We are deep in the process of the most intense modifications of DNA/Blueprint restructuring.

INTEGRATING THE NEXT level of the NEW WORLD Heaven on Earth merge, is what is taking place through the higher levels of GOD consciousness NOW.

We BLESS all those who have stepped up and are taking this intensity on, through each breath in every moment.

The black and white of it all, good and bad, 3D battle, is HELD in DIVINE LOVE that transforms all.

Being in harmony WITH NOW is the state of BEING that lives in joy, in the supremacy of the sacred DIVINE HEART SPACE.

The New WAY implemented on EARTH is the full merge of the transcendent NEW WORLD superimposing itself onto this one, through DIVINE consciousness that sees through the heart.

We are activating the codes within BLUEPRINTS  bringing the DIVINE consciousness awareness them into BEING through NOW.

In sacred DIVINE LOVE we activate this through the eternal FLOW of GLORY, with the Divine Council of Overseers. WE ignite, transform, hold in the chrysalis of BEING all the ADEPTS and the holy awakened ONES.

THROUGH the heart we activate all of you NOW.

Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, thank you’d bless you:

To Follow me on my Facebook PAGE and receive The Hourly Activation “Divine Ascended Being Activation”

You may join this Group to Receive (or Intend to receive this) the Hourly 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

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L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

To Follow me on Twitter:http://www.twitter.comLAuraPleiadian

copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2021.

About L'Aura Pleiadian

Holding All in Divine Love and Transformation, Forevermore, L'Aura

Posted on July 15, 2019, in 5th Dimensional Love Relationships, Alchemy, Beloved, Beloved Union, Change and Transformation ~ Full Moon, Eternal Love, Everlasting Love, Love, Queen of Light, Queen Priest of Mu, The Pleiadians, The Queen of Light, Transformation. Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. Mercedes Belalcazar Mejia

    Thank you very much for these beautiful and important messages for this fb, since in the other yahoo I have a bit of difficulties, I plan to open another fb with mbelalca2018.
    As on July 29 while still in Santa Marta, at night I felt that I came here to my house and caressed my favorite cat, I felt that I physically touched her, after about 4 days, I also felt at night, that I moved to another place and I met other people, I felt that my clothing was like that of a monk, with a hat, or something that covered my head, these experiences seem very interesting and I am glad to have them.
    ❤ ❤ I Love you ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ Eternal Love, Light, Bliss and Gratitude ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

  2. Love you 💜 Queen oflight

  3. I love you so!! Thank you, L’Aura and the Divine Council of Overseers for this amazing activation. ♥️🌟♥️

  4. Bendiciones Única 💛

  5. Thank YOU, Beloved L’Aura and The Overseers! I Love You! 🙏🏻❤️

  6. I love you so much, THANK YOU! Feeling it deeply, thank you for everything 🙏🏻 I love you 💞💞

Are You Feeling it? Love always, L'Aura