The Beloved Sanat Kumara joins us with The Divine Council of Overseers,The Queen of Light and The Pleiadian Council of Light and more, through the Central Sun,  as an alignment of OUR Light Ship, present NOW we activate THOSE OF YOU ready for  mastery to BE YOUR awakened EMBODIED DIVINE GOD SELF.

The evolving Light of Consciousness through YOUR expanded  Heart AWARENESS and being, self initiates your DNA.

Your original Blueprint is encoded for this.

As this LIGHT awareness and pure being through your heart expands and Shifts Now, your imminent transformation into BEING  all that you agreed to be before incarnating, becomes the revealing of your eternal God Self to YOU now.  This becomes your full awareness and is experienced as you SEE through your heart.

The Heart sees and knows the purity of the eternal YOU in all moments.

This bypassing of the OLD way of being, becomes the GLORIOUS entranceway to your experience of the NEW EARTH, Ascended Being, GOD Self Embodiment.

AS you read this, the frequency penetrates deeply throughout your awareness levels and throughout all dimensions where you co exist now.

This activates your own unique BLUEPRINT, which is already encoded with everything needed to bring about THIS instantaneous manifestation of DIVINE Being.

The moment is always perfect for this.

The Light ships LIGHT of awareness IS held within the core of the GOD MIND, GOD HEART. Which does manifest itself faster than the speed of light.

This plays out through the PERFECT ALIGNMENT OF BEING.

We celebrate these initiations and bless the unfolding of the plan THROUGH YOU as the path to freedom and Mastery of Form, YOUR ASCENSION.

Now the Divine eternal  self is aware of all of this.

This is an activation of all that you are, through your sacred HEART.

You may begin to feel this as the GOLDEN LIGHT of the Central Sun that we are transmitting to you now.  Feel the warmth, feel your breath. FEEL this DIVINITY of Being.

Breathe this in slowly and deeply now.

We are present as we always are and always have been, before this Universe, we are. Now activating you.

The activations of awareness are three fold, your awareness of you as Light, your true  HEART expansion and the embodiment of you as  DIVINE GOD SELF. Your Ascended Master of form, eternal self.

This does exist now.

Through the space of your Sacred Heart.

In all worlds, throughout all dimensions, MERGED, connected and joined forever in this the expansion of your HEART AWARENESS, that ALREADY IS.

YOU in Divine UNION with this awareness now, as ALL THAT IS.

In this the eternal LOVE and Being, present and fully here, our Light Ship activating you now.

About L'Aura Pleiadian

Holding All in Divine Love and Transformation, Forevermore, L'Aura

Posted on July 8, 2019, in 5th Dimensional Love Relationships, Alchemy, Ascension, Beloved, Beloved Union, Eternal Love, Everlasting Love, First Wave of Ascension, Love, Priest Queen of Mu, Queen of Light, The Pleiadians, Transformation. Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Mercedes Belalcázar Mejia

    Last night I also did the meditation listening to “Supreme Light”, and I had visions, I saw a pharaoh and in my head I had like a tiara that priests use, I think it was Thot, I also heard that they told me Hathor; Later I had another vision and I saw Akenaton, these visions were very clear.
    ❤ ❤ I Love You ❤ ❤ Eernal Love and Bliss ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

  2. ❤ u

  3. Wow! Thank you so much L’Aura, Sanat Kumara, and the Divine Council of Overseers, so truly grateful to receive and to be a part of this 🙏🏻 I love you! 💙💚✨

  4. It’s truly amazing that this is really happening to Us, it was long waited yet, here and now, countless bow-downs in Eternal Love and Light ~.~ ~

  5. Thank YOU so very much for this sacred Activation! 🙏🏻❤️✨✨✨

  6. Thank you, dearest L’Aura, Sanat Kumara, and the Divine Council of Overseers for this sacred activation. I gratefully step forward.
    I love YOU!!

  1. Pingback: Light Ship Activating Now ~ WAKING UP FROM THE DREAM OF ILLUSION ~  Ascension Journey - Prime Disclosure

Are You Feeling it? Love always, L'Aura