The Resurrection of Ancient Egypt Within πŸ’–πŸŒŸπŸ’–πŸŒŸπŸ’–

The Ancient Rituals, the Ancient Divine way of Being, both lie within you. Please pause and feel this, take a few breaths, feel your heart.

A wellspring of coded memory awakens now as the original design rises to be born again. Yes on this New Earth, the Divine reigns in golden glory untold.

Deep within, the mysteries awaken as the holy anointing is eternal and now. Breathe this in.

As the holy temples enter into their own awakened mysteries on Earth to be reivived, so also you and your inner temple, awakens now.

The Gods and Goddesses walk the Earth again. As all rises that is pure of heart and eternal.

Breathe in this holy union. You the Resurrected you, that is the eternal divine.

The heart that is pure, lives eternally.

Birth, death and resurrection apply to the Ancient ways and Deities and to YOU and your process of pure Divine union. Your death and rebirth are imminent, as this is the process of Divine Being.

The heart is measured. Know your state of your heart. Enter greater purity of heart and you enter greater Divine Glory and knowing.

All that is pure rises again. In this the Kingdom of the Divine, lives again and forever.

We bless you as these ancient frequencies enter your heart and permeate all of your being.

Although this appears as words you are reading. This is an awakening of deep within you. For you also will be resurrected.

Relax and feel, always, as you pass through life and enter eternity. For this is the sacred process you have always desired to know and be.

As Atlantis and Egypt are resurrected in Full Divine Glory, so also the Earth rises in its frequency. Going through this, you too awaken now to your Divine eternal being.

Rest only in your heart. As the pure in heart live fully here and throughout eternity, as it was created to be. As above, so below.

Enter now your inner temple, your sacred heart, your holy resurrected body and the risen New Earth. Breathe this in now.

Thank YOU! to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, THANK YOU AND I BLESS YOU!

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copyright L’Aura Pleiadian, The New Divine Humanity 2012-2022.

Posted on October 21, 2022, in Central Sun. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

Are You Feeling it? Love always, L'Aura