Summer Solstice June 20th, 2024/Full Moon ~ Enter The New World 🩷🌞🩷

Get set for several days of intensity as the Summer Solstice (winter solstice for some) begins on Thursday June 20th at 5:50 pm ADT. This will be the longest day, then we begin the process of less daylight. Of course this is the first official day of summer. Where I am now, we have a heat wave/Heat dome till after the Full Moon. The Full Moon is on Friday June 21st at 10:07 pm ADT. Just under 28 hours apart. This is rare, being so close together. For the above clock times, please check your local time zone, to get your local clock time.

The energies will be intense and very celebratory, as we begin a beautiful summer season. For most people that involves more outdoor activities, barbecues and beaches. Also a time of great heat, as heat domes and heat waves begin or have begun.

Appreciate the sunlight. Appreciate your existence, even if it is not yet all that you have desired it to be. Appreciation in the moment is everything, that state is harmonious.

The Full Moon and in general all of the Full Moon’s are a frequency of emotional activation and of intensity. The Sun opposite the Moon activates more of your subconscious mind, and brings to light any discrepancies within oneself. That is; to address within yourself and be conscious of.

Most people are not fully awake or conscious. They are stuck in an endless loop of non awareness revealed in every move they make, every word they speak, every thought they have, every sound that comes out of them.

Let us really become more awake and aware, during the Summer Solstice and during the Full Moon.

The Full Moon is in Capricorn. Because the Moon is lower in the Sky from Tuesday till Friday evening, the Moon will look larger and take on a beautiful golden hue. This is the most colourful Full Moon of the year cycle.

Let the beauty of this cycle and the frequencies, thereof, bathe you in the glorious light of your Higher Self. Cosmic God self, which you already are. As you complete more of your transformation to all that is, that you are. Monitor your self love and authenticity. As the union you desire, flows through these virtues of the heart.

Be mindful, grateful, authentic always. As the doors to heaven within flow through this way of being.

For now, always embrace all that you are. Be ok with what is now and embrace every moment as if it was your last. As it may be on Earth. Accept this and fears will vanish. Be open to what appears. be one with now.

Blessing you now in all aspects of your being, your transformation and your inner beauty. The light that heals everything is with us now. With The Divine Council of Overseers (from another Universe) we converge the beauty of all that is with all that you are being now. Sanut Kumara and The Queen of Light, immerse this Universe in its totality, with the Divine power of the universal plan. This is a power and a beauty beyond description. With you, with all that is, in love, always.

This is your New World.

Thank YOU! to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, THANK YOU AND I BLESS YOU!

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copyright L’Aura Pleiadian, The New Divine Humanity 2012-2024.

Posted on June 19, 2024, in Central Sun and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

Are You Feeling it? Love always, L'Aura