New Moon February 9th, 2024 ~ Love ❤️ ♥️

Well here we have a New Beginning, filled with love with Valentine’s Day celebrations on the 14th and before that we also have the Chinese New year on February 10th. This New Moon is on Friday February 9th at 6:59 pm AST.

This New Moon is in Aquarius and is square Uranus, which leads to the energies of potential sudden changes. Your own consciousness and awareness brings about the gentle nudges and quiet voice of love within you, for you to pay attention to, for your own transformation to occur.

The New Moon semi sextile Venus and Venus trine Uranus will help with the energies of transforming into being a love being that lives through your heart. Free from all the turmoil and suffering within from past programming and memories held in your cellular consciousness.

Remember your thoughts are things and mastery of your thoughts, in that they match and align in harmony with the eternal truth of your being and your desires is the transformation at hand.

This new beginning is a new cycle lasting till the next New Moon on March 10th, at 6am ADT. The first 2 weeks of this cycle are all about manifesting the new and a new start. The second half relates to removing anything within you that is in the way (the cause) of this manifesting. Of course we can only change ourselves, which often leads to changes for those close to us.

With so much uncertainty with all the wars and challenges that we as Earth beings face, now is the so called time, to be more in the now, to be in harmony within and to be part of the shift. It starts with you within you. All the old passes away before the new is born within. This is what creates the manifestation of the New Earth.

Emerging as the New Divine Being (that you already are) in form, is for your evolution and for the evolution of this Universe. Let us all reflect within and be part of this change. That is to say; to be filled with love and harmony, so that the original state of love, is once again on Earth the natural way of being as it was created to be since Earth’s first civilization ~ MU.

Your changing here in your current state of consciousness, changes simultaneously all parallel worlds where you now co exist. This is exciting in that, you can connect with the expanded you through all levels of your being. Here now, impacting now.

So this new beginning, New Moon tonight, The Chinese New Moon on Saturday and Valentines day on the 14th (all before the first two weeks into the New Moon) are powerful reminders to focus on a new beginning and for this new beginning be filled with love within. As the old programming of your consciousness releases some of the automatic fight or flight reactions (as the fears are overcome) we find ourselves stepping into a new reality. One that recognizes we are the cause of our experiences and we have the power to change.

In the love that is eternal, with The Divine Council or Overseers, with The Elohim, with Sanut Kumara and The Queen of Light, we bless you now and always ~ filled with eternal love, which all things are made of. ♥️♥️

Thank YOU! to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, THANK YOU AND I BLESS YOU!

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copyright L’Aura Pleiadian, The New Divine Humanity 2012-2024.

Posted on February 9, 2024, in Central Sun and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

Are You Feeling it? Love always, L'Aura