Deliriously Held, in the Void, Caught up in Beauty ~ One Hundred Fold 

In love, he said, the elixir is smoother, the touch is firmer, the eyes more powerful.

In love, she said, the lips do tremble, the heart beats faster, the textures softer.

Entering the chamber, with golden drapes, pure spun silk, and delicate lace.

The skylight stars, hovering above, shine like diamonds, with music wafting with heavenly doves.

The love is everything, with smell divine, lingering traces, stopping time.

Engulfed in bliss, the endless rapture, opens the gates, with child like laughter.

Deliriously held, in the void, caught up in beauty, one hundred  fold.

This is eternity, they both said, breathing, touching, feeling ~ the infinite expand and spread.

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Posted on October 2, 2018, in 5th Dimension; The Age of Aquarius., 5th Dimensional Consciousness, 5th Dimensional Love Relationships, Alchemical Transfiguration, Awakening, Conscious Creation, I Am Presence, Living in Your Heart, Love, Present Moment Awareness, Pure Being, The Pleiadians and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 7 Comments.

  1. Oh beautiful flower thank you I give you
    for your sweetness and for your love
    infinite that makes me reborn
    and shudder of happiness
    to feel close to me
    by feeling your Divine Presence

    Oh beautiful and angelic flower
    my heart can not live without your heart
    your eyes that speak to me
    and your mouth that inspires me

    Oh Heart – Oh Blessed Heart
    Heart full of Love
    Your music I feel in my heart
    with your great wings you cover me
    that takes me beyond eternity
    my life is filled with ecstasy and pure Love
    my heart follows you where you go

  2. Many more Love is express in the harmonic -presence Of Our Loved Quin of Light ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

  3. Deliriously I feel you, like the scent of flowers.
    Deliriously I shudder with your voice, deep inside me
    If with Love hovering all around us
    You feel the magic and the sweetness of life
    You also feel the dazzling eternity

    Your beautiful and magical pic

    This morning I had a lucid dream, I dreamed I was finding out to make a trip, we had several people and the one that explained how the route was and whether it passed there or not, it was a woman dressed in white, it was about two meters from height, and I was worried that it would suddenly fall, it was Mother Mary, and I found out from a trip to the City of Light of Salta, not curious, but I liked the dream, if I would like to go to that place.

    ❤ ❤ I Love You ❤ ❤ Eternal Love and Bliss ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

  4. So beautiful 🙏🏻💗🌹

  5. Marja Thibaudier

    💖 Sacred💖 L‘Aura💖 I Love this and You 💖

  6. The blessed Energy in Love ✨❤️✨

  7. Thank YOU Sacred InAnna ~ Beauty Beyond 🙂 I enter this Holy Eternal Divine Love state in & through my conscious awareness ~ the Twins in an eternal flame dance of blessed Union as One. No time ~ no separation 🙂 All is love, I am love, the All is love ~ all I see, hear, feel, know, & experience is the expanse & fullness of eternal love. In Gratitude for YOUR Welcomed Wisdom, Divine Presence, Beauty, Magic, cosmic poetry, & So much more!!!! TY TY TY!!! 🙂 I Love YOU ~ Always & 4ever 🙂 I flow in unison with YOUR magic……….:)

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