You were Always your Higher Self ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness


Well here we are! Spring is almost here. Are you ready? Are you present in every moment. Are you observing and noticing how you feel, without shying away from those uncomfortable feelings that keep arising within you?

Are you ready to be completely transformed?

That is, to live in each moment in the awareness of All that you Are.

Free from the ideas or concepts of separation.

Maybe you have believed that one day you will merge and become your Higher Self.

At some levels, such as 3D that belief applies. As in 3D all there is seeking. Seeking that which you feel, believe and think, that you are apart from.

The only reason you felt apart from all of yourself, is that you had not fully arrived here. You had not yet entered the present moment.

It is as simple as that.

3D you are not present and always seeking.

When the mind rules that heart, you live in the wanting, the searching the never arriving state of being. Which is suffering.

When the Heart rules the mind, you live in the present moment.

YOU access living in your Heart through self-love.

It is a full-time experience, not a temporary sentimental thing.

It is the portal of acknowledgment that blows away all the old 3D teachings of becoming your higher self and becoming ascended. And teaches the higher truth.

You are ONLY Waking up, through your Heart, to the present moment, where you then recognize your own Divinity.

Where you live as your Divinity.

Where you live as the awareness, that what you sought in 3D was always present. You simply were living through the dictatorship of the mind, not governed by your Heart.

Again, when your Heart governs your mind, it is all Harmony. It is all Bliss. It is all You. The Pure You.

There never was anything else.

When living through your heart in 5th Dimensional Consciousness you have arrived in the moment.

You then hold the “awareness” of what was ALWAYS SO.

Nothing to attain, only to Be.

You were always your Higher Self, your Ascended Self.

You just did not live through the portal (your heart) that gave you your conscious access of Knowing and Being, it. In all moments.

So back to Spring, here we are.

Intend to receive this knowing and activation fully.

Soon I will speak to you live, and you will receive live downloads and activations, that will quicken your awareness, through your Heart, of your own Divinity.

Intend to awaken. Like the Spring. The newness. The Heart of it all. As pure as the Garden of Eden. We have arrived.


Eternal Ecstasy and Passion of the Soul!



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To Join the Group to Receive the Hourly 11 ~ 33 minutes after every, Divine Ascended Being Activation:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

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copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ Pleiadian Delegate 2012-2016.

Posted on March 19, 2016, in 5th Dimensional Consciousness, Alchemical Transfiguration, Alchemy, Awakening, Conscious Creation, I Am Presence, Intentions, Living in Your Heart, Love, Present Moment Awareness, Pure Being, The Pleiadians and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 9 Comments.

  1. Yes!! So sacred! Holding you in love!

  2. Yes I am ready…i do intend to receive this Divine Blessing, this Divine Activation. I am grateful for you. Love youuu

  3. Thank you! yes!💛💛💛Im so grateful too for your activation!

  4. Hi Megan, yes, anyone who intentions to receive will. I will make that more clear on the link. It is in the original post about it.
    The Divine Ascended Being Activation. It is on my website also. Soon live videos about all of this. Thank you for mentioning this!!

  5. L’aura, can you run the new hourly activation sign-up from a platform that isnt facebook, or something additional to facebook? Some of us arent on fb.

  6. Marja Thibaudier

    💛Wowww💛 Yes ready💛 Thank you so much L’Aura💛 Grateful to receive💛 Love you💛

  7. So grateful for this sacred activation; for you! I love you! 💛

Are You Feeling it? Love always, L'Aura