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Intentions for Your New Year Timeline ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness


You want to experience a change a deep transformation.

You understand that the changes you desire, take place deep within yourself first. Then those changes manifest as your external reality.

Your thoughts, words and feelings, DEEP within your subconscious mind, play out the program through which you experience your life.

You have practised loving yourself. As things arise, you STAY Present with them, and take time for yourself for this internal process.

You live in greater harmony, one moment at a time and you do NOT look back, if the previous moment was not as harmonious as you would have wanted it to be.

You have stopped beating yourself up and when that old habit flares up, you NOW stay present with it, as if the PAIN itself was a child. That only wanted the tenderness and compassion ONLY you can give it. As it is a part of you. The part of you that has waited to be loved.

As you loved yourself more and more, the inner child becomes your sacred companion and the magic becomes the EFFORTLESS way, you go through the FLOW of life.

Through the moments, whether they are bliss or still show up as some disharmony.

You know the new timeline exists and it is part of your expanded state of consciousness that you are stretching INTO.

When you have STRETCHED your HEART enough and the pain is all gone, you merge with that new consciousness.

That is, the Future Timeline, the ONE that exists but seems separate and not one with your current reality.

The MORE you love yourself the more you realize you are more present now. It is very magical.

NOW that new timeline that LOVE you feel is there, that abundance, that magic.

HOW to expand consciously and feel the conviction within yourself that YES, I am staying true to this, this is my path and as I stay true I WILL ARRIVE.

The Conviction is a momentum that increases through your focus and Intentions.

That is, the intentions that you sincerely HOLD within yourself, within your Heart. Set your INTENTIONS through your Heart IN ALIGNMENT with your TRUE Higher Self.

Then allow and surrender as the ever DEEPENING processes increase in momentum. AS you are NOW being activated on ALL levels and all timelines, for this YOUR Beatific Life and Glory, ALL NOW.

I Intend to live a FULL life of Abundance, of Joy and of Living through my heart, NOW.

I Intend to pay attention to all that arises and to not resist what is up next that may not always feel comfortable, but that IS THERE for me to LOVE. 

I Intend to LOVE myself SO MUCH, that I feel so deeply LOVED, that I live my life knowing FROM this moment ON that all relationships MATCH that LOVE, that lives within me. 

I intend to trust MY SOUL and LIVE as though each MOMENT was the MOMENT that changes everything. Even if I do not see proof externally right away. 

I Intend to receive ALL activations that clear the memories stored in my subconscious mind to recognize all that arises is part of that process and that the process includes OLD patterns being released. 

I Intend to LIVE as My Higher Self and Live in my New Timeline, NOW. 

I Intend to be OPEN and RECEIVE MIRACLES and complete Transformation, my ASCENSION ~ and I TRUST my Soul and the timing as the PERFECT PROCESS that I have already agreed to and that already exists. NOW. 

I Intend to BE the ONE that Loves myself NO MATTER what. No matter where I have been, what I have done, no matter how bad I have felt about myself in the so-called past. And I understand that it was only those memories deep within me WAITING for this LOVE. 

And so Here we ARE, say these Intentions powerfully through your heart, know them as WHAT lives deep within you that is waiting to join with you. The truth of your Heart. Your True HIGHER Self. Your Ascended Self. The ONE that knows that LOVE is the ONLY Way. The ONLY thing that is eternal. That is the YOU that is the Glory and JOY and Abundance that YOU have always desired.

It is YOU. It has always been about YOU.

You waiting for you.

You Loving you.

And in this THE Anointing of the GLORY of the DIVINE is known through its perfection of Love. The ONLY one true Love, unconditional. 5th Dimensional. The eternal LOVE that you Are.

Activated and Blessed beyond your wildest imagination. NOW and only NOW receive, IN the Purest Love, the Divine Council of Overseers, And so it is! NOW!






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The New Year/Timeline ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness


Love ~ Romance, those experiences you have desired to have. That LIFE you always wanted.

The Abundance, the JOY deep within, that is not dependent on any of those things. YET ~ is there and is the very force of consciousness that materializes your reality. That is, your thoughts your emotions. The patterns behind your thoughts and emotions. Your subconscious mind.

Let us begin with where we are NOW. Going deeper into those feelings that when overlooked (avoided) lead to a subconscious projection of desires that are not in harmony with your conscious desires. 

Your New Timeline, the expanded you where you concretely manifest and MATCH your inner subconscious world and your conscious world is the alignment, with the very Source of You. Your Higher Self, You. 

The Harmony of you. 

Igniting the eternal fire within, through the Heart. Aligns the original Soul Star Matrix with the cellular consciousness of the form. 

This takes place through the alchemy of this harmony through the heart. 

The state of consciousness consisting of no discrepancies, is that expanded YOU in Union with all aspects of your Being. Inner and outer. Not as a projection, but as a way of being.

Energetically there is a world of difference. IN manifesting through this true alignment. Or manifesting through attempts at manipulating things based on an outer grasping of that which is not present within you as a harmony state of consciousness.

Back to those feelings and thoughts that run through your program of consciousness.

Are they in alignment with your desires?

Do you say you want this and that, yet think and feel unworthy are your core? So you manipulate situations for your gain? This may work some of the time, yet, what you get, is temporary as it is not a TRUE alignment, in harmony with the core of your being.

NOW, activating this greater alignment of truth. Dissolving the relentless stories of a consciousness that no longer serves us as being of the 5th Dimension of consciousness.

LET us not BYPASS  what is present now.

That is the WAY of the Union.

Facing and dealing with NOW, how you truly feel deep within yourself. Observing those thoughts, going deep into the core of you. Feeling those feelings, that pain, those fears. Results in the alchemy, through harmony and union, of the true manifesting of the ALIGNMENT with your PURE state of consciousness. The Alignment with that timeline, where ALL shifts for YOU.

Inner transformation manifesting in your reality.

The subconscious and conscious minds, uniting as the LIVING, BREATHING, concretely here, COMPLETELY fulfilled on all levels ~ Higher Self YOU.

This is where the true magic of living begins. In this true core alignment. The Subconscious in harmony with the conscious desires. That live through you as a Unified Being that lives through the Heart.

The very act of neglecting what is truly going on within you at a deeper levels, is the heart not yet activated fully to LOVE oneself. 5th Dimensional consciousness is about YOU and YOU loving you.

That is the foundation. The way of Being.

We do not neglect ourselves or neglect what is truly going on within ourselves. We Embrace it. WE give compassion to it. We Listen to it. We become the ONE that loves us, like no one else every did or possibly could. Because they also needed to embrace loving themselves. It is an evolutionary process.

We must begin with what this is all about.

This is about YOU and has always been.

The characters and players are there revealing what is lacking the self-love within ourselves. It is a highly orchestrated PLAN of consciousness, that orchestrates all aspects and levels of awareness. So as to align the people, places, where, when and how, with the STATE of consciousness and the levels of awareness you have attained within your consciousness.

The levels are your levels of inner awareness.

There is NO BYPASSING on the route to inner awareness, there is nothing out there that will do this for you. YOU look at YOU the truth of what is going on within you.

As you do so, the alchemy works its magic.

It cleans up what needs greater alignment, so that you may materialize the Divine Aspects of Consciousness.

Abundance, Love, Fulfillment are all part of the Divine Plan.

The Alignment with your purity at the very core level, activates you to be the YOU that is the fulfilled you. The Blissful you. The Loving you. The ONE that you have waited for YOU. To Be. This always has existed.

Feel your heart and breathe as the very core of you now is being activated at the subconscious levels, to awaken more of this within you. To transform your consciousness  ever so gently, so that the manifestation of it, becomes your reality and all you know.

Blessings you, activating YOU. Knowing this is about YOU. Deep within. The Light shines eternally, through your Heart. This great new timeline. This great New Year. 

All NOW. In the Glory of All That is, here we Are. 





To Follow me on Facebook and receive The Hourly Activation “Divine Ascended Being Activation”