Full Moon October 29th, 2012

Full Moon October 29th, 2012 in The fixed loyal sign of Taurus 6 degrees.

The Full Moon is a culmination of Frequency since the New Moon.

Do you remember what crystals you programmed and for what on the New Moon? Did you focus on Harmony and Staying Present within your Heart since the New Moon. Are you keeping Notes. Please do.

Now is the time to get that notebook out and review and make notes. Charge your Crystals under the Full Moon.

The Conscious Sun in Scorpio Opposes the Subconscious Taurus.

Body Image, finances, love and sensual desires all play a role in this Full Moon. Areas in your Life that your “Reality” does not match your “Desires” usually stirs Up the Emotional Body.

Please Allow yourself the Gift of Being in Harmony this Full Moon. It is VERY important to keep the emotional Body calm. When the emotional body is calm the mental body is also.

Staying in Harmony will allow you to  stay present and release with ease anything that does come up.

With Samhain;  All Hallows Eve around the corner the Aspects of Death and Dying and “Beyond the Veil” are also  powerful influences this time of the Year.

Coming literally from the “Beyond”  I see no Mysteries. In Union you are One with everything. There is no thing Hidden in Union from You. You are Shifting to this Union Now.

To help you during the time of the month when the Emotional Body tends to be more up and down I urge you to TAKE the time to listen to my Frequency Transmissions and Receive The Queen of Light Transmissions. These Frequencies are Transmitted from the Central Sun through The Queen of Light. They Transform your DNA and Cellular Consciousness to Union Frequencies. Source Frequency.

The Links are Below.

Celebrating the Full Moon and  Samhain allows you to Link your Conscious and Subconscious with your Heart and Highest Destiny.

Take time for you and acknowledge the Sacred  Gift of the Moon and the Natural Cycles in Your Life. I am sending all of You My Love Now and during the Full Moon. Allow yourself to receive this Unconditional Love from the Central Sun directly into Your Higher Heart and Blueprint.

To Listen to The Frequency Transmissions and Subscribe to my YouTube Channel:


To Receive The Daily Queen of Light Transmissions:


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To Order The Pleiadian Blueprint Activation, Pleiadian Twin Soul Activation, Pleiadian 12 Strand DNA Activation, Pleiadian Light Transmissions and Healing Sessions:


Have a Beautiful Full Moon, I Love You.

In Divine Love, Ecstasy and Union.

The Queen of Light


copyright Pleiadian Delegate 2012.

About L'Aura Pleiadian

Holding All in Divine Love and Transformation, Forevermore, L'Aura

Posted on October 26, 2012, in 5th Dimension; The Age of Aquarius., Awakening, Becoming Light, Crystals, DNA, Dreams, Energy Bodies, Frequencies, Present Moment Awareness, Queen of Light, Sacred Sex, Source Frequency, The Moon, The Pleiadians, Twin Flame Love. Bookmark the permalink. 5 Comments.

  1. I Love You Thank you for being here ❤

  2. I am a Walk-in, not Born.
    Love you!

  3. How did you know your Pleiadain ?

  4. I think i’ve seen some agitated emotional bodies today, i’m glad you pointed this out. It is frustrating Not to be able to fulfill our desires. xxxx Love Deva

Are You Feeling it? Love always, L'Aura