique way, based on their own unique Blueprint. The frequencies interact with your frequency creating the desired impact for your evolution.  This was created before you incarnated.

Leo rules the 5th house, romance, children, creativity, and child like being. The Heart and Love. This is the time to shine, to open to greater love, to loving yourself more. To them live life through your Heart, in love.

The Light of YOUR Soul, through your Heart, is a Magnificence that cannot be described through words. This is felt and experienced as the Beatific Glory of All That is. Pure Moment to moment awareness of Being Love. Of Being your Light. Of Being the PURE YOU.

Living in the ALIGNMENT with your Higher Self, is the Future Timeline that already exists, that you ARE expanding consciously into.

This is your timeline shift. Your Ascension. Your Magnificence, your Light and eternal Glory.

The YOU ~ you are aligning with, through your heart.

Feel, sense and live in this Alignment, through your heart. Do not look to external circumstances to give you the inner confidence or love. Go deep within and feel the Love and sense the Light and the warmth of your Heart.

Even now, experience a Shift.

Relax, breathe and feel.

A few more deep breaths.

Now, Feel your Heart as a Glorious Flame of Light.

Sense yourself immersed in this Light.

Stay present, breathe and feel.

Feel this Light as the warmth of the Sun WITHIN YOU.

I Am Brilliant, nourishing, life-giving and forever radiant.

I Am the beauty of eternal Light.

Breathe and feel this Light move into all of your cells Now. This warmth, of the Sun. Within you.

I now celebrate my Alignment with the Magnificence of my Higher Self.

I expand my consciousness as it merges with the Future Timeline where I exist NOW as my Higher Self.

I feel this Now and celebrate this Now.

Breathe, and feel.

If you have not yet read or listened to the Invocation to the Future Timeline, Higher Self You, please do. And immerse yourself in the Benevolent Light of All That is.

I hold you in this, always. Every hour, every moment. Every day.

And So it is! The Magnificence Glorified and Fully Realized! That I am Now!


Eternal Love and Bliss!

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copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2016.

About L'Aura Pleiadian

Holding All in Divine Love and Transformation, Forevermore, L'Aura

Posted on July 29, 2016, in 5th Dimensional Consciousness, Alchemical Transfiguration, Alchemy, Awakening, Conscious Creation, I Am Presence, Living in Your Heart, Love, New Moon in Leo, Present Moment Awareness, Pure Being and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 15 Comments.

  1. There are no mistakes, even though painful, the process.
    You are preparing to enter a new timeline. Where you exist as your Higher Self and all is resolved. 💜💜

  2. In a meditation I did yesterday I had a vision of a great white lion; in today felt a lot of energy, lots of light and saw a black panther moving, also saw two figures kissing
    ❤ ❤ I Love you dear beloved Angel ❤ ❤ Eternal Love and Bliss ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

  3. Two days ago I had a beautiful vision, white man, with his curly blond hair, I saw it as in a mirror, with large golden wings.
    Also in your invocation of the future, I had several visions, among those a boy raised on a high and great rock looking towards the horizon.
    Everything that happens to me now around me tells me that “as above, so below”, there have been things say miraculous, everything can change in the blink of an eye.
    If I feel that my conscience is already in the 5th dimension and I am here to fulfill God’s will.
    I also realized that I had certain desires are made manifest.
    Do not know why but lately I feel very tired and fall asleep easily
    Thank you so much dear Victoria Elohim,
    Thanks for being with me deep inside my heart
    ❤ ❤ I Love you ❤ ❤ Eternal Love and Bliss ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

  4. thanks LOve and peace allways Om yes

  5. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    what happens if as a starseed you disagree to marry again your twin flame and do not want to go back with him in heaven ,,what wil happen according to you ;personnaly i am a starseed but asexual ;;and my twin flame that is here with me is an horror movie ;; do you think i am going to be raped eternally or not ; i have made all your activations ;;what happens after to me;; is a full multi cosmic horror movie ;;;where i can play even with the life of a universe ;;a mere game to me ;; but really my twin flame is an horror movie ; your answer please ;;i did not know at first this would happen to me ;;;an horror movie i tell you ;;

  6. If I was sitting in the park and very quiet and suddenly felt something very deep and strong in my heart, I feel something very big and as you say, feel the warmth go through my body. If I listen to the superinvocacion, very cute. Again thanks for always being with me and giving me your light and your immense love. ❤ ❤ I Love you beloved angel ❤ ❤ Eternal Love and Bliss ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ always in my heart ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

  7. 💛💛💛

  8. This is the first time, I do not look to external circumstances, to give myself the inner confidence or love, now💞💞💞no seeking.
    Infinite Thank you💞

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Are You Feeling it? Love always, L'Aura