Trusting your Soul ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness


The Purpose of life is not about the ego getting what it wants. That is how you know if you are functioning through your ego, also. As the ego always wants something that is not present. It is never satisfied with NOW. What is. It is always seeking and searching for something more.

What about Now?

Is this enough for You?

Yet, through the processes you are going through and what may seem painful, is the process of letting go. Once you have let go of your attachments and the desire of the wants no longer guiding your life, then you are free from the suffering, that ultimately, your desire to be free from.

That is why it seems so backwards. As if what you want is painful. Yet it is not the desires that are painful, it is the constant endless never being present. Never appreciating what is. In the appreciating what is, comes the KNOWING and appreciation of the Soul.

That something far greater than your ego “wants” is running the show all along.

The pain is only there when we “believe” we are those wants, and perceive the Universe and our Soul as a killjoy to those wants. This of course is the victim consciousness, still prevalent and that cause of most suffering.

Not that getting what you want is bad.

In trusting your Soul, and knowing that the ego wants are not necessarily what your Soul desires for you.

Instead of a list of your wants. Why not try, letting go and being present.

What you see and your Processes are what your Soul is DOING through YOU.

Why not love that?

Let go of the struggle to “get” what you want.

Rest in your Heart and trust your Soul.

It is all doing it anyway. Even those struggles, even those fights against the Soul. Even the demands of the ego and what you continue to go through as you still hold on to living through your ego. Your Soul still has a master plan that THROUGH those experiences that appear not as the Soul, your Soul works through that.

Like a loving parent that sees the far greater picture.

It is almost as if the ego just sees the tree. Your Soul sees the whole forest.

What your ego does not see, your Soul Does, and like it or not it is ultimately in charge. Hence those repeat experiences, over and over. Your Soul is drawing you back, like a loving parent, gently guiding you. Allowing you to make those decisions etc, that will cause you pain. Only for you to learn and eventually when you have had enough pain. To let go.

To surrender.

For your will to be the will of your Soul. Your Blueprint. Your plan.

What you have to go through to get where your Soul wants you is not to be compared with others plans. Your Soul and what you go through is unique to exactly what triggers you. What awakens you. What helps you to eventually come to the place of surrender.

Where all you desire is to trust your Soul. Where you do trust your Soul.

Even when it makes no sense. Even when it seems like you will lose it all. Even when you have lost it all.

Deep within you, you know there is a reason and you trust.

Ultimately this is the place to live within. Within your heart that just knows, trusts moment to moment. Even where there are  no answers. No guarantees.

It is BEING brought to this POINT that is the Ultimate place to live within. AS it is at this space and place and point of living in the moment, that the Highest Destiny comes forth. As far greater than you could have ever previously imagined.

Sure you can try to get things with your ego. It will not get you to where ultimately your Soul is leading you, to this place of trust.

Where you are “actually” truly ready to receive.

Truly ready to live as your Soul. United. As there is no inner battle going on about who is in charge. Then, the magical amazing miracles of your Soul lead the way. As you live the life of the greatest dreams imaginable.

Truly trusting life. Truly trusting all moments, not caring if you know anything or why.

Trusting your Soul. And so it is. Open to receive.


Eternal ~ Heaven on Earth!



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copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2016.

Posted on April 26, 2016, in 5th Dimensional Consciousness, Alchemical Transfiguration, Alchemy, Awakening, Conscious Creation, I Am Presence, Living in Your Heart, Love, Present Moment Awareness, Pure Being, The Pleiadians, Trusting your Soul and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Very deep words . All about trust ❤ ❤ Thank You !! i love You

  2. So touching, beautiful. Love and many thanks and blessings to you! 💛

  3. Marja Thibaudier

    💞Thank you L’Aura💞 So Sacred💞 Trust my Soul💞 I Love you💞

  4. Today I especially admire your sense of humor in the writing, lovingly guiding us always. Maybe it meant I trust with no answers and no guarantees, but knowing that pain is not on the menu anymore.
    I love you, thank you so much💛

  5. So grateful for the deep knowing and wisdom of this post and for You. I love you!! 💗

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