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New Moon June 6th, 2024 ~ Immersed in Love 🩷🌷🩷

This is a very special New Beginning! The New Moon in Gemini, is on Thursday June 6th at 9:37 am ADT. The Impact of Sun conjunct Moon is always beneficial for a magical new beginning. This New cycle lasts till July 5th New Moon. Please check your local time zone, so that you know when this New Moon takes place.

This New Moon is conjunct Venus and there will be a great shift within to greater harmony, peace and love. Greater unconditional Love is also possible for you. First and foremost for yourself. As no one can give what they do not already have within themselves.

Venus also makes a very significant shift in its cycle in June, it changes from The Morning Star, to The Evening Star. This also brings greater peace and harmony and away from war and disharmony.

As the world around us externally continues in its ways, let us focus on what truly matters.

When all is said and done, what is left on Earth? You take with you and leave true love if you have embodied this.

Love is the only thing that is eternal and our Soul’s makeup is that of unconditional love. The energies of consciousness of this love is in alignment with the Angels.

So for now, enter your heart, enter into all the love you can feel. Immerse yourself in this. Let this spread out and expand throughout the Universe as golden light that is powerful and filled with love. Take some deep breaths.

Know that the caterpillar does not know it will become a butterfly. Same with you and your transformation you will be amazed at what you become. A new being. One that is in perfect alignment with all that is. With all that you are eternally. Filled with love and greater joy in all moments.

Believe and trust and enter into this expansive true love. Breathe it in when you lay down for sleep and when you wake up in the morning.

Feel the bliss of this. As the consciousness of true Union is Bliss.

Allow yourself to become free and transform through this love.

Enter into this New Moon with the awareness of this new cycle. Of the love of Venus and all of the Universe. Revel in this expansive frequency and state of consciousness.

With the Sacred Light Beings, The Divine Council of Overseers (always present) Sanut Kumara and The Queen of Light. With the Elohim blessings you now with miracles and love. We bless you, now. Always and eternally, in unconditional love.

Thank YOU! to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, THANK YOU AND I BLESS YOU!

To Follow me on my Facebook PAGE and receive The Hourly Activation “COSMIC GOD SELF Activation”

You may join this Group to Receive (or Intend to receive this) the Hourly COSMIC GOD SELF ACTIVATION, 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

AND OR FOLLOW me HERE to Receive the Hourly COSMIC GOD SELF ACTIVATIONS, 11 to 33 minutes after every hour Activation:

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions, Initiations, Invocations TO receive ETERNAL Blessings, AND ACTIVATIONS FOR YOU, For your TRANSFORMATION: L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

To Follow me on Twitter:http://www.twitter.comLAuraPleiadian


copyright L’Aura Pleiadian, The New Divine Humanity 2012-2024.

Full Moon May 23rd, 2024 ~ Deep Transformation 🩷🩷

This Powerful Full Moon is Sagittarius on Wednesday May 23rd at 10:53am ADT, please check your local clock time. Be prepared for potential intense experiences and feelings as deep subconscious shifts may take place for you.

The main impact is The Full Moon Sextile Pluto! Which will bring major deep transformational experiences for many. During this we have Venus conjunct Jupiter and Jupiter sextile Neptune. Lots of love feelings and connections as well as attachments that are unhealthy may be activated. As, after all, all of this is for your personal transformation.

Stay focused on what you would like to transform within you! As the threshold between this world and other parallel worlds may collide. This is all within you, Your consciousness, your Higher Self, your eternal being coming more to the forefront of your experience.

With The Divine Council of Overseers and many beings that are eternally present now, In forever love, blessing you! For your transcendence and transformation, always! Now.

Thank YOU! to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, THANK YOU AND I BLESS YOU!

To Follow me on my Facebook PAGE and receive The Hourly Activation “COSMIC GOD SELF Activation”

You may join this Group to Receive (or Intend to receive this) the Hourly COSMIC GOD SELF ACTIVATION, 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

AND OR FOLLOW me HERE to Receive the Hourly COSMIC GOD SELF ACTIVATIONS, 11 to 33 minutes after every hour Activation:

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions, Initiations, Invocations TO receive ETERNAL Blessings, AND ACTIVATIONS FOR YOU, For your TRANSFORMATION: L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

To Follow me on Twitter:http://www.twitter.comLAuraPleiadian


copyright L’Aura Pleiadian, The New Divine Humanity 2012-2024.

Happy Divine Feminine Day ~ Mother’s Day 🩷🌷🩷

Happy Divine Feminine Day! Which lives within everyone, male of female or however you identify yourself as. For those of you that are a Mother, or have a Mother on Earth or not, Happy Sacred Day of celebrating the Divine Feminine within you.

We bless all of YOU! In all moments and now during this sacred Ritual day of Honour and Love! With The Divine Council of Overseers. It is all now and we celebrate YOU!

Have the most beautiful day in Love, Joy and Bliss! Now and always in all eternal moments! In love!

Thank YOU! to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, THANK YOU AND I BLESS YOU!

To Follow me on my Facebook PAGE and receive The Hourly Activation “COSMIC GOD SELF Activation”

You may join this Group to Receive (or Intend to receive this) the Hourly COSMIC GOD SELF ACTIVATION, 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

AND OR FOLLOW me HERE to Receive the Hourly COSMIC GOD SELF ACTIVATIONS, 11 to 33 minutes after every hour Activation:

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions, Initiations, Invocations TO receive ETERNAL Blessings, AND ACTIVATIONS FOR YOU, For your TRANSFORMATION: L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

To Follow me on Twitter:http://www.twitter.comLAuraPleiadian


copyright L’Aura Pleiadian, The New Divine Humanity 2012-2024.

Happy New Moon, January 11th, 2024 ~ New Birth 💖🌟💖

This New Moon In Capricorn (constellation Sagittarius) is at 7:57 am AST on Thursday January 2024. The signs and constellations do not add because of the procession of the equinoxes.

The one major aspect of Uranus trine the New Moon today is very powerful for change. Radical change within. A minor grand trine with Mars, Jupiter and Saturn lend great energy to the potential for great transformation now. With that is great potential energy to tap into.

This New Year with Mercury Retrograde ended combined with this powerful beneficial new Moon and its impact will last till the February 9th, Super New Moon.

Use this return to light as the great impetus it is for delving deeper into knowing yourself. Your thoughts, your emotions and the cycle within you that may trigger a subconscious response through awareness and non awareness. This knowing yourself more and the patterns you go through will have a profound impact on your ability to transform yourself.

Death and rebirth, transformation to the complete true you, is the taking away of the old programming, that is the only thing in the way or your being in form the pure true eternal Divine Being, that you are.

Stay focused, be aware of what acts as a trigger for the old programming (thoughts) within. Stay in the truth that you know within. Stay in your Divine Consciousness. Focus and see things through that. Through all that you are eternally in the now. In the love that is forever and true. In all that you desire to be in the now.

In pure eternal love with The Divine Council of Overseers, always with you, now and forever. Blessing you this new magical cycle.

Thank YOU! to all that have donated!Any donations are GREATLY appreciated, THANK YOU AND I BLESS YOU!

To Follow me on my Facebook PAGE and receive The Hourly Activation “COSMIC GOD SELF Activation”

You may join this Group to Receive (or Intend to receive this) the Hourly COSMIC GOD SELF ACTIVATION, 11 ~ 33 minutes after every hour:!/groups/Frequency5thDimension.AgeofAquarius/?fref=ts

AND OR FOLLOW me HERE to Receive the Hourly COSMIC GOD SELF ACTIVATIONS, 11 to 33 minutes after every hour Activation:

To Listen to the Audio Frequency Transmissions, Initiations, Invocations TO receive ETERNAL Blessings, AND ACTIVATIONS FOR YOU, For your TRANSFORMATION: L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)

To Follow me on Twitter:http://www.twitter.comLAuraPleiadian


copyright L’Aura Pleiadian, The New Divine Humanity 2012-2024.