The Councils of Light ~ Entering The New Earth


The Pleiadian Councils of Light. The Blue Avian Councils of Light. The Galactic Councils of Light. The Inter Galactic Councils of Light. The overseers of the Shift. All are Beings of Light, connected in the shifting of consciousness (dimensional embodiment) in this Universe and beyond.

Continuously expanding into a multiverse of consciousness. Parallel time lines. Parallel worlds. All was created and continue to expand into infinite awareness and dimensions. There is no end to the expansion of consciousness.

We use words on earth, at the Higher Levels of consciousness words are not needed for communication. As Light codes, they are immediately transmitted, beyond words. Beyond time and space. In time and space. Vibrating through all dimensions. As Light.

The part of you that exists as Light exists Now. All timelines of you exist now.

The you existing in 5th Dimensional Consciousness and Higher frequency dimensions exist Now. Because you do not see that you, does not mean that you does not exist.

Experiencing live communication with Atlantis. With future timelines, transforms now. As conscious awareness of other dimensions, shifts here and there, as you are connected to all timelines. Conscious awareness of this Light you existing in many dimensions, transforms your DNA and the Light within your cells. Your awareness.

Without your awareness you receive the downloads of Light from the Higher Frequency Dimensions. As Light codes. As Light.

Feeling the shifts in your body helps you to get access to the awareness of this Light which is exists beyond an understanding of it. This “feeling” is the communication system of the higher frequency realms of Light. It is attuning to the “energy” of Light. Noticing how this feels in your body. Sensing, feeling, seeing Light.

This is beyond 3D understanding. It is the new understanding that you are embodying as the Light within your cellular consciousness increases. And it is.

The purging out of the older frequencies from the cells, may feel like what you call negative emotions. At the higher frequency realms, it is part of the transformation. As all of your cells are transforming and vibrating to these higher frequency realms of Light.

The shifting in consciousness to the Higher Frequency Realms of Light, allows the timeline you exist in to automatically attune to the higher frequency dimensions you exist in already.

Having experienced many frequency dimensions, they are real. Just as real as the 3D Earth you may find yourself shifting in and out of.

When I view people in a day, I witness them shifting in and out of dimensions. Completely not aware of this. This is natural. The steadying and anchoring of the higher frequency dimensions into the cellular consciousness creates the anchoring. Also the releasing of the old ways, as the consciousness in your cells, embodies Higher Light frequencies.

Up and down, it may seem. Yet, you are in all of those realms already.

So it is attuning in and out of.

The Higher you consciously go, the greater the transformation in your cells.

Even though it may seem you attain a level, then do not understand why you feel you landed back to where you were originally.

Higher frequencies transforms your frequency. When you are in contact with the Higher Dimensions of Light. Each time your consciousness changes, expands. Your Light increases.

How much you receive, is part of your Soul Plan. YET, there are many variations in the parallel worlds of you. Which dimensions you move in and out of depends on what it is you are learning. Desiring to experience. Even if this feels counter to what the 3D you, believes it wants to experience.

When you are ready to embody the Higher Dimensions in all moments, you will experience yourself in a new timeline.

This you, again, exists already.

You may wonder why then shift into another timeline if you already exist there and here simultaneously.

To embody the Shift here. As part of your connection to the Shift taking place on Earth. Bringing the Higher Dimensions of Light here, INTERFACING with those you are destined to be in contact with. Showing how this is done, through your own embodiment.

For many of you this is an Angelic Mission. As existing in the Angelic Realms you agreed Eons ago to be part of the first ones on Earth, to take this leap and be the anchor for those that are also ready to shift.

This interfacing is a school of consciousness that is very much connected to the Councils of Light, to the regulation teams, governing this shift.

There is a dimension where the shift takes place. It is a merging of dimensions you refer to as Ascension. Where many dimensions and parallel worlds merge together as a new dimension.  A Dimension is an embodiment of consciousness as Light Frequency, though which one exists consciously, through.

All higher frequency realms shift lower realms. In so doing, this shifts the consciousness of all those existing in form in what will appear as still 3D consciousness.

This is not a mistake.

This is how others have agreed to shift.

The vastness of all of this, is known through the higher frequency dimensions WHERE it exists as the Overseeing Light Frequencies of the dimensional playing out of this shift in Consciousness. The Ascension.

This Light and Light Bodies are no less real that how you perceive your 3D forms.

It is the consciousness that embodies the form, that makes it feel real.

Feeling as I mentioned earlier, is what moves the consciousness deeper into the dimension to which the consciousness finds itself. Like a beautiful story you might read. The deeper you go into feeling it, the more real it feels.

Moving in and out of dimensions and sensing the deeper feeling in the form, is the conscious awareness and the new memories in the form, that transforms the form.

As you receive this transmission, higher Frequency dimensions, beyond time and space, yet here now, are transmitting to you through many frequency realms of Light. That are what you call dimensions.

The Blue Avians, the Pleiadians, The Elohim, are the expanded Beings of Light, at the Higher levels of Your Consciousness, you Know. All emanate from the Original Light, as YOU DO.

The convergence into the New You, the New timeline you will embody as fully entered and anchored into, knows its original Light. It is the conscious attuning to these Higher Frequencies, through this transmission, through other Higher Dimensional Activations, that you feel more deeply into this.

The already existing now.

The changing of timelines.

The expanded you, not separate from the Original Light You.

The You that exists in many dimensions simultaneously.

The You that receives and processes these shifts in consciousness in your cellular consciousness. EVEN NOW.


Breathe now.


Breathe now.

Living, Breathing as the Original Light. All dimensions now.

Feel and breathe. And So it is. Downloads received. Transmission complete.


Heaven on Earth!

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copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2017.

Posted on July 20, 2016, in 5th Dimensional Consciousness, Alchemical Transfiguration, Alchemy, Awakening, Conscious Creation, Councils of Light, I Am Presence, Living in Your Heart, Love, Present Moment Awareness, Pure Being, The Blue Avians, The Pleiadians and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 22 Comments.

  1. Thanks for the transmissions ❤ I Love you ❤ Om yes

  2. every time I am by step of activation ,I feel that too…….

  3. Lovely lovely IAm IAm Iam Pure Light yes Om expandin infinitness thanks

  4. ☀☀☀

  5. Queen of light, we appreciate your sacrifice and we bow to you…the Avians in form now join

  6. Queen Of Light,
    The whole of humanity bows to you for your sacrifice!!..The Avians in form now join

  7. Love and gratitude forever 🌟🌟🌟

  8. Oh my goodness, I adore this and you! Feeling and breathing! Thank you, L’Aura! I love you! ❤️😇

  9. Grateful Thanks and Blessings ❤

  10. 💙🌈🐬Thank-you for your love & support🐬🌈💙I love you Divine Mother💙🌈🐬

  11. Received.<3

  1. Pingback: L’AURA PLEIADIAN: ” The Councils of Light ~ Entering The New Earth” | Ascension Avatar

  2. Pingback: L’AURA PLEIADIAN: ” The Councils of Light ~ Entering The New Earth” | Dreaming With Dolphins

  3. Pingback: L’AURA PLEIADIAN: “The Councils of Light ~ Shifting Timelines as your Ascension” | Dreaming With Dolphins

  4. Pingback: L’AURA PLEIADIAN: “The Councils of Light ~ Shifting Timelines as your Ascension” | Ascension Avatar

Are You Feeling it? Love always, L'Aura