I Am A New Version of Myself ~ Ascension

The New Divine Humanity

Relax, Breathe and stay focused upon your Breath.

Feel the Light of this Transmission, go deep into your Heart.

As the truth of NOW awakens consciously and activates all levels of your Being Now.

I now accept and know that I have awakened to a New Version of myself.

I have lived at the edge of my comfort zone and there have found the Solace of a new way of Being.

The only way I could live through the feelings I experienced was through my heart.

I held myself as a child longing to be loved for the first time and then became real.

I have lived through the awakened Β fears of the Unknown within my subconscious that now I know as conscious.

I no longer believe that fears come from outside of myself and recognize my consciousness as it arises playing out a reality for me to recognize myself…

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Posted on August 1, 2018, in The Pleiadians. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. chin sin khoon

    i love you , kissed .

  2. chin sin khoon

    Great !

Are You Feeling it? Love always, L'Aura