Not all things are set in stone. What is up next may very well be the most monumental EARTH Shift every experienced.

The energies and the frequencies of the SUN, GALACTIC Center and the VERY CORE of the Earth are shifting at a rapid pace which is accelerating exponentially.

Star Beings who have watched over the Earth for millions of years, exist inter dimensionally in a light ship/city; in which I communicated with them last night. I have met them before. They are magical DIVINE Beings, that exist through the DIVINE MATRIX of LOVE creation, and are present in many places, simultaneously.

The rules of gravity and more do not apply to their level of consciousness. As they have mastered form and live through their heart. Names are not needed at the level of frequency that they exist through.

For human purposes we may call them the Divine Galactic Observers.

They monitor and watch over the light frequencies and exist as part of eyes of The Divine Council of Overseers.

They have observed many experiences of the Earth transforming itself. From pole shifts, to observing Venus turning itself inside out and so much more.

There is no thing to fear about any of this; as what takes place as far as your personal experience will be Divinely unique to your own awareness, frequency and life plan for this incarnation that you exist through.

What is coming through you is the evolution of man kind, of the human being, into ascended into the light frequency awareness of being, in which you literally transform in a blink of an eye, to the DIVINE BEING.

The City of Golden Light is infused in the heart of the DNA beginning AND programming when Earth began and holds the keys of BEING through this shift.

This is and will be the exaltation of the heart into all level of DIVINE BEING.

The subtle body goes through the alchemical process of being the body that you will find yourself to BE AS ~ through the heart, through this process.

No matter what goes on around you, as if shaken to the very core of EARTH; the butterfly does emerge from the chrysalis becomes the NEW EARTH in the Golden Divine City of LIGHT.

Make no mistake, this city exists NOW and I see it, all that enter will be transformed. The DIVINE KEYS held in the memory, open the heart, to be the cocoon that births the newness of DIVINE BEING.

In this with The Divine Council of Overseers and the Divine Galactic Observers, we walk in this new EARTH even NOW. Through Divine Love in the GLORY of the Divine Plan before time. Playing out in the here and NOW.

Thank YOU to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, thank you’d bless you:

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copyright L’Aura Pleiadian ~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2021.

Posted on March 9, 2021, in The Pleiadians. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. If in fact I am Mother Mary, I learned that one day when I was meditating and listening to a “Pray for no vis”, incessantly, I looked for what I wanted to say, and it is the prayer of Mary, Mary is the pray for no vis.
    Ask yesterday or the day before in meditation and my conscience answered: “Help everyone who needs it.” I understand that I am in time to fulfill this mission now on earth. After the intense light that I received, and this has an effect, that is, as I assimilate it, changes occur in my consciousness, changes occur within me. Today in the morning I have only felt that tears come to my eyes and that I cannot contain them. I know that I am above all music, music that runs through my whole being and all my veins in a sublime way.
    I love nature, I almost feel it, I almost cry when I see a plant or an animal suffering or mistreated.
    ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ I Love you ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ Eternal Love, Bliss and Gratitude ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

  2. Wow! Beautiful and Sacred Activation!! Thank you so much, L’Aura, The Divine Galactic Observers and The Divine Council of Overseers!

    I Love You! 🙏🏻💜✨

Are You Feeling it? Love always, L'Aura